Imagine shitposting on a ps2 with linux. I didnt even know it could do this until recently, are their any other consoles that can do something similar?
Imagine shitposting on a ps2 with linux. I didnt even know it could do this until recently...
Other urls found in this thread:
I shitpost from my PS3 lad.
cmm allows guest OS boot.
nice, heres a picture of the setup kit
I also recently bought a ps3 so i can actually do that now
The original xbox and it doesn't require special hardware unlike the PS2
Also, read the book Hacking The Xbox
I assume emulation is possible for the xbox as well? I heard it can be done, and the 360 has a way of being hacked in order to do all sorts of things.
You won't be able to shitpost on Jow Forums with it. The captcha just won't load, and neither will the catalog. And I'm sure other stuff will be broken. The PS2 has a 300MHz MIPS CPU and 32MB of RAM, which isn't enough to really do anything useful these days. The RAM is the biggest bottleneck in the system. Now if you could get 64MB or even 128MB you could really make Linux quite useful on that.
ps3 could for awhile
I shitposted from a PSP for nearly two years of my life
>special hardware
The HDD?
you can post with noscript captcha if the browser isn't TOO old
if you could install a modern-ish version of linux to run a modern browser you could run it by setting up a swap partition, although the loading time could go into the minutes range
hexchat works just fine though
I always thought it was rather cool how hardware can be repurposed like that. Weren't PS3's being used in clusters for their CELL processing capabilities? Shit in the movie Chappie he used a cluster of PS4's.
Shame companies don't release all the behind the scenes information on their older consoles and the CPU's governing them for easier development. It's not like they're making money on them anymore.
>and it doesn't require special hardware unlike the PS2
Because it's a standard PC clone with a slightly modified GeForce GPU and a custom BIOS. Besides, the PS2 doesn't need "special hardware" to run Linux, all it needs is the LAN/HDD adapter (Used by many regular games) and the VGA cable. Funnily enough, the xbox is the one that needs mods or adapters to use the front controller ports as USB for input devices.
>You won't be able to shitpost on Jow Forums with it. The captcha just won't load, and neither will the catalog.
The captcha loads just fine without JavaScript, I have successfully posted from my Performa 6320CD using Classilla under Mac OS 8.6. I did have 64MiB of ram installed in the system, but I don't remember even getting close to that amount with a single Jow Forums tab open.
You can shitpost on anything that has an mmu
you can run it off a usb stick. IIRC all you need is a specially formatted memory card or a modded console and a dvd with the bootloader
nice fat thinclient bro
>Shit in the movie Chappie he used a cluster of PS4's
Yes, surely PS4s were used in a movie by Sony Pictures because the low-end APUs they contain are actually supercomputer-tier processors. It's not because it's a fucking Sony Pictures movie and it was done for product placement reasons.
>Reddit spacing
Oh, that explains it.
Can you give a tutorial how to do this? I have a PS2 and i want to go on the internet with it.
Also, can you still play games with it?
if your browser is too old it'll shit the bed because even the noscript captcha requires modern https connections. not to mention css issues that can make it unusable
>tfw psp has no mmu
I get that you fucking cunt. I mean that even Sony acknowledges that their consoles are capable of more. Product placement aside.
>Reddit spacing
Right yes, a blank line to separate different thoughts is Reddit. Stop trying to fit in so much you feckless sack of shit
Think about what you have just posted right there.
They made you believe a consumer device with a low-end Bulldozer CPU and no high-bandwidth interconnects to speak of is capable of being run in a configuration that would provide a reasonable amount of computational power. Now, that's an effective marketing stunt if I've ever seen one.
>Right yes, a blank line to separate different thoughts is Reddit.
It is. Lurk moar.
>specially formatted memory card
FMCB doesn't specially format it, it's just a signed update file
>I didnt even know it could do this until recently
How young are you, kiddo?
I'd imagine you can post from Opera Mini
The US air force made a super computer with a bunch of PS3s.
Install GentooX
>any other consoles that can do something similar?
Wii, Gamecube and 3DS can load linux without graphic environment afaik
where dreamcast
Golf simulator for when the weather is bad?
You can install linux on a ps4 and Jow Forums does work on it.
Also you can get a browser for just Jow Forums that can run on any machine with linux on it. You just cannot post without Jow Forums pass.
Yes, ps3, ps2, ps4, wii, 3ds, wii u, switch with the webkit (homebrew and stock), psvita...
