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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ %command% --help $ help %builtin/keyword%
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Which is the best file manager? Why? (new to linux)
Justin White
Windows Explorer it's not made by hobbyist coders in their free time
Oliver Gomez
Spacefm Enough features but not enough to bloat
Bentley Gonzalez
Brandon Peterson
>install Krita via apt >it breaks in new, exciting ways every week >switching tools makes it crash >working with groups makes it crash >pressure sensitivity breaks for no obvious reason
>install the snap instead >everything works
Give me one reason snaps shouldn't replace traditional packages.
If you install any snap, you have duplicated your filesystem. Every snap you use you duplicate your filesystem. Say you use 10 of them, you've duplicated multiple gigs of the same libraries.
Its asinine
Carson Cruz
"What does society need? It needs information that is truly available to its citizens—for example, programs that people can read, fix, adapt, and improve, not just operate." — Richard Stallman
This is objectively false and it makes it very obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.
Isaac Torres
But he's right.
Cameron Walker
sounds like a problem with your distro's package for krita
Aiden Gomez
Do you use official repos or some ppa?
Lucas Gomez
Every snap has a base linux install. All the binaries,libraries etc are in that snap,als originally called a container.You take a base container for every snap and add the base filesystem. Then you add the programs specifics, so you add all the libraries and binaries that krita needs to work, and you put it in the snap/container Every time you install a snap, you are duplicating this base file system, meaning you have multiple copies of the same libraries and binaries each time you add a new snap.
Caleb Gomez
Linux is a kernel.
Adrian Ward
>Every snap has a base linux install really? wow. like a kernel too?
>moonlight >normie way is flatpak >1GB KDE dep >actual application is a couple megabytes Shoot me and/or moonlight
Ryan Nguyen
>imagine being this retarded
Josiah Diaz
arch uses gnu, the most bloated toolchain in existence. alphine uses musl c and llvm
Robert Barnes
Alpine isn't meant to he used by human beings. It's for docker images, routers and other embedded systems. It's a unusable bare base. Arch is a GNU/Linux distro for use by humans.
Alpine indeed provides musl builds and llvm, but it still depends on the GNU toolchain for building all the other parts available in the repositories you want to install, in case you get the retarded idea to use Alpine on the desktop.
*hahahaha* *muda muda* *EMACS no shin no nouryoku wo misete ageruze-*
M-x M-x M-x M-x M-x M-x M-x !!!! WRYYYYYY
Mason Baker
gnu is not an operating system
David Gutierrez
im thinking of getting a new comp and installing linux. I dont even know any coding languages except a little bit of html. but other then that Im clueless. should I still get it
Cameron Collins
you don't need to know excel macros to use windows
William Foster
so what are u even saying though. Like do u mean that I dont need to know everything about linux to use it or are u saying I should just still to windows
Leo Robinson
It's not Krita or the PPA that's the problem, its the latest Qt update.
What exactly are you planning on doing with your computer?
Nolan Collins
Reposting from last thread: Why is it that every time I change a colour in .Xresources it breaks i3? I can't use my shortcuts to launch any terminal based applications and I don't know why. I want to change my damn colours but if it's just going to break everything when I do then what's the point? What am I doing wrong?
Jacob Thompson
>use gnu text editor >everything you write is now licensed under the gpl
Nolan Peterson
Is RMS about to start breakdancing?
Kayden Gomez
uh not rly
pcmanfm if you don't use a de otherwise thunar and the fm in enlightenment because they load thumbnails as you scroll (not all when you open folder) but thunar may freeze sometimes but in xfce it's a non issue, it restarts fine
>arch >simple for the A devs
get xubuntu
use st with 80s colors but notice this
unsigned int defaultfg = 257; unsigned int defaultbg = 256; static unsigned int defaultcs = 257;
William Clark
I'm using st-256. I cannot for the life of me understand why this is the issue that it is.
Easton Richardson
you were asking about xresourses st doesn't use xresourses
So now after 50 minutes of google I give up. I am looking for a command where I can see the files listed according to the last date they were edited on MY SYSTEM. Everybody gets the last part wrong. I have for example the following two commands: alias lt='lo -tr' # sort by time alias ltt='du -sh --time * | cut -f 2-3 | sort -n'
But they display a file like 'Dirty Dancing' older than last year although I downloaded them today. I want them to appear according to the date they appeared on my system.
Jacob Bennett
alias sl='ls -althr --color=auto --group-directories-first' ?
Jonathan Bailey
It is the same.
I want to solve the following scenario:
Day 1: download SuperBowl 2018 Day 2: download SuperBowl 1990
SuperBowl 2018 is listed as last file.
Landon Edwards
ls has a flag to decide whether it uses atime or crime Read the man page
Adam Ross
No I'm just braindead
Oliver Miller
you mean you want SuperBowl 1990 last? that's exactly what i showed you
just get the sauce code edit the config.h and make prefix=~/.local install
Brandon Martinez
so ive been redplilled on the evils of systemd so my question is, which is easier to rice, slack or void because it don't use my thinkpad for anything else other than the most basic word processing for college
Nicholas Sullivan
how long it takes to learn and uses a linux operate system and a lot of it functionalities properly?
Christopher Adams
If you say gnu/linux shouldn't you say gnu/BSD/mit/..../linux?
Wyatt Perry
Google search: The name “GNU” is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not Unix!”
My thoughts: i think that GNU is a good acronym made by a smart person. and for me it sound like the name of the organization who made the linux kernel.....
