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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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I still need help with Rufus, it's stuck here:
Rufus x86 v3.4.1430
Windows version: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
Syslinux versions: 4.07/2013-07-25, 6.03/2014-10-06
Grub versions: 0.4.6a, 2.02
System locale ID: 0x0416
Will use default UI locale 0x0416
SetLGP: Successfully set NoDriveTypeAutorun policy to 0x0000009E
Localization set to 'pt-BR'
Found USB 2.0 device 'Generic USB Flash Disk USB Device' (048D:1176)
1 device found
Disk type: Removable, Disk size: 8 GB, Sector size: 512 bytes
Cylinders: 979, Tracks per cylinder: 255, Sectors per track: 63
Partition type: MBR, NB Partitions: 1
Disk ID: 0x04DD5721
Drive has an unknown Master Boot Record
Partition 1:
Type: FAT32 (0x0b)
Size: 7.5 GB (8054080000 bytes)
Start Sector: 63, Boot: Yes
Scanning image...
ISO analysis:
Image is an UDF image
Disk image analysis:
Image does not have an x86 Master Boot Record
Size: 3.1 GB (Projected)
Uses: EFI (win7_x64)
Uses: Bootmgr (BIOS and UEFI)
Uses: Install.wim (version 0.13.1)
Using image: X17-59465.iso (3.1 GB)
WIM extraction method(s) supported: 7-Zip, wimgapi.dll
WIM apply method supported: wimgapi.dll
Format operation started
Requesting disk access...
No drive letter was assigned...
Will use 'G:' as volume mountpoint
Deleting partitions...
I'm looking for a reliable external drive in the 1-2 TB storage range, any suggestions?
gay OP is pozzng /sqt/ with xir super-aids
would anime girls be alright?
How do i make "ass [default]" subtitles display automatically? I changed subtitle renderer from "internal" to "assfilter" but it didn't work.
This truly is a stupid questions thread
I like them. It's a good way to differentiate the thread from others without reading the OP or using the search tool.
Is my 6600k bottlenecking my 2080? I play games on 1440p 144 hz monitor. I'm playing Resident Evil 2 right now and getting all kinds of stutters and my cpu is at 100% usage on medium graphical settings.
Would a 6700k be a worthwhile upgrade?
I'm going to wait for the thread to die so I can post a new one with a non anime picture
Opening mkv with CCCP works but I'd rather make standalone mpc-hc work
What are the pros and cons between Windows 7 and Windows 10?
What does Windows 10 have that Windows 7 doesn't?
I had good experiences with a WD Elements drive. 1TB I think it came with a carrying case. They also make drop-proof ones if you want that.
how important are spectre bios patches? was thinking of picking up an older workstation and I noticed most some of them don't have bios patches
If you don't know already means you don't really care. Just install 10, don't come back crying tho
this user gets it
Well Win10 has support for newer processors than 7 I think (unless there was a workaround for that). Win10 also has Cortana, which is a virtual assistant program like Siri on applel devices. Furthermore I think some vidya might start only working on 10 at some point if they haven't already.
Because Win10 is newer, It's probably way more bloated, because that's how mafia works.
Also, it's worth mentioning that Windows in general, but especially Windows 10, spy on you to an extreme degree, even if you try to turn those features off.
>Meltdown and Spectre exploit critical vulnerabilities in modern processors. These hardware vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data which is currently processed on the computer. While programs are typically not permitted to read data from other programs, a malicious program can exploit Meltdown and Spectre to get hold of secrets stored in the memory of other running programs. This might include your passwords stored in a password manager or browser, your personal photos, emails, instant messages and even business-critical documents.
I'd say they're pretty important
I wouldn't care at all, browsers are already spectre patched. Most shit you hear on Jow Forums is pure fud.
I dont know if this is the right place to post this but...
