What does Jow Forums think of fitgirl repacks? Why the fuck does it take 8 hours to unpack something? Is it basing compression/decompression or is it bitcoin mining in the background?
>inb4 shitty hardware yeah i know, my roommate also waits for couple of hours on a new i5 system
8hours seems way too much, where did you download the file from? Download it directly from the fitgirl site, they don't put miners into their stuff, decent group.
>What does Jow Forums think of fitgirl repacks? Why the fuck does it take 8 hours to unpack something? Probably using FreeARC or something in the same ballpark, good compression terrible unpacking times, I mean could be worse, could be ZPAQ or PAQ8
Kevin Richardson
lmao what a scam
Eli Brooks
>FIFA trash games >8 hours Cause you're stuck on the old 4 core. I have old Sandybridge 6c12t @ 3.2ghz and fit girls repack unpack in under 30 minutes.
Justin Mitchell
What are fit girl repacks?
William Anderson
repacks of PC Games made by internet user FitGirl
Brayden Lee
Juan Price
"She" uses a shitty compression method, releases that only matter for third worlders with data caps like anyone using Comcast. Its way faster to download the game and the crack if you have a proper internet speed.
Also not technology.
Michael Butler
>conversation about compression methods >not technology nigga u dum af
Samuel Howard
I think that pirating software is for the most lowly of people
Dominic Jackson
becuase you have shit multicore fitgirl is literraly just a compressed game u fuck
That nobody knows if she is really a grill and if she is actually fit
Robert Jackson
Multiple times my firewall warned it tried to use internet, its a stupid miner. Im baffled this is Jow Forums and no one noticed it. When I warned about it on /v I was accussed of lying.
never used fitgirl's repacks. I've commonly used ones from FLT and Reloaded and there were no problems.
Alexander King
Its a horrifying hideous s.oy addicted tranny, its obvious
Owen Richardson
FitGirl is a pun, it's actually several guys. I swear, zoomers have no idea about the scene.
Lincoln Hill
Whaaa there's actual technology talk on my desktop/marketing board!!!11one
Luke Hughes
She uses high compression. Compare the full game install with what is downloaded. That's all there to it. It's good when you have average internet and good PC. It's faster to unpack then download entire game. OP see above
Angel Torres
>manchild video games >let me run this random executable file I got on the internet, the comments said it was safe Great technology material
Jayden Ward
>I cant stop lurking and even commenting a thread im not interested into how about shooting yourself in the head?
Cameron Diaz
its a discord tranny, gtfo libtard
Josiah King
1.High compression. 2.Actual Bitcoin Mining(not even joking, downloaded MGSV and it took 6 fucking hours with and ssd , and both my cpu and gpu were 100%)
Gabriel Phillips
fitgirl should kill himself. He's a fat tranny and he has said on multiple occasions that AMD processors suck
I only torrent from Reloaded and CODEC (and RG Mechanics and Games4theworld occasionally)
FitGirl, if you are reading this; unironically kill yourself :)
Lincoln Mitchell
Kevin Moore
how fucking shit connections you people have if you rather spend 12 hours uncompressing a repacked game than download it as-is?
Easton Perry
>be FitGirl >steal Reloaded's torrent >repack it with shitty compression and built-in crypto miner
jesus christ. He doesn't even get the files from the scene, he blatantly steals other torrentgroups' releases and rebrands them as his own
Cooper Murphy
>Im baffled this is Jow Forums and no one noticed it. Probably because very few people download stupid dodgy shit here.