Is he a traitor or a hero, what does Jow Forums think?
Is he a traitor or a hero, what does Jow Forums think?
only guy at the NSA to be more loyal to the constitution than to the government.
People should not fear their government, their government should fear the people.
The U.S. government is an oligarchy. Be loyal to your neighbors and countrymen. Fuck the government.
Works the Russians now, probably our guy for Trump 2020
Traitor no doubt, he's little more than a useful idiot for the Kremlin at this point
Not as bad as that turbofaggot Assange though
But why is a he a hero? Heroes save the lives of people in danger, he didn't save anybody. He made the military lose millions of dollars.
Quite a narrow view on hero's you have there
if you think hes a traitor you have kike dick so far up your ass you shouldn't even be able to sit down
This man is a hero and nothing less, if you don't think he put his physical safety on the line your a fucking retard and should be put down
hero obviously, but it was in vain.
Not enough people care about all the spying that is going on.
What he did exactly?
Fuck off Brennan. Snowden is a hero, Manning is a traitor, and Assange is a pretty cool guy who leaks emials and doesn't afraid of anything.
Look it up you cunt.
traitor, of course - who the fuck would argue about definition of the word (he did exactly what he did to deserve such label), besides some politically charged freshman students
I think he did the right thing. most people wouldn't do what he did even if they knew it was the right thing to do, I wouldn't risk losing the comfortable job let alone the jail time or worse.
It's always possible he did it for politics / money / fame but it was the right thing to do nonetheless. People need to wake up to the fact that anything you do online can be indexed and used to blackmail anyone, and the organizations and governance around these systems can change overnight or be compromised.
he only did it because he has that "deathwish" look in his eyes. I've legit seen it before in some people with exactly similar character trait and it might be some kind of genetic aberration.
Traitor 100%
Deserves the death penalty.
Well last time I checked he basically admitted that spy agencies spy. What next sacred knowledge will be revealed? That water is wet?
The leaks were important
That said he's also a turbofaggot
How is Manning a traitor when he did exactly the same:
>only guy at the NSA to be more loyal to the constitution than to the government.
Just replace the word NSA with military.
>hey guys we're not bad for orchestrating a literal 1984. and committing war crimes
>you're bad for telling the public, being loyal to the constitution and holding us to at least some accountability
We heard you the first time.
He provided undeniable and extensive proof available to the public. Before him, anyone who dared suspect was called a schizo or a conspiracy theorist. You could've really looked this up yourself. Not sure how you even ended up on Jow Forums without knowing who he is.
Plausible deniability is how spy agencies like the CIA get shit done.
Letting a fucking retard out them only shows weakness, he needs to be made an example of.
>weak baits and constantly trying to get a rise out of people
Like clockwork.
Dude was a furfag ponyfucker, he was probably manipulated by foreign agents.
They need better screening when they hire people.
You must be new here
When I heard about him I was like "oh wow what a shocker, who would've thought". I don't live in the USA though, maybe there people have a different point of view on lettered agencies and it was some kind of reveal for them.
he did some good, although i think there is a lot to the story that we don't know
>weak bait
>gets called out and nobody bites
>make the bait weaker
keep going
The government is the traitor.
A hero? Dont know for sure, but he did the right thing. Same goes for Manning. The info they leaked should have been enough to topple governments but it’s an example of you don’t need a smoking gun anymore. You need a fucking armed nuke and then some for anything substantial to happen.
It also puts a big lid on any other potential leakers because of the fear from going through the same Snowden, Manning and heck even Assange is going through.
only cia niggers would call him a traitor
nah Manning was a trans with issues
A Hero We Don't Deserve, At All
A hero. As soon as a government steps outside of its constitutional mandate it loses its legitimacy.
The whole trans thing was his only way of lessening the sentence he was about to get.
You’re right, his beanie baby collection totally negates the consequences of his actions.
You don't think Snowden is?
Wish I had saved some of the sick shit people were posting that he had deleted from his twitter.
I remember seeing one of him in furshit in his underwear posing in front of a mirror.
>the weeb calling the activist gay
I'm not a weeb.
>He made the military lose millions of dollars.
How is that a bad thing?
More like regurgitated Stallman's autistic rhetoric.
His perfect privacy will never exist because there will always be anarchists and rulebreakers.
A hero. Fuck America and fuck Americans.
>privacy is the same thing as "free" software
What issues in particular? Not wanting to just roll over and watch his military/government commit war crimes, is that it?
What sentence? He wasn't the one committing war crimes.
What beanie baby collection? What in the actual fuck are you even talking about?
He did what any moral person in his position should have done. The definition of a hero.
Snowden is a hero. Manning a shitter. Assange is a Russian drone.
if he had only leaked info about the govt violating the constitution then you could say hero, but he also leaked a bunch of stuff that was constitutional and that the NSA is supposed to be doing and thereby hurt national security making him a traitor
He protected the constitution more than anyone else working for the NSA/CIA/FBI ever did
the only good CIA nigger
>What issues in particular?
Sucking cock, dressing in woman's clothing.
Long live Snowden
>He made the military lose millions of dollars.
Hero in my eyes.
>loyal to the Constitution
>literally hands out critical intel to US enemy countries
>there are people on g right now who do not filter out tripfaggots
hero to anyone who isn't american
Not for doing what he did, he probably got a lot of people killed. Also it is possible he was working with Russia to do it safely and not get hurt, and there's no way he was going to be able to get asylum in Russia without offering intrigue that the rest of us don't know. So in that case then yes he's a traitor.
But overall he did the US and the world a huge favour.
Who would win in a fight, the CIA or the NSA?
