Learn to code is now an autoban on Twitter

>Learn to code is now an autoban on Twitter

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Just keep changing the phrase used to abuse people and eventually they'll just ban the entire language.

Fucking really?

coding = for niggers and women
programming = for white men


my gf ada is so cute!

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She is really cute user.

You see it's okay to say that coal workers out of work should just learn to code, but when you say it to buzzfeed that's not allowed. You should read this "12 reasons why learning to code is a dog whistle for white supremacy" article. It will explain it all.



> Aquire knowledge on coding

>train yourself in the art of coding

Obtain skill in the field of computer programming

It doesn't seem to straight up be an autoban but if they report it and it's deemed as "targeted harassment" or some shit you'll get suspended for it.

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Become proficient in the field of software engineering.

He's been seething 24/7 since the first time he read that, jesus

what we should be doing is spamming them with that one image of the tyler the creator tweet from like 2013

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Put code in brain

study python

And that's a good thing.

>I know journalists have been shitty to you in the past, but people are reacting negatively to the "learn to code" thing because, whether or not it's good advice, it's a potential right-wing dog-whistle:
Holy fuck my sides. I can't even tell when these are real fucking people or troll accounts gaslighting people


One of us! one of us! one of us!

There’s better ways to waste your time.

>You see it's okay to say that coal workers out of work should just learn to code, but when you say it to buzzfeed that's not allowed.
I don't see why; the people at buzzfeed probably have better computer skills

Knowing how to use social media and a word processor aren't computer skills. They'd have just a hard time as any blue collar worker would.

Have you not seen a boomer that can't even use a mouse?

Dude, I work IT at a construction company. The lack/refusal to learn basic shit like this is depressing.

i'd argue the coal miners would make better coders than the defunct journalists because at least the coal miners are used to providing a useful service to society and understand the value of work

Yeah, so while the boomer coalminer starts yelling about how things aren't like the good ol' days while trying to show him how to use the mouse to open a program, the buzzfeed "journalist" already has nodejs installed and the documentation open.

This might be right

Why does everyone need to be a "coder" anyway? Some people just aren't cut out for it. And that's a good thing.

that's exactly the kind of racism that gets criticized.
Buzzfeed know for themselves that they have a diversity issue.
Now going on with buzzfeeds' (predominantly white) employees would have better computer skills is a plain devaluation of other ethnicities



cose it rasist
"Learn to code" same like "get a white skin"

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See, computers iz raycis.

Git gud at creating software

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>verified twitter journalist
Why am I not surprised.

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Pajeet learned to code.
It's only niggers and feminists who seem to be unable to understand the simple logic necessary to code or formulate a coherent argument.

>He's been seething 24/7
And denies that in the longest self-reply chain known to man.

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This idiot is calling for a war, but it's a war he's never going to win. Talk about fucking ignorant and delusional.

Expand thine mind. Thou must learn to produce programs for riches everlasting.


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i literally sent the n word to a sjw on twitter how am i not banned

literally asking for a report war
gonna be gud

which n word?

the what now?


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I don’t use social media so I don’t care.

screenshot plz

You're on social media right now, dickhead.

Is anonymous media social media? I'd distinguish forums with no distinguishable accounts or IDs from those with them. They behave very differently because one seeks less attention to their "persona" of the account other than the persona of "anonymous". Anything "social" intrinsically has some aspect of engagement with your persona on some level and hence why it differs from mere journalism.
Anonymous forums should be distinguished yet again from journalism as it has no obvious interest to observe reality as is, rather it's purpose is more purely for entertainment of the user. And it also is open to anyone, where as journalism is closed to only those accepted into the journalist organisation.

>it doesn't affect me right now so it doesn't matter

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Why do people still use twitter?

Seems to me twitter only purpose is to make you lose your job.

Sure that's one way to go.
Here's another one.
Social media - noun
>websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
Look we're on a website where you (a user) created and shared content

Don't forget making others lose their job.

>websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking
But that would also cover online journalism. Online journalism is just the same only it's harder to become a user at some level (journalist - or OP I guess) than at others (comments). I tend to differentiate the three because they seem to have patterns of culture. ID social media is very reserved in the content of posts. Anonymous social media is boisterous in order to seek instant short term attention or entertainment and unrestricted by ID image. Journalism is loud because it tries to seek longer term attention (for money, fame, etc) and influence over opinion.

I don't have a problem with you having sub-categories or different nuances that you use in your head.
By definition, however, we're on social media, end of argument.
You're attempting to split hairs to make your point, I have no interest in that. I just wanted to call someone a dickhead, dickhead.

Jeez user, I wasn't really asserting anything, I was merely thinking about the concept and whether it is valid or not.
By official definition of course it's invalid. But I'm saying we really need to correct that interpretation by redefining the scope of these categories.

*seethes in journalist*
lets kill those kkkikes asap, all along its been a dog whistle!
Please don't put this post on twitter you filthy nigger-journo's >:(

This isn't enough, any mention of programming should be a ban. Keep the jobseeking normies away from my hobby.

>Hahah I don't care and my feelings aren't hurt if you tweet learn to code at me. I used to enter in QBASIC programs from the back of 3-2-1 contact and wrote a homework keeper on my TI-83. Ahh, memories. Then I got interested in other things.

too bad he is a GIGANTIC faggot and would probably call this harassment in $current_year

>giving any shit at all about twitter

>Obtain the ability to code

>tfw had to kill the master coder to gain his arcane knowledge

Coding confirmed for being white supremacist
int x = 1488;

cose it rasist
"Learn to code" same like "get a white skin"

if publishing shit for others to read is social media then textbooks are social media. get a grip.

literally rape, he is so brave

>learn to program
>learn programming
>write source code
>get a programming job
>go mine coal
There are a billion ways to get under their skin. It's impossible to filter us.

That's basically correct. Books and social media posts deserve the same protection under the law as any other form of speech. Free speech is free speech is free speech. It doesn't matter who it offends.

>feminists who seem to be unable to understand the simple logic necessary to code
computer science/software engineering used to be a female dominated field

Exactly. I'm all for trolling leftist sjw journalists. But you'll be poisoning the field with their stupidity.

Before you could make money by doing it, yes

>poisoning the field
Have you SEEN Silicon Valley devs?

Good. Hopefully this will signal the normies that programming is hateful, and the incessant push to get more people into it will stop.

>totaly don't care
>just hit a character limit explaining yourself to anonymous

implying that knowing how to transcribe QBASIC commands from a children's magazine is equivalent to knowing how to program.
how the FUCK do you get this stupid?

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it's real. it says here in the anime.

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For a group that likes to put down others, you lot sure are sensitive.

Everything in anime is real.

that can't possibly be!!!

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> TI

HAHA. he just doesn't get it. raging on for days about it. what a faggot.

Who the fuck actually uses twitter?

>but it's a war he's never going to win
They targeted gamers. GAMERS.

This thread is off topic so post your husbando

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no, they only ban you for criticizing protected class

Did they ever stop dragging it out endlessly?

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Idk I'm only on act 5

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Glad I only use Twitter to read TheSunVanished lole

this please.

>ring gag
>not ball gag

So he can ram his dick down her throat.
Why are you so simple minded user?

I know that is one of the uses but why not the sweet sound of muffled moans and squirms?

Jesus fuck. Is that you G?

Most people don't need to be. Getting rid of much of the bloat and killing models entirely would be a good idea. Many people who should currently unemployed, would be unemployed.

>all these years later
>still seething about gamergate

holy shit it's like another shoha to these professional social media people