Should we like, Idk, hack the channel, delete T-Series?
T-Series gay
We should delete pewdieshit.
And why should we? :`
>2 posters
Because I'm tired of you faggots caring about fake drama, and I want each one of you to publically hang yourselves like a set of dominoes
Looking into a camera and making faces for 10 minutes has become a career. And it's fucking stupid
Sure, pass me the hash.
You must be at least 18 years old to access this site.
PewDiePie isn't great but do we really want poo's on the top of the biggest website in the world?
>we really want
lmao "we" don't care about youtube drama
Not your personal army blah blah bah
The only solution is to disconnect India from the rest of the Internet. It would solve pretty much every major problem going on right now.
We should eviscerate anyone who cares about this.
I don't get it.
Who is PewDiePie and who is T-Series and how are they related to technology?
Pwediepie is some dude. T-series is an Indian music comoany. To YouTubers, the moment T-series crossed Pwediepie is the kmebr the site has been fully consumed by cooperate desires. The site was created originally for individuals to post videos, hence the name YOUtube.
This user gets it. It's not about pewds, it's about YouTube officially turning into a corporate cesspool by having a botting indian gigacorp as its most subscribed channel.
Fuck off back to Reddshit
>disconnecting AMD in the internet
Now how will i update my drivers?
>officially turning into a corporate cesspool
They did this years ago. Nobody cares.
Does anyone know anybody who's actually subscribed to T-series? Literally anyone at all?
I'd literally rather see poos take over youtube than that screeching manchild and his mouth breathing 12 year old zoomer fanbase. Poos at least try to upload educational tech content. Pewdieshit is pure fucking cancer and should be purged not only from the internet but history. He's an embarrassment to mankind.
Thank you for defending those supporting mega corporations.
>Who is PewDiePie
A manchild that plays horror games and fakes screeching in terror to get views from children.
It certainly did, but this would make it official.
Bootlicking drumpftard detected.
Thank you for being a 12 year old. Now fuck off no one cares about your zoomer eceleb shit.
What the fuck, Pewdiepie hasn’t done this in years.
He makes transformative review content and edgy jokes, like when he paid someone on Fiverr to write “Death to all Jews” on a sign.
this isnt 2012 anymore,
he just reacts to shit nowdays
Fuck off zoomer.
I'd rather have a manchild eceleb at the top than a botting poo Corp. And desu, I'm sure the board's God, RMS would think so too.
just disconnect asia (including russia) as a whole from the internet
Actually RMS would just tell you Google is botnet and to stop being racist like the GNUcuck he is
No, Mike. Ain't gonna work.
Youtube is embracing corporate more and more, moving away from small creators because they are more risky to advertisers.
If you search for anything news related now you get almost all corporate videos for example.
This pewdiepie vs t-series has nothing to do with pewdiepie, it's about trying to fight against the inevitable change of youtube from "youtube" to corporatetube.
Hell in a few years I could see youtube remove monetization from almost all small creators and just fully embrace corporations or the big current channels they trust.
The fact you stuck around after that to watch several more years of literal shit makes you a subhuman bro army manchild. Kill yourself cringelord.
> 500 rupies were deposited in your bank of India account
>implying i watch him
>the absolute state of Jow Forums
Is this you?
Fuck off Zoomer
>being this retarded
Go play your fortnite and practice your cringe dances manchild. I'm sure pewdietrash will call you a bro on his corporate media outlet to cheer you up. This is why you're a kissless virgin incel and women laugh in your face.
is that way manchild
I don't watch Pewd. Still, anything is better than YT becoming CorporateTube. There was never ever a single thing that got better from corps talking over.
>be me
>be poorfag streetshitter
>work for tech company trying to scam poeple through illegitimate antivirus services
>get payed almost nothing
>hear "hey user an indian youtube is gonna be the most subbed channel on yt"
>now my country will be king
>glory to india
>mfw the poverty was worth it
I bet you don't even know how to floss
is that way manchild
>absolute keks from you right now
Never read a single post there, and not planning to do either.
>i watch pewds
kill yourself
>caring about some eceleb
>caring that someone might get more subscribers
>caring that a pajeet label might get a huge but meaningless following of pajeets
zoomers use it to make themselves feel closer to their manchild king
Corporate shills are out in full force.
is that way manchild
> dislike an indian gigacorp
> somehow that makes me a gaming manchild
Good job, Rajesh, don't you have a street to shit up?
is that way manchild
t. Rajeesh
is that way manchild