Is Jow Forums the highest average IQ Jow Forums board? If not, which board is?
IQ testing is technology
/lit/ was, but they've been overrun by poltards so it's probably /sci/ now
What's your IQ user?
420 lmao
Prove me wrong. You can't
Something makes me think that image does not account for the hundreds of millions of illiterate peasant chink rice farmers and factory workers ... Nice try Zhao
Fuck, /lit/ looks like a total mess
Average /sci/ is definitely above average Jow Forums. Looks like I'd have got a better discussion posting this thread there.
Any more?
>Posted using a device made of Chinese-manufactured components
/sci/ > /jp/ > /a/ > Jow Forums > /lit/ > Jow Forums > /v/ == /b/ > Jow Forums
Why would we believe the chinese government that they have the highest average IQ....
>/v/ is above anyone
>chinese government manufactures IQ for chinese-americans or chinese-canadians
Maybe you'll believe this?
Take the nassim pill OP
I could interpret this as "Asians are terrible, look at how many there are in the world as compared to Europeans / Americans and they don't even make half the Google staff, which clearly is undeniable proof of competence and cleverness" or any other way, it's rather not that meaningful.
Personally, I only think the US diploma mills are shit and that US companies can't get enough well trained staff from the remaining universities that aren't shit. So there will be a lot of foreigners for anything that needs a lot of globally applicable skills.
His books had been on my to-read list. They are for whatever reason among the typical bestseller fodder that the majority of smart people supposedly read.
But seeing his comments on IQ research have completely discredited him as an intellectual in my eyes.
it's between lit and sci because most actually do shit. But the edge is probably on /sci/ because they are butthurt babies about their IQ.
It seems fucking amusing to me how I ALWAYS that lurk the catalog there, there's some faggot whining over his IQ being low and how he's devastated he will stay a retard.
That's why I filtered IQ in that board, is just fucking stupid that someone cares about that. Like you could train for puzzles and Raven matrices for a week and you would boost your result by at least 20 points if you aren't already in the power happens of retards below 90/80.
The point is that Google is an American company, and as a small minority of the US population, Asians are very highly overrepresented in STEM in the US. Which could only mean a higher average IQ.
Jow Forums
I can't tell if you're telling me I should've posted this in Jow Forums or that Jow Forums is the highest IQ board
No, it means they're ~60% of mankind and Google / the USA is importing *much better than average in terms of education / motivation* Asians. Often fully trained ones.
If they picked average Asians from some farm in Sri Lanka and they simply aced the job after one month of introduction, that'd of course be noteworthy... but it's not what is happening at all.
Well if whites are so smart, why are they so stupid?
Top three:
/sci/ > /lit/ > Jow Forums
Bottom four
/mu/ > Jow Forums > /b/ > /v/
im pretty sure mu was surprisingly high up in the actual survey that went around a while ago.
Spanish is a shitty language that can't even express something outside of the gender binary
this but unironically
They make up 5% of the US population. If you're comparing the whole of mankind, then you have to consider the fact that Asian companies exist outside of the US. Like Sony, Huawei, Honda, Panasonic, LG, Samsung, ETC
In spanish you always use the masculine gender when referring to a mixed group. checkmate, sjws.
Google and the USA filters for only the elite [seriously good universities + pass interview questions] from Asia, else you're generally not invited to stay.
No shit these people are then better in their field than the US average [and also overall better educated and more motivated than the US average, really].
ya this
> They make up 5% of the US population.
Quite a few of the people working at Google in the USA aren't yet part of the US population to begin with, and most of the ones that are got in because they're elite.
They were however pooled from a group that is 60% of mankind.
> you have to consider the fact that Asian companies exist outside of the US
And? Even if Asia had only 1/3 as many elite trained people per capita, they'd still end up with more of them than the EU and USA together because of the much bigger population. But that wouldn't seem quite so fantastically intelligent then.
At Google your IQ is so high that you know the wisdom in not denying the power of the feminine. Checkmate, toxic masculinity.
The world doesn't work by per capita. It works by per country or per region.
Each individual has no power, a country has power. A region has power.
And yet he’s not wrong
Designed by the Japanese, Germans, Scandinavians and Americans.
>a country/region has power
its just some individuals have power to mobilize masses by the name of country/region/whatever
China is only lagging behind because it is being run by the principles of a shitty German political ideology
I bet it's something completely unexpected like /mlp/
my device was designed in seattle. so what if they send the chinks the blueprints for manufacturing?
/lit/ is the only board which I would call smart. /sci/ is just kind of funny.
Jow Forums
>brought to you by Jow Forums
Hello no
>not recognizing the IQ bell curve
Did you interpret the graph as meaning that Jow Forums has the highest IQ?
I think he did.
Back to /v/ with you.
>Boards I browse are smart
I noticed the trend of the board itself determining the apparent IQ but not the real IQ.
Basically, everyone acts like a retard on /v/, even if they have 200 of IQ.
And if the board have an apparent high IQ, you either have actual high IQ people, or pretentious fucks trying their best to keep the appearances.
And if you take in account that many people come to Jow Forums to unwind and relax, not to show how smart they are, then shit gets really hard to measure.
But the closest to "weird autistic japan" the board is, probably the higher the IQ.
So i bet on /toy/ having the highest IQ of the board.
