/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% --help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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first for gentoo

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Can someone sell me on AwesomeWM?
Been using Openbox for a while now and want to try a tiling WM

Awesome is great if you know Lua a bit. If not use babbies first tiling WM: i3

Install Fedora!

Attached: Fedora-logo.svg.png (2000x2000, 112K)

Don't know any Lua at all so I'll give i3 a go
Openbox is real easy to configure desu

I'm starting to really like OpenSUSE. KDE's nice, zypper's good, Yast is useful.

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I want to leave the botnet and finally make the switch to linux, but i've got an usb audio interface (picrel), which doesn't have linux support. Can i make it work somehow?

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im having issues and im a total newbie
trying linux for first time
went for ubuntu studio because want music production
lots of bugs, error reports upon booting
replace with xubuntu
no error reports
usb interface isnt recognised by laptop
doesnt show in asounds/cards
im probably being a total idiot here but can someone point me in the right direction, the soundcard should be compatible

From what I see it has digital input (coaxial and optical). You can try getting a sound card that is supported by Linux (ALSA) and has optical or coaxial output

If i'm going to buy a new sound card, i may just as well buy a new usb interface, that supports linux, i'm trying to avoid that and get what i already have to work.

>doesn't have linux support
have you tried it? there's a kernel module called snd_usb_audio

it is supported.do research

Void, Alpine, or Devuan? (or something else?)

Void has a cool name and logo
Alpine is pretty suckless
and Devuan is Debian that sucks less

My main uses will be shitposting, ricing, and learning python.

Yes, i have tried, i'm actually on ubuntu right now, no leds on it light up and it doesn't show up in audio devices anywhere.
Is it though? If so, my google-fu has failed me and i humbly ask of thee to spoonfeed me. I only found a usx2yloader, that supports only US122, US224 and US428.

>all those kid distro memes

does slackware have systemd?
I see it shilled so much, what makes it so good?

Remind me why Fedora exists.

I want to use a script to switch between my TV and monitor and change the default audio device as well, it mostly works as it is now (the 2 second delay is so my TV has time to initialize).
However, while it moves any programs currently using the audio output any new programs that are opened are left in limbo and don't use either the new or the old output.
xrandr --output DVI-D-0 --off --output HDMI-0 --primary --mode 1920x1080 -r 60 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --output DVI-I-1 --off --output DVI-I-0 --off --output DP-1 --off --output DP-0 --off

sleep 2

#Device name variable

#change the default sink
pacmd "set-default-sink "$devicename""

#move all inputs to the new sink
for app in $(pacmd list-sink-inputs | sed -n -e 's/index:[[:space:]]\([[:digit:]]\)/\1/p');
pacmd "move-sink-input $app "$devicename""
What am I missing?

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>Alpine on the desktop
The memes went too far.

Occasionally, fa/g/lords will sperg out about which distro is truly superior—usually Arch due to its "minimalism", Debian due to its "stability", Ubuntu due to its "ease of use", et cetera. All more or less incorrect, of course; Arch's kernel has an allyesconfig which is unnecessary bloat and counterarguments its self-proclaimed DIY nature, Debian's main meme is being ancient as all hell, and Ubuntu's everything generally sucks—from apt and its ways of handling dependencies to the varied degrees of bloat you get upon a fresh install. Yes, that includes Server as well for the most part.

In comparison, Fedora is about as fresh as a distro can get. While there is certainly a good amount of pros in comparison to other distros and by itself, these are only a few that are considered integral to its out-of-the-box, comfortable enterprise experience.

- Utilizes systemd and Poetterware as much as it can rather than having it be some kind of systemd plus sysVinit hackjob. The result is a more fluid and effective experience with systemd in comparison to distributions such as Arch or Debian.
- Its extensive usage of GNOME feels much more comfortable to use than in other distros, mainly since GNOME goes hand-in-hand with systemd.
- Fedora Server Edition comes with the Cockpit web management interface, easily the most advanced of its kind. It integrates seamlessly with the whole distro and comes with many plugins installable via dnf, and can also be installed after the fact on Workstation or Atomic.

