>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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Stop posting anime girls
sapphire has become obsessed with oping which explains the cowposting
Anime girls are better than anything else you could post.
I want to take her headphones and snap them. Stop wearing them all the time like an accessory bitch.
She's a whore what would you expect
Modern anime just gets worse.
What's an alternative to the official stax stand that won't strain the band or the pads? Has to be $25 at most.
Redpill on STAX: STAX is an old Jap company with outdated tech that was considered high end back in the 1960s and 1970s but sounds like ass by today's standards, so they went nearly bankrupt. They were purchased by a Chinese company for just a million dollars who decided to market STAX to the audiophool "more expensive is better" demographic who buys those crappy $3000 vinyl players, they shill heavily on HeadFi and here on /hpg/, plus they pay Zeos to shill their crap just like Fostex does.
>In December 2011, Chinese loudspeaker manufacturer Edifier announced the acquisition of 100% equity in Stax
Oratory has measured the highest end STAX, the SR-009S.
It's worse than the HD600. HD600 scored 92 and SR-009S scored 76.
In a separate study:
>The very highest end STAX ($4000 SR-009) was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701
Download the PDF of the study at: mega.nz
Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi. This is why they don't demo them in store, they rely on the internet to create a sense of mystique around STAX and shill it as the endgame because its expensive, Asian, rare and obscure. In reality its no bass sounding garbage, with shrill highs that appeal only to near-deaf boomers. And what they say is true, they have no soundstage.
A bathtub.
Sundara is really, really flat.
Ananda was more to my liking.
That won't fit on my desk
Based and objectivepilled.
*sniffs feets*
triggeredstaxincels on suicide watch lmao
STAX shills absolutely BTFO
You forgot
>allowing your own colony to colonize you
Fuck STAX and Jaguar, never owning those again.
30usd or less, you can fudge a dollar or two, but that's for change or tax or whatever, I'm am not a wealthy man to say the least
PC (realtek 1150 usually if that helps)
>Type of headphone
iem, hanging type preferred, but as long as comfy
>Open or closed
NA, but would like to avoid leaking.
>Comfort level
depends on trade offs, but rather be comfortable, my ears being pinched or pressured turned out to be pretty annoying
>Sound signature
neutral as possible, or slightly v shaped --- weeb music, classical, videogames, and old usa 70s, 80s, 90s rock (the usual names)
>Past headphones
all poor man 10 usd or less, not worth discussing. I'd rather not have any hard plastic hooks or anything like that, I've got big ears and glasses and it's painful using those types of headphones. Simple. Cable harmonics need to be not awful, I had one pair where even the slightest movement was FSSSHHHHHH in the ears.
Floorfag, are you lonely?
Official Headphone Tiers
Alpha Tier
- Audeze
- Focal
Omega Tier
- Meze
- Mr Speakers
- Hifiman
Average/Beta Tier
- Fostex
Nigger Tier
- Sony
- Beats
- Marley
- Skullcandy
Audiophool Tier
- Audioquest
- Obravo
- McIntosh
- Grado
My friend on steam says the build quality is trash.
Floor user makes me cringe.
Why do you newfags call him flooranon, he's gearspammer... /hpg/ truly has been infested by a bunch of Jow Forumsheadphones rejects...
If I had 1000 dollars and I wanted to get the best headphone what would you recommend floor user?
oh you like cardas too?
Dunno, if I was looking to spend a lot of money I’d either hold onto the $1000 until I saved enough to afford L700 and a Stax tube amp or hd800 and a woo w22.
Thanks, I was considering the L700 and HD800S anyway.
Pretty good move either way. If I didn’t want to spend a lot of money I would buy 650s and a Bottlehead Crack kit.
One ZMF Eikon please.
You remind me, for a gear collector, the spammer doesn't have any wooden beats. Why?
He knows they're shit.
I've been considering a HD800S myself but I'm afraid the day I buy one, the next day Sennheiser will announce a new flagship.
Foor user are you getting anything new?
200AUD, but I'm willing to spend up to 300AUD
PC, X370 Taichi motherboard
>Type of headphone
Preferably something with a mic
>Open or closed
Don't Care
>Comfort level
Would prefer to be comfy
>Sound signature
As long as its not bassy
>Past headphones
Sennheiser PC 363D's which are what I'm replacing. I also own a pair of HD600's and HD439's but only use them occasionally.
How bad is latency on bluetooth headphones? I only need them to watch movies so not very strict in terms of latency.
the "analytical listening" pose where you put your hands on your face and look concentrated
mostly just records and cds. have been Interested in hearing the new d50 and how it compares to the 353 with line level signals.
These are my latest
worst of the trio
Sennheiser game one headset.
If you really want it with a mic then you won't get much of a upgrade. you could get a K702 and attach a modmic or some other mic.
Why are closed headphones such garbage they all have the stupid pad resonance at 200Hz which makes them sound cold as fuck.
>stupid pad resonance at 200Hz which makes them sound cold as fuck.
what does that mean though.
A dip at 200Hz.
I've looked at these, but they don't seem to stock them anywhere in Australia anymore.
Now that you mention it an attachable mic might be the best option. Would you recommend a ModMic 5? Its about 100AUD.
Did anyone ever get the limited L300LE Stax? I was lucky enough to cancel my order due to the long delay.
Imagine the smell.
>52 months ago
I don't think 5toubun exist that long ago. Probably talking about the vocaloid miku.
US$125 hard budget/ MYR 520
Desktop w/ integrated audio card, mobo: ga-h77m-d3h
>Type of headphone
Full sized, mic not neccessary
>Open or closed
closed but doesnt really matter too much to me
>Comfort level
mid to high ideally, I plan to wear them prolly 3-4 hours at a time for video and audio editing so comfort would be nice
>Sound signature
neutral with no boosts anywhere
>Past headphones
Never had a proper branded headphone before, only cheap chink shit and endless amounts of in ear monitors that I hate
Ive been looking at ATH M50x for like >3 years now but I still cant afford it :(
What else is a reasonable headset Jow Forums? Also do I need a DAC?
fellow staxincels, how do we stop beyerchads from taking all our women?
>Would you recommend a ModMic 5
I got modmic 4.0 unidirectional. It was about 40 USD. It's pretty much as good as modmic 5 but the 5th one has blocks noise in background(unidirectional) and non noise canceling. And then a USB amazon.com
>he doesn't own stax
>he won't sniff my feet
I do
>that means he won't be a virgin for life
One Focal Clear please, add a RME ADI-2 as well.
nostax incels seething 24/7
Sounds good, I'll probably go with that. For headsets, do you have any cheaper alternatives to the K702's that were recommended earlier? Something around 200AUD seeing as I can't get a ModMic lower than 100AUD.
No bass
No soundstage for vidya
Shit comfort
Shit build quality
Needs a special amp
No detachable cable
Good music taste for a faggot spammer
Why is the nostax mafia spamming so hard now, are they compensating for the days where they were AWOL?