Noah Russell
What % of you are unemployed
Jack Hill
Redpill me on snaps
Matthew Hughes
hikkineet reporting in
my most popular project on github has 4 unique cloners
is it true that some CPU and M Board in 2004 started bring a really small Spyware in a really small memory that could or ?can??? recollect send certain data category?
i read that on the internet, that the the CPU and Mother Board in 2003 or close to that year, started to bring a really small spyware that recollect and send data.... and that it was use by the US government security agencies....
Bentley James
but it sounded very extremist to be true, and since there are people here who know about computers, so I decided ask this question here....
Camden Davis
it is not that i am worry about it, even know that it looks like they went too far, it is just to know and have more knowledge....
Logan Morris
or have the right or correct knowledge...
Tyler Hughes
Real answer: Sadly explorer.exe Closest to explorer is Dolphin, while its possible to use it without the other KDE stuff you need to apply some hacks and wont get every feature. If you don't use KDE I would recommend pcmanfm.
Jack Clark
i used to think that, too then i tried spacefm
Ethan Cook
Use flatpak you insane nigger
Joshua Lee
I second spacefm, you an make it look like anything you want
Alexander Flores
no, because gnu is what started it - was first before bsd came along
Chase Mitchell
>Real answer: Sadly explorer.exe gtfo that shit sucks you can't even have non detail view by default
Wyatt Clark
Because Guix and Nix exist.
Let me put it this way: The reason snaps solves some problems, like in your case, is because you are guaranteed to get the same environment as everyone else. So if it breaks for you it breaks for everyone, someone will fix it, and their fix will fix it for everyone. But the solution is not elegant. What if you want to change the environment slightly and deviate from the standard? What if you want to run an older version that doesn't have a snap? You're also increasing your attack surface because now you have several full (and redundant) build environments. That's a lot of libraries and files. A LOT more than you'd get just from the 1 package you installed, and can you now still say that you trust the source of those binaries? Can you trust that they were compiled with the source code they claimed to be compiled with?
Guix and Nix solve the problem in much the same way: You are guaranteed to have the same environment for each running application as everyone else. However, they have none of the downsides and their solutions are _vastly_ more elegant. You can "hack" the packages extremely easily to deviate from the standards. Usually this won't break anything, but even if it does it still means your environment was identical to anyone else's who "hacked" the package in the same way as you did. So you still benefit from these perfectly reproducible builds, but while still maintaining all the flexibility of modifying the packages/code you could ever want at the same time. You also get less redundancy because of the hashing system. And finally, they also solve the security issues while still being able to offer binary downloads (believe it or not). They accomplish this by being so perfectly reproducible that they are bit-wise reproducible (which I'm pretty sure not even snaps can say because they haven't taken the effort required to make it so like modifying timestamps).
Jose Edwards
(2/2) Post was too long, so just wanted to finish it up by saying that because the builds are bit-wise reproducible they have something called "challenges" built right into the package manager where anyone can challenge a build on the server to verify that it was indeed built with the source code it was supposed to be built with. No other package manager can do that as far as I know.
vim brethren, I need help com! -nargs=1 Template :0 read ~/.vim/templates/ How can I make this command work with wildmenu? It probably needs a complete rework and not use at all, but I'm new to vim and I have no idea where to even begin with this. Both spoonfeeding and RTFMing will be appreciated, as long as you can point me to the resources which I should read.
Adam Flores
Will audio work on Linux one day on Cherry Trail computers?
>intel is a Platinum member (top rank) of le loonix foundation >their audio driver doesn't even fucking work with the audio system of Linux what the fuck are these people doing?
meanwhile consider investing in a USB DAC.
Jaxon Phillips
Konqueror. Without full KDE desktop. Don't need all that shit.
Justin Gonzalez
not him, but what are the advantages over dolphin?
Alexander White
I can't find a definitive answer to this online, and the tech is pretty "new."
I'm using linux (Manjaro, KDE), have an RTX 2070, and I ordered a freesync monitor and plan to use it in addition to two 60fps standard monitors. 10xx and 20xx cards allegedly support freesync on linux as of the 418.30 beta drivers, but I've seen mention that it's a bit quirky on linux because X doesn't have a concept of a "fullscreen" mode.
My question is: can I use the freesync monitor (with freesync actually working) to play games and still have the standard monitors functioning/usable at the same time (preferably without a full-screen-esque mode but if that's required I can live with it).
The linux foundation is a thing where companies can buy some say in Linux. This doesn't have to be related to development.
Jonathan Morris
Would gentoo/Slackware be good distros to try out if I want to learn more about Linux as an operating system? I used arch for a bit because of the memes (didn’t learn much except ricing i3), now I’m on Solus.
Andrew Bailey
install gentoo
Jack Jackson
i have the following problem: i want to access some old ass local chatroom that runs on java (it's a boomer thing, i guess). firefox killed the plugin off around version 53 and since then i used palemoon + icedtea-plugin to access it on ubuntu. i've switched to fedora for profressional reasons and tried to install the same setting again but it does not work. does anyone have an idea what i've missed?
gwenview takes forever to load when i open a image in a folder with 12k pictures whats the next best imageviewer that lets you view images sorted by date
This might be a silly question but coming off of windows 7 , I actually liked Aero, is there something that recreates something close to the glass effects etc. ?
Sebastian Robinson
You are a pussy,
Easton Ward
i want to auto maximize gnome-terminal i've edited the desktop file on usr/bin but it's still not auto maximized, how to do it?