I recently moved my M.2 from one slot to another. In the process, I might have put too much pressure on it. Now ibstead of recognizing the 256GB, it only sees 251MB. So it will no longer boot to the OS. I have flashed the BIOS, moved and reseated it several times, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas on what I should do?
>Most shit you hear on Jow Forums is pure fud.
will do
>Jow Forumstard is a closeted faggot
who would have thought
who do I trust
Jow Forumsing a direct download for Windows 10. Im getting throttled any time I try to torrent
ignore them
keep posting cute bois
They dont host iso downloads anymore
Except they do. You can literally get them from that page.
Anyone knows why Newpipe only loads some videos at 360p and 720p? If I pick other resolutions they never load.
Does anyone else find it WAY too easy to right click? I've googled it and not a single person has ever complained about this, at least as far as it will show me.
Mice just can't support the weight of my fingers. I have to constantly exert force to keep my fingers lifted off of the right button or else it'll click. I'm not even fat. Why are mouse buttons so fucking eager to click?
It depends on the mouse. I had a logitech mouse and while I won't say my issue was as severe, it was quite a light click. More recently I fell for the gaymer meme and got a Zowie, which requires a bit more effort. It's not just gaming vs non-gaming though, because i've heard Razers are pretty sensitive too. I'd never complain about it, because I never had an issue with accidentally clicking stuff, but I do know the sensitivity differs from mouse to mouse.
cute len
Probably for the same reasons as youtube-dl not loading videos at the max res.
any recommendations for a decent, affordable dashcam?
that's tech, right?
I've never torrented a thing in my life, how does one do it? PC version of the original NFS Most Wanted is way overpriced.
Best Android Emulator?
Don't need it for games just watching stuff on android-only applications and controlling some smart appliances from laptop/desktop
When I switched from the Zowie FK1 to the Logitech G703 I right clicked shit by accident all the time. After a few weeks it went away. Just gotta get used to it
Has Firefox Nightly broken the drop down menu for anyone else?
Alright /sqt/, I need some help
I've been an iOS user for the past couple of years, and I'm tired of the walled garden, I'm looking to switch to an android, the phone I've been looking at is an lg g7 thinq, only problem: I can't tell if I'd be able to root it, or put a custom rom on it (LineageOS) looks like lineageos does not support the g7, and root methods seem iffy. What should I do?
If switching to a phone that supports lineageOS is my only option, any suggestions?
(Carrier is Verizon)
And what are those reasons?
Another question, is a trustworthy site? For those who don't know about it, it's a Youtube frontend similar to hooktube, and they claim to not use YT API, but I'm not sure about its legitimacy since it's never mentioned here in Jow Forums.
Tormenting is just a way to distribute files, for things like movie piracy, this works fine, but games often have anti piracy measures, with methods of bypassing anti-piracy being called a game crack.
I fail to see how that would be a bad thing, unless you mean that the dropdown shit stays instead of dissapearing.
I wish there was a way to get rid of that retarded change that didn't require me to learn how to CSS.
I'm not getting used to it. I've had the issue for the last couple years across 3 mouses
Maybe I'm just dying. I can't type without hitting two keys at once every single time anymore either
>What does Windows 10 have that Windows 7 doesn't?
Native touchscreen support. If you don't have a touchscreen, stick with 7.
According to a quick search I made, the G7 can't be rooted yet.
>If switching to a phone that supports lineageOS is my only option, any suggestions?
Nexus/Pixel, Samsung and high-end phones in general usually have the best custom ROM support since the developers aren't pajeets.
No. Works fine for me.
Well the drop down menu on the right is fucked and so is everything else on the bar so I can't open UMatrix anymore
Kind of an issue
How old are you man? If
We may not be referring to the same thing.
I'm talking about the new dropdown below the url bar that has search shit EVEN if you explicitly turn said suggestions off in about:preferences.
I was under the impression that Nightly is just the latest beta of FF stable.
back to your containment board you piece of shit faggot pedo
should i upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10?
