I'm gonna get tricked right?... not even xiameme is that cheap.
Buying clone 1:1 phones?
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Bump for gook fans
what the fuck do you think lol
>buying an jphone clone
>assuming that xiaomi is expensive
Cccccombo breaker
Do it. Flip them as real iphones for $700 profit. Normie retards literally don't give a shit about anything except the logo on the back.
Only if it didn't have the notch. Are specs listed legit at least?
Why would you even buy an iPhone clone. You don't get the bubbles and iPhone is not the top dog in the design apartment anymore.
probably. xiaomi has build quality and aren't trying to make perfect clones
I bought a Galaxy S5 clone. It was neat while it worked, even had the special stuff like air gestures and heartrate monitor. It died after a month and the battery ballooned up not too long after. It actually lifted the screen from the chassis instead of popping off the battery door
> not even xiameme is that cheap.
Eh, the Redmeme Notes a lot of /csg/ got are ~US$150-250, and the normal Redmemes were even ~$90-100 a bunch of times.
So Xiaomeme *is* that cheap, it's just not their higher-end models you're looking at in this price ranges.
If you want to primarily talk to gook fans, do it in ?
>slide to unclock
>Clone phones
Don't do it
>iPhone clone
LITERALLY fake and gay.
iToddlers BTFO
I love it when poorfags try to live above their means
just get a used shitphone for
Yes it's gona be worse than you can imagine
Fucking Redmi Note 7s are hitting over fucking 300 USD
My Zenfone Max Pro M1 costs $157
dumb clown. Get an older gen phone.
is that "Wish"? why does anyone buy anything from there? I only hear bad things
Are you retarded? An user posted a thread complaining about those a few days ago. They're literally using 5 year old CPUs, 1GB RAM and 8-16GB memory. They're barely worth 30$.
These zoomers love to fraud status, they don't care if the phone blows up in their hands one day as long as other see them using a fruitphone
LOL at poorfags
Honestly the site requires to varify your comment before posting, I'm pretty sure it won't even be posted.
>this font
I don't have an ounce of respect for you or your opinion
>Thinking Xiaomi is expensive
>Has a Shitsung with a full hd screen, which is usually significantly more expensive than a Xiaomi with much better specs
What special kind of retarded are you?
It's not like he picked the font desu
Instead of getting a fake iPhone, get a real Xiaomi phone.
He did though
exponentially tricked
Umm no they aren't?
>300 is expensive