Fedora exits so IBM, which is a known nazi collaborator, can force a total surveillance OS under the guide of being free on the people. The North Korean GNU/Linux distribution RedStar, which is based on Fedora, is their beta. It does not allow root and will tag your installation with a unique UUID on install, just like Fedora will do as of version 30. This UUID is added into every file opened, sometimes just when it's accessible on a USB mounted device, and previous UUIDs are kept. This gives each file a history of what machine's it been on. RedStar has a built-in "virus" scanner which will check for subversive files and report all UUIDs in them and delete the file. Just having the wrong file on your computer can get you put in a slave labor camp. This is IBMs ultimate plan for regular Fedora too. You absolutely must resist the systemd, which uses Google DNS by default - reporting all your DNS queries to Google regardless of distribution and their UUID "counter" in FC30 which counts you and your family's Fedora installation. Don't let them win.

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It's because you have no idea how retarded PulseAudio's way of handling default devices is. This rabbit hole goes very deep. module-stream-restore sets the last manually selected device for each stream. A device counts as manually selected if something like move-sink-input was performed with that stream at least once. So any new stream will use the old default set by your script the last time you switched, or at least try to do so and end up in limbo as you said. The quick solution is to set the restore_device parameter on module-stream-restore to false. The prettier solution is modifying PulseAudio's ALSA priorities and deleting the existing default device settings from the stream-restore database. The actual pretty solution I still haven't figured out, but hopefully it's simpler than #2.

Linux now has a code of conduct. Linux cannot be used anymore.

not him but no not by default, its nice because you don't have an automated package manager and its bad because of the same reason somewhat. You go get most of your programs and install from source and there are slackbuild scripts that make it simple to install and manage them. It gives you an option to basically start from a good set of software which is vanilla without alot of the ridiculous stuff you see in things like ubuntu and the like. You manage what you do and don't want when your building your system and most things are just simple scripts like the init system. Its basically a distro where your in the driver seat, and it doesn't have a lot of distro specific software which means you can shop around for how you want things, its probably the most unixy linux distro.

Ignore eneryone. The real answer is here:
Fedora is the testbed for RHEL.

Install Linux-libre.

They've already made suggesting "learn to code" a bannable offense on the social media sites. "install gentoo" is next.

Remind me why you exist.

what's the best file manager?
is there one that can rename files with a single left click of mouse or verify with crc copied files automatically (like teracopy on windows)?

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that's great, I'm pretty convinced. This seems like a good distro to stop hopping with

fuck off red hat shill

The terminal emulator.

Wrong. Fedora is an independent distro that happens to receive money from Red Hat because they want to integrate their stuff into RHEL. It's not a testbed, but rather a fast-moving and stable desktop distro that Red Hat packs into a slower, enterprise-acceptable release cycle.

So its RHEL's bitch.

I wonder if there's another way around this.
Selecting it manually from the GUI already does exactly what I need.
So can I either run whatever command the GUI does or in some way emulate selecting the option from the GUI.
I'm running Mint 19.1 with Cinnamon.


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Which app is this? Amber theme looks neat.

I give you money to do whatever you want because I want to see what you can do. Are you my bitch now?

Hey wizards, I need some advice.
I want to keep a local, updated copy of a certain intranet website. The problem is, it's outside of my home network. As for temporary solution I do:
ssh intranet
wget --mirror localwebsite -P /tmp/website
rsync me@intranet:/tmp/website my_local_copy/

What's the proper way of doing that? Can I just mirror it with a single rsync? How?


so, ssh, httrack and then rsync?
also, is it posibble for httack to not re-download existing files (unless they differ from before)? The whole website weighs over 100GiB, so i'd rather not re-download it after every change (even if only locally, because rsync should take care of home -> intranet transfer part)

Seems like the only distribution that actually appeals to me is Gentoo, is it comfortable to use (ie, does Portage make sense and solve dependencies nicely etc)? Easy to install software on and maintain? And so on.

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how do I make zathura start on the last page I left it off instead of the beginning

'set database plain' or 'set database sqlite' in zathurarc
also, 'man zathurarc'

many thanks friend

>is it comfortable to use
It's like any other distro, but with more degrees of freedom.
Contrary to popular opinion, it's actually more comfortable to use than other distros because it imposes less restrictions.
For example, on binary distros you're basically locked into a single repository snapshot and trying to deviate from that will break your system, while on Gentoo you can pick from multiple package versions and even have multiple versions of slotted packages installed side by side.
You can mix stable and bleeding edge no problem, Portage keeps your system consistent, while on other distros you get "dependency hells".
>does Portage make sense and solve dependencies nicely
>Easy to install software on and maintain
Instead of "apt install ", you type "emerge ".
Instead of "pacman -Syu", you type "emerge --sync && emerge -uND @world'.
Gentoo basically combines the ease of use of binary distros with the flexibility you get by compiling packages from source.