How impressive, GNU/Linux on yet another generic x86 box.
Are you that PS3 poster?
Not him but nah, you lurk moar you fucking retard.
You clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
I have been thinking. We know some smart watch's can run linux. So why don't we try to get Jow Forums to load on a smart watch?
Not really
not even needed, can write a pre-made free HD boot image to the drive (usbide/sata or whatever you end up doing) and be done in an instant
Black Rhino already sets up swap on the harddrive if you install it properly.
Okay anons. I have these things in my posession. Which should mean I should be able to boot up DS2Linux on this thing, and bring up a very basic X server thanks to the memory expansion. All I have to do is set up a cross-compile environment on my desktop and build a modern browser. I'll report back if I have any success.
do it
>calls it redding spacing revealing he's at most 14
>doesnt call it what it is double spacing
>double spacing has been around for decades
>reddit has been around for years
I love when dumb underage posters make retard comments about reddit posting when it's double spacing. Shows their lack of education and their lack of age.
Top kek what a pathetic lil bitch
Vita seems like it's ready to be blown wide open with theFlow's Modoru. Also can you imagine that the first entry point for the Vita was a never before seen Webkit vulnerability?
Neat, but I'd just buy a dead PS2, gut it, and put some kind of ITX board inside.
linus ?
you're a faggot, stop gutting old shit for views, try to restore and make them usable
but that takes actual effort doesn't it you absolute negroid
Mate, there millions of fat PS2s. Don't pretend they are a valuable commodity.
I really want one of these with the proper kit even if I'd just use it as a simple server.
>even the noscript captcha requires modern https connections.
No it doesn't, it just can't verify the certificate on its own, once you accept it everything still works fine. Let's Encrypt is quickly turning the rest of the internet into cancer for shitbox browsing, though.
Boring and it would probably just look ugly and dated as fuck. Keep the past in the past and let it shine the way it is.
the ps2 has no ability to boot from USB without the memory card hack or the dvd
depends on the board but on Jow Forums reddit spacers tend to also be the low IQ posters
so are the retards who mistake paragraphs for reddit spacing indicating they don't actually know what reddit spacing is or where it comes from
it is part of the board's culture not to double space your posts. if you do it people call you out, so with time you learn not to do it just to be able to have a normal discussion without irrelevant posts about formatting. people who don't do it tend to be newfriends. it doesn't matter where you originally learned to double space, be it reddit or elsewhere, here you just don't do it.
it's a pretty decent way to detect if somebody's new.
unless your posts have actual factual knowledge or are otherwise valuable and high IQ, then you can format it however you want and nobody will bat an eye
it's not a mistake. it's just a funny insult, it's doesn't matter whether it actually originated on reddit or with people sending emails in the 80s
Good luck running anything with only 32MB RAM
>but its le funny meme especially when i repeat it over and over again xD
fuck off dumb newfag, you are the only low IQ poster here
>you can run it off a usb stick
Using USB 1.0? lel.
Entire institutions used to work with half of that and pay millions for the privilege, you can too.
t. shitbox homeserver user
If you read my post carefully you end up installing FHDB which puts the exploit in a place where it is checked on PS2 startup WITHOUT the use of MCs or DVDs, ever. Even after exploiting, fuck 'em.
The USB mention was for connecting it to a PC to write the image.
It can use swap!
You can install to the HDD (slowly :^)) which is preferable. However the networking is also Base10 in practice, you MIGHT get up to 2MB/s.
I can't even get a working hdd adapter since they were only released in japan and the us
Filthy PS3 posters
are you in the eu or some other region?
Yes, all I can find is either overpriced garbage or SATA chinkshit with dubious compatibility and a missing ethernet interface
yeah my response was how to do it without "special hardware" which the hdd linux kit counts as in my book
why though, the LAN/HDD add-ons weren't one-off things as part of the Linux kit and were also official parts directly from Sony used for a variety of other purposes
Unless you plan to actually use the ethernet for something (not putting games on for sure since it sucks, MAYBE some xlink kai multiplayer) you're not missing much and chink SATA is fine.
For putting games on it I'd recommend a direct connection between PC and drive, otherwise enjoy an hour+ per ISO.
I tried using an USB HDD but it was slow
How is the actual compatibility of those adapters, have you used some? I've heard that some newer ones are supposedly okay but that doesn't have to mean much.
Nope, I have an IDE+RJ11+45 adapter. Kinda hard to fuck up SATA.
