>There's no such thing as a perfect ca-
There's no such thing as a perfect ca-
i liked the look but my god 0 fucking airflow
Gay Man's Next Ass found the airflow to be just fine. It was only Hardware Cucks and their EVGA housefire card that had problems.
>shit airflow
>no 5,25 bays
>could be small depending on what you need to put inside
And this is how you identify a paid shill
Can't beat my Haf 912 when it comes to airflow LOL
>shit airflow
It's fine.
>no 5,25 bays
Literally a positive.
Get a job, nigga.
>could be small
Yeah, the case that fits two entire systems and can accommodate 19 drives is really struggling for space.
Steve hates Phanteks though because they refused to let him have access to their products at Computex last year and don't send him samples (a viewer sent him their Evolv X to review). Yet he still gave it a positive review.
Heaps of YTers said no airflow
Jayz even switched build out of it
>It's fine.
We have one at work working 12/6 and it gets stupidly hot. Basically shit intakes and outtakes.
>Literally a positive.
Wrong. Having them doesn't hurt and if you don't want to use them you can just not use them.
>Get a job, nigga.
I do have a job, paying 200 for a case when there are better alternatives for less is just using your money better.
>Yeah, the case that fits two entire systems and can accommodate 19 drives is really struggling for space.
It is still a mid tower. Just because you can fit two mini-itx in there doesn't mean the case is big. Also need to pay even more to fit everything you mentioned and you'll be making compromises.
gaymen junk
Mostest air low of any case
vents on the top, front, left side, back
their 'replacement' for the rubber grommet system by eliminating grommets and having that stupid plastic door sliding thing was a monumental fuck up especially because there are many builds or instances where they are not symmetrical.
for that reason alone, it's an instant pass from me.
It's shit, give me full metal any time. Has better grounding as well
Airflow is only an issue with the lame stock fans that have low static pressure. If you remove the dust filter, it's one of the better cases on the market for airflow even with the stock fans. Alternatively, you can just replace the fans with some with better static pressure like Corsair ML140s
who cares its just a case.
no-one outside your mom is gonna see it.
Just keep shilling!
Just keep shilling!
What do we do? We shill! Shill!
fuck off
Can you fucking India niggers shill something good?
I had to do 5 captchas to make a post calling out shilling, really makes you think.
Not really appropriate for this case, since it has space for nine 2.5" and ten 3.5" drives (all at the same time), plus the front panel I/O is two USB 3.0 and one USB 3.1 type C.
Best case with no gimmicks
too bad it's ugly
>no 5.25" bay
My Mastercase still better than this.
>if you just spend more money on 2 new fans and then remove a dust filter causing more dust to get into your system the airflow isn't dogshit!
Too bad you're a fag
You're a fag like op
My case is even uglier, I got you there too. That one just looks like a knockoff tonka truck.
Having a side panel is good for quick diagnostics without having to open the case.
Not for RGB shit tho.
>side panel for quick diagnostics
that's a new one
Looks like a shoebox.