Hi schlomo
hero, of course
Snowden is a wildcard in Jow Forums's narrative. On one hand he betrayed the federal government, but he happened during the Obama administration. White Supremacists love Trump and hate Obama, so do they support or hate Snowden?
and that is a lot of assumptions
>literally hands out critical intel to news agencies
Damn right.
>literally hands out critical intel to US enemy countries
I'm sure you've somehow confirmed this just by saying it.
>literally hands out critical intel to news agencies
Well, who else could've published their findings? The governments they were betrayed by and which betrayed the trust of their citizens?
Same goes for you - but you went even further.
i don't see any proof that he did hand over info to any government.
i do see proof that he handed intel over to news agencies.
time for you to provide your proof
>but he also leaked a bunch of stuff that was constitutional
For example?
>and that the NSA is supposed to be doing and thereby hurt national security making him a traitor
Surely NSA's actions have prevented and are preventing multiple terrorist attacks and school shootings, aren't they?
>i don't see any proof that he did hand over info to any government.
>i do see proof that he handed intel over to news agencies.
There's nothing to agree or disagree about here, everyone knows it's Glenn Greenwald/The Guardian.
>time for you to provide your proof
But what for, we're in agreement.
see you're thinking in terms of loyalty to the government, not to the constitution. The government was and is deliberately violating the constitutional rights of American citizens on a massive scale (at a minimum the search-and-seizure rights under the 4th amendment and arguably due-process rights under the 5th amendment) Snowden concluded, entirely correctly, that such a government is owed no loyalty. He was a contractor, so I don't know if he actually swore an oath to "defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic", but the NSA and the other three-letter agencies were and are domestic enemies of the constitution.
To 's point, the government and the NSA forfeited any legitimate claim along these lines by the stuff they did that *did* violate the constitution. That's asking to be excused from 100% willfull wrongs because some stuff you did was right.
>Surely NSA's actions have prevented and are preventing multiple terrorist attacks and school shootings, aren't they?
Like 9-11?
only /nupol/ bootlickers and zoomers who grew up in this police state think snowden is a traitor.
back in the early 2000's when snowden blew his load to the guardian, the american people did not know that they were living under a surveilance state. "hurr the government is spying on us" people were treated like tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists, but now it's common knowledge that the government has warrantless wiretaps on all electronic communications.
we literally did not know about the PRISM program before snowden. apps like signal and telegram were invented due to snowden's relevations, as well as the push to encrypt everything with https. even mark zuckerburg and james comey have webcam covers on their laptops now - to think the average person doesn't care about privacy is absurd. being granted political asylum in russia of all places, is equally absurd. he gave up everything so we could know the truth
he's cia obv
people only know the 1st, 2nd and 5th amendment.
just because it's extremely easy to circumvent the 4th amendment, doesn't give the government the right to do it.
just like you can't ban guns because you want to.
I think he might have been a useful way of scaring people... but at the same time I'd rather know the reality of the government than live a lie.
>Heroes save the lives of people in danger, he didn't save anybody.
Billions of lives were in danger of this beast called internet surveillance. You know nothing.
>Surely NSA's actions have prevented and are preventing multiple terrorist attacks and school shootings, aren't they?
terrorist attacks maybe
school shooters lol no
agreed, i hate how Jow Forums is filled with literal retards now. Really have no where else to go either.
This. Mentally disabled liberals keep spamming Jow Forums, and mods do nothing about it.
>only /nupol/ bootlickers and zoomers who grew up in this police state think snowden is a traitor.
>implying Jow Forums thinks that way
Only shills think that way.
>back in the early 2000's when snowden blew his load to the guardian
Limited Hangout
Who would win in a cage match, 10 CIA niggers or 10 NSA psychopaths?
its not even just liberals its republican/conservative facebook boomers
nope, blow your brains out faggot.
everything was so much better like 5 years ago. Jow Forums was mostly filled with libertarian /ronpaul/ type people who distrusted the government, and Jow Forums was mostly filled with foss/linux people who also distrusted the government. now everyone is a fucking bootlicker and thinks companies like facebook are looking out for our privacy. it's disgusting
I'll agree some faggots spam Jow Forums to hate things like wikileaks and snowden, but to say that Jow Forums is entirely like that is ignorant. They still commonly share things discovered in various leaks.
You need to be careful shilling isn't warping your perception of the board.
> Jow Forums was mostly filled with libertarian /ronpaul/ type people who distrusted the government,
i disagree with you but i agree it was better. I'm natsoc btw.
>entirely like that is ignorant
pretty obvious that I go to Jow Forums still. generally that is how it is though.
>its not even just liberals its republican/conservative facebook boomers
It's neither, these are organised shills, likely from government or private large organisations.
Only a small minority seem to be groups of unorganised individuals. You must not have seen the state of Jow Forums from 2015-2017 when many organisations raided this place constantly.
You can tell from the way specific posters or OPs react. A clear indicator is an OP with "replies" that match a certain pattern. Another is when a legit user blows the OP the fuck out and the OP deletes the thread ASAP or the board is spammed by many new threads about fucking nothing.
It's become so bad that when you call them out, mods tend to ban you for retarded reasons (though mainly on other boards, Jow Forums seems to be a lot better than the other boards), out of their conditioned confusion due to the shilling or due to mod being subversive. Luckily, memes are still overcoming this issue and you can work out ways to communicate your authenticity as an user in other ways.
Only if you're retarded and can't differentiate from the shills. All it takes is a little effort to blow them away and show newfags their shill behaviour.
you are paranoid and delusional
>You must not have seen the state of Jow Forums from 2015-2017
I have been but I think you werent. Everyone is a shill to you just fuck off. This is what I am talking about nu/pol/ is fucking trash.
>You can tell from the way specific posters or OPs react.
it was real in my mind
can you just fuck off back to Jow Forums? fuck man you cancerous little shitheads are already ruining the thread.