Useful commands they never tell you about when you use linux for the first time

useful commands they never tell you about when you use linux for the first time

eopkg search "software"
youtube-dl -F "stream or video url"

Attached: straw.webm (853x480, 1005K)

koreans are ugly as fuck

that's a jap

Attached: hori asuka 2.webm (1066x600, 2.07M)

What's she drinking?

> eopkg
Hello Kevin

snot, they're celebrating influenza release

Attached: Big eyes ordinary japanese girl.jpg (1920x1440, 193K)

The milk I made

do asians think they look like anime?

>dpkg-query -L
List files in a package

>watch -n 2
Runs command every second 2 seconds and displays output

a gook is a gook.

You dumb 'murricans can't even get your slurs right. Calling japs as gooks is like calling spics as niggers because their complexion is not quite white.

She can sip on the contents of my balls

Most all of them
>dnf provides (binary in PATH, library, virtual or normal package name)
fairly obvious
>exec bash
reexecute your shell to reload profile and bashrc
>systemctl enable --now UNIT
enable and start a unit in one command
>systemd-inhibit COMMAND
prevent autosuspend until COMMAND finishes
>tar tf
view contents of tarball
2 seconds is the default, why specify it?

gooks are Koreans

>ywn be the straw
It gets harder every day, I've contemplated installing windows and just get it over with

Fuck off, nigger

I thought gooks are Vietnamese?

Who cares. They are all slant eye bugmen that sell plastic filled woman and beta fags repost 3 second webms of the most artificially created women in existence.



Gook now refers to any Asiatic. Korean and Viets don't have a common specific slur, like nips and chinks. So it would apply to either of them.

In the past it even applied to Nicaraguans. Anywhere where US Marines went the slur applied to the strangely colored locals.

Slopes are Korean.

Gooks are Vietnamese.

A. Wyatt Mann doesn't bother telling them apart and just uses whatever epithet comes to mind.