No. Gentoo maintenance requires users to not only be knowledgeable about Linux systems, but also follow Gentoo specific bug reports and drama-filled mailing lists. You'll have things like packages that are probably fine for your system, but are considered "unstable" for months because some other, insignifigant package in the repo breaks in some way.

>Install Gentoo
>Use it casually
>Notice it's doing something because fan spins up for no reason because it'd idle
>of course it's Pulseaudio using 100% while not playing audio for no reason
The power of Pottering software

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PipeWire will become standard soon, you'll see

What's a Linux system?

And, frankly, Gentoo does not provide real customization. USE flags are a high level abstraction of real config opts, and a working system basically requires a huge list of supposedly optional USE flags.

It's like a Unix system, but with a half-assed userland.

>requires users to be knowledgeable about Linux systems
as much as any other distro i.e. it really doesn't
>but also follow Gentoo specific bug reports and drama-filled mailing lists
lol what
>You'll have things like packages that are probably fine for your system, but are considered "unstable" for months
>what is package.accept_keywords

it's a dependency hell beyond belief because of the "optional" USE flags each package can be built with. Want to install that browser or drawing program or whatever? guess what, it requires all them packages. but not only do you need all that, you also need them dependencies built with support for X but not Y to get the package you'd like to install so now you have to rebuild a bunch of other packages.

Just look at picture related, just trying to install neofetch makes Gentoo's portage throw a fit. Now imagine it's something beyond the simplest of pieces of software like neofetch is. You get a really long list of software that needs to be rebuilt for one reason or the other. But sometimes you can't do that, because one package requires a use-flag to be set while another requires it to not be disabled. It's been like 10 years since I've tried gentoo before I started playing with it this week. It's still a huge mess.

Attached: gentoo-use-change-requied-fs8.png (1928x1084, 320K)

And how does the user know which packages are safe without researching Gentoo specific issues? Gentoo hasn't even stabilized ffmpeg 4.0, and good luck with Java.

look at you, glowing in the fuckin dark

>it figured out the changes automatically
>literally select yes and run again
>>>huge mess

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Very surprising that the gook-poster is also mentally challenged.

Yeah, for the
>muh wayland
>muh appimages
kinds of people.

Programs that matter (big browsers, mpv, vlc, mpd, similar) either won't use it or will only provide it as an alternative.

>Gentoo does not provide real customization
lol what
>USE flags are a high level abstraction of real config opts
USE flags make managing configure parameters easy and convenient
maybe you should use LFS if you don't like convenience
>high level

what a load of incoherent bullshit
>you also need them dependencies built with support for X but not Y to get the package you'd like to install
thank god portage exists to deal with this in your stead and will literally write to the file for you
all you have to do is run dispatch-conf
>trying to install neofetch makes Gentoo's portage throw a fit
>Now imagine it's something beyond the simplest of pieces of software like neofetch is. You get a really long list of software that needs to be rebuilt for one reason or the other
it's not as if you need to do anything more than running dispatch-conf once
>But sometimes you can't do that, because one package requires a use-flag to be set while another requires it to not be disabled.
report a bug in that case
>It's still a huge mess
more like you're just a fucking retard

you're either braindead or this has to be bait
half the packages in my world file are testing, i've never had a problem with a single one of them
>Gentoo hasn't even stabilized ffmpeg 4.0
just fucking unmask it and use it lmao
you can go full testing branch and chances are you'll be fine

I'm new in Linux, I also may be dumb as fuck, but what can I do with slow dns resolving? I have two different pcs with two different distros and this one problem. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes apps think that I don't have an internet connection at all. Everything is fine with windows, so what could be wrong here?

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Change DNS servers. I recommend opennic

Windows is more relaxed in terms of accessing DNS servers thus handles laggy/unavailable servers better by default.

Start by checking what DNS servers your GNU/Linux configures by looking at /etc/resolv.conf, there should be one or two nameserver lines there. Those should be set by your DHCP server. You can find out what DNS settings your DNS server is broadcasting with
nmap --script broadcast-dhcp-discover
and look for the "Domain Name Server" lines.

If it's the case that your DNS server is slow or unstable then you could install a DNS lookup daemon called unbound on your local system. It can work stand-alone or forward DNS queries to botnet DNS servers and cache the results.

