Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme

>tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme

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lol cuck

Attached: System.png (1631x931, 181K)

>tfw fell for the ryzen meme

Attached: ahhhhh noooooooooo.jpg (653x726, 46K)

Based femanon

>he doesn't use at least 16 GiB RAM
then what do you use your facebook machine, erm, i mean, your computer for?

>implying computer savvy women are actually women

Computers are a tranny magnet. We just need to invent a program to get the creepy evil bastards to kill themselves.


U guise dont use swap partitions? Lol

Attached: giphy (1).gif (480x270, 1.36M)

It's called Jow Forums

>currently have a laptop with 8 gigs of ram
>attempt to compile using gcc
>receive error directing me to

Feels awesome to have 32GB of DDR4 memory at 3000MHz.
I am simply based.

at least you didn't fall for 16GiB VRAM meme

Attached: .jpg (1920x1082, 223K)

>We just need to invent a program to get the creepy evil bastards to kill themselves
All of the Jow Forums mobile clients will do the trick. Now keep bullying them until they suck a shotgun.

not this thread again...

Question: what game needs more than 11GiB?

Facebook actually has trouble running on just 8GB after a couple minutes. I decided it's better to stop using it than to upgrade

RE2 says you need over 13 GB if you max out the settings.

I looked good on my 2015 pc (16 ram 3.5 vram)
It is a good game, but too short for a full price purchase. I would say its worth 15 usd.

Running a ryzen rn and I've btfo all the inteltards in a 50 mile radius by going to each individual person and inserting my hefty multicore speed in their ass

Yes i own that game and if you max all the shit out you need like 16gb. My card only has 8gb so even mine can't do that. Still the game looks good on 1440p with most settings turned on and Vsync enabled.

Jow Forums - General of 2013 wants its thread back

>went from X5650 w/ OC to stock 1950X under dual 360mm rads>
>system is now whisper quiet even at full load and fucking demolishes cycles

>using ram

Tfw fell for the 16gb of ram meme. Feels good to never have to worry about running out when having a million browser tabs open, while playing anime in the background, and editing a high res image in gimp.

Attached: IMG_20190130_124910.jpg (3264x1836, 3.65M)

I have 4gb ram and use a million browser tabs without much issue. It sometimes takes a second for an old page to load. That's it.

boomer detected

>windows user
>calling others cuck
wew lad

Feels bad, 16GB isn't really enough for much these days.

But you only have one browser open
*sips* yeap

the moment your fans start spinning, it's over.

Oh, it's this thread again