Jow Forums is going to be divisive because most above average IQ people, the 105-125 range, become mainstream liberals, believe what their trusted professors and media tell them, and find any explicit form of conservativism or even libertarianism repulsive.
At higher levels, think the 130+ IQ level, thought develops new dimensions. This most naturally leads to a libertarian worldview, but as the high IQ are independent thinkers observing the most full picture of reality and considering the most options, they can go down potentially any other avenue as well - even deep forms of reaction. Mencius Moldbug, an extremely high IQ techie, is an example.
By your logic it would be early 99.5% 2hu /jp/
wew imagine believing this
It fits the facts of reality extremely well. Got any actual argument?
you glow in the dark
>And if you take in account that many people come to Jow Forums to unwind and relax, not to show how smart they are, then shit gets really hard to measure.
It's a minority for sure, but some people come to Jow Forums for something like the opposite - in order to get the creative, mind-stimulating benefits that come from participation in a global-scale, censorship-free anonymous conversations on diverse topics.
Haven't tested in a long time, but it was 180 sober, and 125 with a bac 0.2/0.25%.
>it's between lit and sci because most actually do shit. But the edge is probably on /sci/ because they are butthurt babies about their IQ
what a fucking meme. I've been on sci. I've been on lit. 90% shitposting and retards retarding all over the place. Only difference on Jow Forums is the retards shill consumer tech products.
I'm pretty sure the smart people who comment frequent lit and at least sci anyway.
>the posts by people who write the best sound the smartest
>therefore lit is the smartest board
I'd say and because they post the best bait, and the funniest content overall while still being on topic.
Being on is pretty much just arguing with one dimensional characters that lack creativity.
let's take a look at the first 5 posts on right now
>How do atheists reconcile with Pascals Wager?
middleschool-tier athiesm
>I am also kisless virgin.
>Why don't most "grown up" novels feature illustrations?
> >fell in love with a girl who doesn't even believe in monogamy
>what to do lads
>Is she /lit/ personified?
yeah, really pushing the bar.
The cancer has spread everywhere. Remember, remember, the eternal september.
>This image board isn't a neesgroup
>eternal September actually ended
it's exactly analogous to the current low-barrier, hyper-normified internet.
that's not how you do it for fucks sake fucking dunning kruger effect
>it's exactly analogous
Dumb summerfag.
Maybe you should lurk for 2 weeks, and stop being a newfaggot.
fucking moron, try having a point next time
>missed the point of the post entirely.
Go back to where you came from.
fpbp and /thread :^)
fucking moron, try having a point next time
/lit/ is a bunch of self important smug turtlenecks who wake up every day to crippling student debt and rate each other by which communist's dogma they follow. They also sniff farts.
You just got BTFO by reality.
You brain on Jow Forums shit
kek, that board is for literal subhumans
>/x/ nearest to the top
Yup nothing wrong with that.
>Jow Forums on the right side
This must be a really old graph.
How deep in the dunning kruger effect are we now?
>have IQ of 136
>not terrible but not great
>not into technology
>get job as writer for tech "review" company
>boss forces me to lurk Jow Forums because "it's the best place for news fast"
>see boss's face every now and pretty much everyone hates him
>at least i'm not the only one
>i still hate Jow Forums but some of Jow Forums is ok
Lots of boards on creative/interests are going to be stuff low IQ aren't going to partake in.
Graphic design, 3dcg, sci.
You could run analytics of length of words and sentences and vocabulary size to guess which boards are smarter.
Wtf is /x/ doing there
Are you retarded? Most of 'Asians' also include pajeets, being the most successful foreign ethnicity in US. Doesn't mean average pajeet if smarter than the rest of the world.
When you take the 1% elite from the a country whose population is combined population of Europe and Americas together, even the 1% of them will outnumber the 10% of US.
t. actual asian trying to get a visa to work in US
> "nearest to the top"
this is satire... r-right?
kek what the fuck, your boss telling you to lurk Jow Forums what kind of hell is that
>fit having high IS
I'm guessing you've never been on fit
What does this even mean, most of those Asians are Asian Americans as in born or grew up here and educated here
/a/ or /jp/. They're more militant with their board than any other board and part of the reason why the other boards function cohesively at all. They have the ability to argue about fucking nothing for hundreds of posts out of shear determination to say that your waifu a shit. When they put their minds to things, magic happens. The problem is they're so depressed 99% of the time all they do is fap and talk about (and occasionally watch) anime. They are by far the best meme producer on this forum yet they utilise for nothing but waifu banter.
90% of it is retards that drivel about nothing /sci/ related, the other 10% have maths that blow your mind.
>pol/ is going to be divisive because most above average IQ people, the 105-125 range, become mainstream liberals
That's 30 IQ points too high because most liberals are niggers.
Nah Jow Forums got just as bad 2010-11 with that influx.
It's slower fixing itself but the dam nearly capsized.
That's every romance language since everybody noticed that having a third (neutral) gender in your language just made things more complicated than they needed to be.
Romance languages will probably end up with a third gender again because people refuse to learn from the past
>September actually ended
What? No, it's September 9293, 1993.
What calendar are you using?
>muh pol/sjw boggeyman
>fuck jannies
>intellectually stimulating
kek your "reality" is a sham
/jp/ is shopped
Also, /sci/ mustard race