>tfw studying Cyber secuirty bachelor degree
jesus fuck im smart
why dont you do the same anons?
>tfw studying Cyber secuirty bachelor degree
jesus fuck im smart
why dont you do the same anons?
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post resources faggot
If you are so smart then why are you a Reddit spacing retard who can't even use basic computer utilities like the spelling and grammar checker?
>thinks studying something means their smart
Enjoy being a tool for your entire life.
ill make more money than you
the degree is designed to make you feel good about yourself just like data science any many other IT shitty jobs, no real engineer takes such brainlet degrees
whats brainlet about it? you litterally have to be smart to be able to complete it
it got discrete mathematics in it
lol, congrats, you passed the easiest "high level" mathematics class ever.
Durrrr I can solve Hamiltonian circuits.
So how do i dont get doxed n shit
is it hard? brainlet here
starting cyber sec in 5 months myself
download macafee or something like that
rip in peace op
Jesus fuck that was savage.
No, he's just stroking himself. All the people who think college is hard are the ones that skated by in Highschool and never learned how to face adversity so they fall apart at the slightest nudge of their resolve.
discrete math is the easiest fucking thing on the planet you faggot
what about algrebra?
dubs of truth
Cybersec should be a master not a bachelor. I did a normal IT degree and now a Cybersec masters.
pretty stupid not to get a cryptography degree
Your perspective on life will still be inferior to mine because I have a high verbal IQ. Stay mad brainlet
not in scandinavia
Can I get into cybersec if I'm a brainlet? As in, sub 110 IQ brainlet.
I hope so because Ive embarrassed myself on every developer/software/CS job interview so far. I'm out of options now
Idk why people legitimately still think every degree title goes hand in hand with the actual job. Look at NSA or CIA career opportunities with cyber security and a lot of the college education recommends/requires shit like social economics, math, science, etc.
Zoomers can only memorize just that much.
Getting his bachelor degree means erasing elementary basic English grammar.
>Finishing my Bachelor's degree at 20
>Never done a technical interview before
>Nail the first one I do
>Get an 80k a year offer as soon as I graduate
What are you tards doing?
Why is cyber security being shilled so hard these days. Every socially deficient idiot I run into is going to make 'a lot of money' in cyber these days.
Meme degree, I have one, don't do it
Study CS, Maths, or Physics instead. I currently work as a "security engineer" for a financial company. The entire field is populated by morons. Security researchers are self promoting media whores who don't contribute much to society, red teamers are even dumber than security security researchers, and vendors are selling scams to morons.
Even if you go the programming route where you find cool bugs and sell your dank 0day to zerodium or whoever, its still glorified QA. Congrats on helping Israel pop shells on citizen lab iPhones, if ur reading this NSO nice talk at infiltrate.
Linus quote-
"Because without users, your program is pointless, and all the
development work you've done over decades is pointless.
.. and security is pointless too, in the end."
Look at this Moldbug quote:
"One: Guy Steele is a system software designer, not a PL researcher. In other words, he is in a class with Dennis Ritchie, Alan Kay, Brendan Eich, John McCarthy, John Warnock, John Ousterhout, Bjarne Stroustrup, Rob Pike, Larry Wall, Ted Codd, Tim Berners-Lee, Leslie Lamport, Ken Thompson, Dave Cutler, Sergey Brin, Luis von Ahn, Guido van Rossum, Linus Torvalds, and anyone else who has designed fundamental architectural components of code which everyone on earth points their CPU at a zillion times a day. Frankly, these men are heroes. They are literally warriors of God. And anyone who insults them is an asshole."
Notice anything about this list? No twitter whores furiously masturbating about their superior knowledge of how to abuse memory allocators, how .NET serialization works, or muh imagemagik and ghostscript. It is composed of people who wrote code that people actually run on their machines.
The guy who created and maintains uBlock origin has done more to improve end user security than every moron who considers themselves a "hacker" "infosec professional" or whatever dumbass terms you want to use.
