Which is the better language to develop small to medium programs in?

I am moving away from using Python to develop scientific software, and I need something that can provide a bit more speed and flexibility. I no longer want to rely on other people's shitty code and syntaxes, and I really fucking hate OOP.

Attached: Java vs C++.png (410x1024, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:

harmful.cat-v.org/software/c /I_did_it_for_you_all


If you hate OOP, don't use Java
Go for C or maybe Go

Lisp. You need the interactivity of repl-based languages for science. But lisp gives the performance you need and then some while not being OOP if you don't want it to be. It allows you to customize syntax endlessly because of readtables and macros and it has bindings to cuda, opencl, gsl, blas, lapack, and other scientific computing "core" tools.

>I am moving away from using Python to develop scientific software


Unironically Javascript

Every release is full of critical bugs. Just no.

harmful.cat-v.org/software/c /I_did_it_for_you_all

>I really fucking hate OOP
> Java

Go is a DOA language. There are no good new procedural languages.

> Hates OOP
> Wants to learn java or C++

Learn Haskell?

Not fast enough sorry, and really unstable.
These seem like two good options for a functional language. I'll research these further. Thanks.

Ignore meme languages and framework stacks if you like stability and want to distribute programs in a form other than a hundred megabyte installer for a text editor.

>small to medium programs in
What small to medium programs in? Where are they gonna run? How long are they gonna run? What is the input? Do you intend to target multiple environments?

There are so many variables in this you don't even want to think about. Just choose one tool and go from there. Research on your own. There is no golden hammer. Everyone who claims that one tool is better than the other in every way is full of shit and has not used anything besides that flavor of the month language.

t. enterprise developer (mainly java but really using what ever is necessary)

Yeah. Learn Ada. Its safe, fast, and no memery.

Fuck off

Give me a single new procedural language. Ill wait.

You obviously quoted the wrong people since they advocate for languages that compile to native with proven technologies.

>compile to native

Then make a valid suggestion instead of bitching you fuckstick.

Forgot to mention
>Hate pOOP
Well I fucking hate cunts like you who want to stagnate themselves because they're undisciplined and don't want to explore their field. You are the fucking reason every manager and their mother is trying to replace entire field with automated tools and content management systems and one line frameworks because it's """"""""""""cheaper""""""""""", but when suddenly they need something custom they're paying the techdebt accumulated due to an inability to choose proper tools for the job.
>b-b-b-b-b-ut the description said its simple and easy and many other buzzwords
Well fuck you you fucking faggot nerd who has never worked in the field and pretends that degree in management makes you smarter than bunch of interns who read an internet tutorial on how to do javascript.

Fine. Learn how computers work by learning plain C and asm. Then move on to C++ because OOP is useful in medium-large projects, and even if you don't need OOP for your smaller project, stl containers and such are really useful.

>Well fuck you you fucking faggot nerd who has never worked in the field and pretends that degree in management
My degrees are a Masters in Chemistry and a Masters in Advanced Materials. I give absolutely no shits about how you think programming should be done, I find OOP really stands in the way of scientific programs and becomes a real PITA when extending tools with new functionality that may not have been planned initially. The only time I ever use it is if I need a GUI because there are no functional GUI's.

And that doesn't answer OPs question.

>cherry picking
Good bye shill


Why do we need a new procedural language when the existing ones work perfectly fine?

The reason you see new languages popping up in the OO space all the time, is because everyone hates Java

>learn how computers work
>C and asm
First, C is a fucking black box, it doesnt teach you shit about the internals of a computer. And good luck making software in asm. Second, OP just wants to make software to prove how trannies make society progress or something, so he needs a simple language that doesnt get in his way, like Lisp or Scheme.

If you don't like OOP try scala, Kotlin is less OOP than java btw.

Also Go is decent.

Look into rust if you want THE BARE METAL as some say performance

Maybe he should check out FiM++ then.

Java is great for portability, but there's no way around OOP really.

If you're limiting yourself to the languages in your pic, then C is the only way to truly avoid OOP.

Fortran is still a pretty good option for scientific software.