And what version of windows 10 should I upgrade to?
>I was under the impression that Nightly is just the latest beta of FF stable.
Firefox Beta is the beta version. Firefox Nightly is the alpha version.
I see.
Honestly, it's getting harder and harder to like FF with all the retarded bullshit they've kept adding every few updates since ~35.0. And apparently we've now gotten to the point where knowing how CSS works is required to get rid of the worst offenders. Being able to navigate about:settings used to be enough.
What's a good solution for synchronous streaming with several people? We currently use, but they want to find something else. Is there anything that were you can upload a file and have it stream that together (a consideration is that some people are EU, some NA).
Try these:
Watch together
Eh. I never really cared about the looks anyway. Sure, it's a little disheartening when you think about the hours people spend fixing things that ain't broken (I'm sure you'll love the new about:config), but as long as they keep improving other aspects like content blocking I can live with it.
I got banned, happened to get a new router so installed it, and now I’m getting an “error: ban evasion, this ban will is permanent” message when I try to post. When I go to the /banned screen, it says I’m not banned so I can’t even appeal it. What do?
Lads, where can I find a tutorial or information for making custom panels for KDE 5 Plasma? I want to make my own panel, as I'm not entirely satisfied with what other people have made, but I can't seem to find a good guide or source of information for doing so. The only thing I've really found is that they're done with .SVGs.
Replacing the HDD in my dad's pc with an SSD and need software to clone the drive over.
I know about CloneZilla but have never used it before, and would prefer something easy that can be done either in OS or on USB thumb drive.
Also, being able to adjust size automatically is a plus since the partitions are bigger than the SSD.
Is the Acronis stuff some brands list on their sites free if you bought an SSD?
Sounds ominous, but at least I won't have to look at it all the time so I can live with it.
The shit they did to about:newtab last major update on the other hand... I use newtab all the time, and it took me two fucking days of fiddling to get it back to normal.
Still wish I could get rid of that little square in the lower right corner of pinned sites that has the sites first letter in it, but I don't even know if it has a name so I have no clue what to search for.
Thanks, I'll look into these.
I've tried uninstalling and installing Java countless times now, but every try ends with "couldn't completely install - error 1603"
I've tried completely sweeping the PC clean of any remnants the software may have left but still nothing works, any advice?
Have you tried these steps?
>use libreoffice on windows
>write a sentence
>it assumes that it's english so i have to change the language manually, do this for the entire document
>type literally anything
>changes back to english
so this
is the power
of freetards
its especially dumb cus it works just fine on lunix
I want to digitize my VHS tapes. Does it matter what VCR I use? Will a $200 VCR have (noticeably) better results a $20 VCR?
So, recently fireden appears to be a big fat piece of shit that throws 404 errors on most images, not "this image was never in our database", straight out 404 errors
Why? And what can i do to fix it on my end?
Unless you treated and stored those tapes super fucking good, you're unlikely to get anything out of them now.
The "expiry" date on the last produced batch of VHS tapes was ~2 years ago and I doubt your tapes are from that particular batch.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't even try to salvage precious family memories. Thanks for the input.
Yes, it matters. Try to get one with s-video output.
Bullshit. My family's VHS tapes from the early 90s onward play just as well as they did the day they were recorded. I buy VHS regularly as a part of my video hobby and most of them play just fine.
>most of them
Well duh.
Nothing goes bad at the stroke of midnight on a set day. How the tapes were stored/treated matters.
Are you saying that even though the VHS tapes play and view perfectly well through a videotape player, it won't be able to be digitized? I mean, I have tapes that are 20 years old that play just fine today, but I've never tried turning them into digital media, so I don't know where the problems would be.
i dont see a question, you must be in the wrong thread, friend
nigger get the fuck out. VHS tapes degrade most from re-record and re-playing.
I just wanted to whine.
I tried all the ways of changing the language except for changing the language of the entire program.