It's a lot of money for mildly autistic people who enjoy feeling slightly superior to others for studying something that is seen as arcane and strange to normies.
I have an okay salary (low six figures out of school) but it's not a ton of money compared to people in law, medicine, finance, or real high prestige fields. Also if you base your worth in life off the salary a corporate is paying you, you have failed as a person.
Yes, pick up a copy of TAOSSA, The Tangled Web, and Web Application Hackers Handbook. Read them, and you will be more than qualified for entry level jobs.
Thank you sir I needed to hear this about to start my bachelor program.
Lmao apologies if it came off a bit pessimistic, I believe the CMU and Georgia Tech ones are good. What are you studying user?
I've been shooting for Computer Science but I've got a million people talking in my ear saying cyber security is so hot right now.
It came off motivational and reaffirmed what I was already feeling the thank you was genuine.
So there are interesting research problems that relate to things like program analysis. The reverseengineering subreddit is a great resource, here's a reading list by the guy who runs it - msreverseengineering.com
"cyber security" is such a broad field, those people may as well be telling you to study medicine with no further guidance. There is a big difference between family practice, cardiology, geriatrics, and medical research (Jonas Salk is a hero).
Vulnerability research and malware analysis are pretty cool if you like low level systems/OS programming, but don't worry about it for now.
What are you interested in?
I enjoy linux a lot and I'm comfortable building websites.
If you're interested in operating systems and such, there are a ton of good resources on the kernel like Linux Programming Interface or Linux Device Drivers. There's this thing called syzkaller that Google has to finds bugs in the kernel, if that sort of thing interests you. Lots of C programming. A Guide to Kernel Exploitation: Attacking the Core is the best book about kernel vulnerabilities.
On the web side of things, lcamtuf's Tangled Web is the seminal work in web security. I found it interesting, and had a job testing web apps for vulnerabilities like SQLi, XSS, etc. The book "Web Application Hacker's Handbook gives a nice overview of vulnerabilities that affect web apps.
Don't worry though, you may find machine learning/functional programming/computer vision is what interests you. Get gud at programming above all else.
I'm going to go the programming route for certain. Thanks for all the recommendations bud I will certainly check them out.
>studying cyber security
Why would you study something which becomes old in a few years anyway?
You can learn the basics of how to generally find exploits, but you can do that shit on your own.
Only real thing you can learn from an education is x86-64 assembly & knowledge of how to attack network protocols & such. Everything else is on a target to target basis.
Chances are, what you are learning is "tell your customers not to click enable macros in word" kind of shit, but that's nigger their security.
You can't protect yourself against a RCE anyway, so if you're that stupid you can't study it on your own instead of payot thousands of dollars for someone to tell you what's hot just this moment which will be outdated soon, then go for it
This. Get the fucking basics down before specializing in Cyber Security. Bachelor's in Cyber Security is just universities taking advantage of brainlets that fall for buzzwords.
>computer security
>not computer engineering
You go back as well
>he thinks making money is important
You're in for a rude awakening my friend.
I can't pass the stupid assessments they keep sending me
How did you do on the Putnam Exam?
O Realy? What is the smallest value of n, for which A(n) > 10000, given that A(0) = 1 and A(n+1) = the sum of all previous A(n) + (1/(n+1)). You may use whatever technology you want. Exact Solutions Only! Any continuous math fag could find an approximation.
*formally trained skid
>he's doing a tech related field for the money
Your life will be a living hell.
>why dont you do the same anons?
Perhaps because we have actually GRADUATED.
what do you mean
lmao I passed algebra 2 in highschool with like a 59.95% whatever the absolute minimum passing grade was and my teacher bumped it up a % or two to get it there. I slept through class about 3/4 of the time.
Because I'm real God-tier.
I look forward to speaking to you when you start your minimum wage job on the IT help desk and I need you to run some errand.
Because this is bait, user.