How do we solve the Satanichia problem?
(with technology)
How do we solve the Satanichia problem?
(with technology)
Other urls found in this thread:
what problem
She's a little too smug for my tastes
No problem
Is Gabriel Dropout worth watching? Too scared to ask /a/ because they might bully me
It's only a problem if you buy Apple products, in which case you deserve to be mocked.
Best part of Jow Forums if I'm honest
the only solution is to stop using apple products. if you do then this won't bother you so much
it's pretty cute, definitely worth a watch
Let's Raphiel post instead
Stop being an iToddler then you won't get so triggered by it
>how do we solve all of our own problems by fixing problems we created in the first place?
I think she's really cute desu
also, she BTFOs mactards and itoddlers
i want to sniff gabu
>no vigne posts
vigne best gabdrop
allow it, it's better than ishit and frogposts
if we destroy apple who will be btfo?
steve blowjobs
Reminder that Satania is completely and utterly useless
It was a real fun watch, sorta short, would recommend
ban all itoddlers
Microsoft has my vote next
based and angelpilled
>mfw satania spelled in japanese is the same as satanyaa
Stop being BTFO?
>/a/ bullies people
lol wut
Satania is cute! CUTE!
improve our products
Raphi thread!
dragon dildos are technology
they are fucking assholes. 80% of the people commenting in a thread are haters, and the other percentage are either shitposters and a few actually discuss seriously or have good taste.
fucking yes, also in the OFFICIAL Jow Forums core:
Ika Musume
Yuru Yuri
ok satania posters
you've convinced me to watch this anime
>80% of the people commenting in a thread are haters, and the other percentage are either shitposters and a few actually discuss seriously or have good taste
i usually stick to generals of anime i watch and lurk in generals of anime that i don't know. couldn't say it's too bad. i'm only an asshole to nostalgiafags. they should be fucking euthanized; same goes for Jow Forums.
kys pedos
Only after I'm done touching your daughter.
pedo website
sharing my MD5 filters
# the itoddler btfo
# basedboy face
# linus tech tips
# altcoins rabbit
# Confess meme
# luke smith face
# those b&w chad pictures
replace her with mao
god i wish that were me
and my comments filter
# Filter posts with 20 or more quote links:
# Filter posts like T H I S / H / I / S:
/^>\/g\/ - technology$/
/^Come home white man$/
Weeaboos are one of the worst type of cancer.
Fucking retarded faggots.
I'm going to write a python script that edits all of my Satania files by one pixel just to change the md5 hash. iT*ddlers PERMANENTLY BTFO
Yes, leave.
4channel is an anime website. Perhaps reddit is more your speed
Personally I'm disappointed Sharo posting didn't get popular after the Intool thing.
The best place to talk about anime is /co/, as long as you don't bring up cartoons
No such thing as too smug user
>1.27 MB, 1024x768
The absolute madman.
I've watched a couple episodes, it's pretty cute.
>actually a secret forced meme made by pajeets to bump apple threads
Not nice.
Not nice at all.
Almost every image the /sqt/ shotaposter uses has those shitcrusted edges because of that format.
It also insulted my mom, get that out of here.
Its literally panty and stocking for kids
/a/non crossboarder here, I hope you don't think that if you ask here then you don't ask the same people that you would ask over there.
Most people rejected Her message. They hated Her because She told them the truth.
Reddit is on an anti-anime pogrom right now. Brace for am influx of refugees.
go back
># those b&w chad pictures
md5 filters are damn near useless because of so many things that can change them, even unintentionally.
Complain to her mom.
>phones change jpegs at save
Scriptfags BTFO!
based indeed
Accepting Satania might be a start.
Why contain it?