Don't listen to him. He obviously has no experience with this. They'll digitalize just fine.
Both of them, aswell as the online and the offline version.
Even so, when I try to click on the "Help" option once the error code arrives it just opens an empty notepad, which I guess is another problem in itself...
Like I said, I've been dealing with VHS that's been stored under a large variety of conditions, most of them very poor conditions, for over a decade, and the majority have been perfectly salvageable.
cringe and bluepilled
>Are you saying
I'm not. I'm saying that there's a good chance your tapes have degraded, since they're most likely 20+ years old and you didn't mention wether or not you had used them recently.
A VCR with a digital output should do the trick.
I (will) have a laptop with two SSDs, one with 500GB and windows pre-installed and another empty one with 128GB. I plan to intall Arch on the latter, which how big should each partition be? Do I even need swap with 16GB of memory?
just noticed i have some barely noticeable specks of thermal paste on my ryzen 7 2700x's underside. is it damaged, or can i easily clean/ignore this issue?
Has anyone confirmed with absolute certainty whether or not the Radeon VII has SR-IOV disabled yet?
I madea thread about this but maybe i'll get better response from here.
I have a disk partitioned like so:
|~300GB I can't change|50GB Free Space|8GB root [dangerously full]|8GB Swap|76GB home|
The root file system is in danger of overflowing into the swap, how do i resize the root partition and take up the free space without fucking up my files?
I have two old-ish laptops with 802.11n wi-fi, can i just upgrade them with 802.11ac cards of the same form factor or are there any limitations imposed by motherboard/cpu? The os is Windows 10.
where can I host a >4mb webm? please not (slow streaming) or gfycat
if it's the right form factor it should be fine. just make sure you have the needed drivers locally before making the switch
What software is good for migrating Windows 10 to a new SSD? I have looked, but it's hard to tell what is shit and what actually works these days.
What UNIX skills and knowledge do I need to have to work as a sysadmin?
Why is anti aliasing such a big thing for video games, but not for real life footage? Both are playing on a screen, aren't they? Both should be subject to jaggies from the pixils not lining up perfectly.
I built a PC back in December with no problems, but after running an HTC Vive for the first time on it last night it won't post anymore. The fans all spin up and the case lights come on but the display and keyboard LEDs are all dead. Any advice? I'm about to connect the MOBO speaker for beep codes.
Make sure every cable is connected properly. Ground yourself first.
What's the iOS equivalent of Android Doze?
Does iOS even suspend data in sleep? How does it have such great battery life if it doesn't?
Turned it on with the case open and saw that the debug LED for VGA was lit. Turned off, jostled the card a little, worked on reboot. Guess I need to secure the Vive cord before then so I don't pull it too hard in the future. Also explains the video cutting out on me all night last night.
In toy 3D systems, every pixel is a choice of exactly one color from the area it represents. In live video, each pixel is an average of many photon impacts from its sample area. Antialiasing tries to approximate this convincingly with as little work as possible, which is difficult.
the stylish-haskell extension for VStudio isn't doing jack shit what gives. stylish-haskell works in terminal.
Are corsair PSUs good again or na? I want to pick one up at fry's and they don't have a huge selection of PSUs.
I almost got into trying to learn some stuff because I wanted to mod d2, but after installing vscode and vs, but too lazy to restart because i have problem that causes it to last 30' that nobody could help me with 1-2 years ago
so i'm met with reading and writing to memory and assembly, and i noped really fast
watched some techy-creator vids of this dude that used mostly c# and i remember from g that a lot of people talk shit about it
the more i try and understand, the more i don't and the more question i have
inb4, just pick a language and start
the question
what the fuck are frameworks and are they important? i know java exists and javascript exists, and they're connected somehow, that that there seem to be a subset of languages that are java scriptbut [somedifference], and there are frameworks? and what's a .net?
every time i want to get in i have no fucking clue why it's so obscenely obtuse and obfuscated