Thoughts in Linus? I've actually learned a few things from him.
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Thoughts in Linus? I've actually learned a few things from him.
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linus would be significantly more respectable if that was his family and not the chink infiltrator he married and her kamikaze kids
Did you know that they met in okcupid?
I learned this from watch g his videos.
Damn. I'll never have this
Too bad white girls prefer Niggers, chinks and Muslims nowadays
I always like their eyes after they have a kid.
It's just like 100 sleepless nights and stress in a row.
only autistic girls use okcupid, no surprise.
really? I should start using it. autistic girls are cute
Nah you're just ugly.
How can a non Asian guy have kids with an Asian girl? The thought of seeing my kids grow up looking like chinks is just scary.
>getting mad at tech e-celeb for having an asian waifu
>asian waifu
yeah let's not use words like "waifu" to imply she's actually some porcelain japanese goddess
LMAO at her eyes
they look pretty fucking soulless
bug eyes
Yeah they're beady eyes and too dark to look warm and welcoming, can't even see her pupils
His wife looks like hide the pain Harold...
T. Skinny fat marble mouth with shit posture
All non-whites have soulless eyes. It's because they lack souls.
Linux is not particularly attractive, so why do you expect him to have a hot gf? why do you care this much?
cute couple and kid
Don't even know, who this
t. Tenda
No female "prefers" chinks.
>marrying a literal monkey
no thanks
Jesus that's scary