With enough adapters you can use USB devices (self-powered) or even SD cards via the HDD connection.
>With enough adapters you can use USB devices (self-powered) or even SD cards via the HDD connection.
Sure, but then I might as well just burn the games since they will be faster
By the way, is there really no easy was to play ps1 backup discs with free mcboot? The pops emulator is garbage.
Burning games wouldn't be cheaper though!
I'm not sure about PS1, probably a lost cause without something like SwapMagic. Ask or
It's merely a modern name for an old problem
>not using PS2SMB
I download a game on my computer and it shows up on my PS2, shit's wonderful
>not using a transfer method that at best caps at 2MB/s
Might as well emulate at that point and skip the PS2.
Whats it called?
The convenience by far trumps the difference in load times. Not to mention I just need to put a game in the directory once and it shows up on all my PS2s. And they can share virtual memory cards also accessible over the network.
I used to browse Jow Forums with pic related years ago
>multiple PS2
Beyond saving
They cost pocket change, I buy one every time I find one for sale. Every TV in the house has its own PS2
same, i had dialup at home when i first got the psp, so i soon found an open hotspot in a nearby parking lot with broadband, and spent many hours after school using my psp on it (my first wifi device)
is there then a reason to buy a PS3 nowadays aside from playing games then? I assume a cheapo atom chink tablet has a better CPU too.
I can see it now...
>fucking watch-posters
An OtherOS compatible one would be fun to mess around with
>I assume a cheapo atom chink tablet has a better CPU too
A modern Atom core has about half the performance a Core2 core has. The Cell may only have a single POWER4-derived (iirc) core but it's got 7 SPEs as well, it'd probably depend on the workload.
At first I thought you were talking about the IBM PS/2, and you got my hopes up :/
hacked ps4 can run linux (Psxitarch Linux) and along with web browser it can emulate ps3 and Wii U via linux
there's a dude who hosts a gopher and an imageboard instance on his ps3.
>it is part of the board's culture not to double space your posts.
>it's a pretty decent way to detect if somebody's new
are you serious?
sperging out about spacing really is a relatively recent here
how new are you?
>and chink SATA is fine
No it's not, and it's been debated multiple times whether or not to get rid of support for those from OPL already.
>memes are static and set in stone forever
found the brainlet
Not really. If you live in the terminal they make a decent Linux system. Debian 8 is actually still supported.
I 3d Print from one using the OctoPrint server. And have OpenPLC running as well, I'm hoping to write some shitty Ladder Logic programs and have it water the garden or run a Saw Mill or some shit.
I'll have four soon, two I got for free, two cost me £12, three of them have broken blu ray drives. Eventually I'll cluster them, there are a fair few guides for online specifically for doing this.
I used to do that over 10 years ago...
Any PSPposters here?
How do you have fun just posting on Jow Forums?? People can do it all day for hours, it's too understimulating, maybe I do it wrong.
im posting from a ps4, whats the reason for picking the ps2 exactly?
from Arch Linux?
yes. its turned into my daily computer somehow
I might do the same, if I can find one cheap enough - its specs are better than any of my current computers.
How straight forward was it.
>I might do the same, if I can find one cheap enough - its specs are better than any of my current computers.
it has to be on a specific firmware or else youre gonna have to wait a long time (ps4, switch and vita scenes are garbage).
its not actually that good
- 3D / partial composite acceleration (it's still far from perfect but much better than before.)
- Support for resolutions is still limited to 1080P, even though the HDMI 2.0 output should handle 4K as well as exotic resolutions in 21/9 (3440 × 1440 and 2560 × 1440).
-Absence of Wifi driver and Bluetooth
-No sound on HDMI output (I use a bluetooth speaker / USB Beoplay A1 on a USB port)
-Optical audio port unrecognized (or optical amplifier).
-Internal hard drive (SATA port) not recognized
-Blu-ray player unrecognized
All of the above bugs will depend only on the updates made to the payload, and the Linux kernel (BzImage) integrated in the first (FAT) partition, that the payload will come to load, these are the only two elements that will have to be modified to correct the problems (except the possible updates of the graphics driver via the future contribution of the team Psxita).
understandably support isnt actively being developed since only a small niche of a niche actually use it. and some of these things are likely to never get a fix
and i think 5.05 support is even worse for some reason. desu i wish we had still got other os support on the ps4. that would make it an honest to god pc replacement and i guarantee would triple sales
you mean GNU/Linux :-)