You don't have to be mad because Koreans are much prettier than western cows

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i'm old in linux and have the same problem
changing my dns servers hasn't helped
i think this might be a limitation of the gnu/linux kernel

use 2bwm, with rofi and wmctrl, replaced every need I had with anything

Yeah much prettier, after plastic surgery and pounds of makeup.

Use nix
You can use it on top of Gentoo
As neofetch is userspace program don't install it anywhere else than in the user space

gonna have to find some alternative, maybe HURD lul

How viable is Arch for an actual job?

Too bad I don't use those "social media sites" anymore

What kind of job?

USE="-consolekit -dbus -pulseaudio -systemd"

I work as a programmer and also need my ThinkPad™ as a multi-media device for research, presentations etc
I've tried Arch and I really like the distro, but from what I've gathered X breaks quite often.
I'm just unsure if this is an actual problem or just memeing and whining.

In my 4 years of using arch not even once has running sudo pacman -Syu broken X

I feel bad for a lot of people having no reading comprehension, literally top of thread and the window

I'm prompted to select group membership for my login user in the void installation.

What do I select here for this user?

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Is there a gui session manager for tmux that will list all current sessions and allow you to click on one and open it in a tmux terminal?
SSH support would be great too

shutdown and install arch instead

the defaults are fine

depending what your user wants to be for,
> wheel usually interpreted as sudo user,
> audio to get access to ... guessed it
> same for video
> ... names are descriptors enough

audio, video for multimedia (I think you need video to even change the resolution)
wheel is sometimes required for su and maybe even replaces the sudo group
lp if you want to print
cdrom if you have an optical drive
floppy if you have a floppy drive *crack* like in the good ol' days *sips*

You are the only bioluminescent afro-american member of an intelligence agency here.

My advice is not to use rolling release for anything in your work environment.
Every update has a chance of introducing a bug that might fuck you up. It's not worth it.

I wanted to dual boot Linux with Windows, so I made a backup of the Linux Mint. Later, I installed Windows over Linux, then Linux Mint. I installed all updates on Linux, then restored the backup. I launch Linux Mint, it goes to black screen with text, asking my login and password. After typing both in, it says
"-bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Read only file system"
Another thing: in the dual boot menu, it says Linux Ubuntu, Advanced options for Ubuntu, memory tests and Windows 10. Not Linux Mint, how it usually is. I tried restoring the backup without installing updates, it also didn't work. Fast startup on Windows is off. Please help, I don't want to have to use Windows all the time.

install gentoo

Mostly meming or retards that installed Arch for e-cred that broke their install.
Thus said, bleeding edge can introduce bugs with updates and might not be adapted to your work environement. I use OpenSuse Tumbleweed for work and have no issues, but your mileage may vary

How would one go about merging two patchsets? Mainly linux-hardened and the ck patch set?

>Read only file system
when in GRUB go for your linux entry, hit e and check if you have ro appended to the linux line, if so change to rw
t. brainlet, thats the only solution i could come up with

use manjaro

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How can we eject problematic people from the Linux community?

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Stop using gnu and gpl
Fork Linux and ban sjw's

>Stop using gnu and gpl
That's exactly what the problematic people should do btw.

>that lonly basement dweller asking for (You)'s no matter the price

Destroying free software is a small price to pay for (You)s.

Stop enabling them.

GPlL is literal religious cancer killing the community.
gcc is literal cancer killing innovation and creativity within the development community(proprietary gcc plugins built in to the kernel prohibiting growth and is anti competitive)
FSF taking millions in donations,while promoting that "you dont need money to make code",despite all their heads and board members taking home 300K+ salary per year(including stallman)

gnu and gpl are outdated and deprecated and will be forgotten by 2020

lpinfo -v
returns with no printers found even though i had configured one previously, can i just swap usb ports and pray to RMS it works?

I'd love to see this so much. Butthurts using a Linux fork without WITHOUT COC, maintained by 2 autists and cucked by busybox, sitting in front of a black screen and a blinking cursor.
>hey Jow Forums, look at my linux!
>it's just linux! also Finally!
>and no gpl communism
>hey Apple, whatcha doing? LEAVE IT ALONE! NOOOOO
>apple: succ my clang pipeline, incel. Hey bsd! go show him how tp do it

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Remind me why you're still breathing.

Busybox is GPLv2, senpai.