is learning vim worth it?
Is learning vim worth it?
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If you're dealing with structured text (as opposed to just natural language) every now and then or more often, it's worth to learn something like vim, kakoune or emacs,
You can of course learn any of these just as-needed for doing your stuff more or less efficiently.
in the IT industry, you will run into many old servers that have only vim and emacs. so probably.
New servers still generally have vim.
Very few (and generally only very incompetent) entities put a meme GUI IDE on servers.
Learning vi is worth it, do that and move on to evil mode
Can't you just use nano
quite a lot more effective once you get the hang of it. just navigating without using the mouse saves a huge ammount of strain on your hands.
time to go through vimtutor for the nth time
If you're not retarded, learn vim.
>old unix machine
that's vi, zoomer
only if you commit to using vim bindings in your daily editor, you can't just casually use vim and expect to learn it
Just use nano
Yes. Or emacs. I learned emacs first so just stuck with it and now I use it for everything, from writing markdown, org-mode, to using it as a full C/++ or Java IDE. It's super nice to be able to just ssh into my box and do any kind of work I need to.
Why bother?
It's less widespread than vi, busybox vi or vim, and learning vim's basic functions to only that degree takes very little time anyhow.
That's all you need to know
>How do I type
Use whatever you're already comfortable with, it's not worth it to "switch" your editor.
no, learn vis
Actually, do learn the basics of vi.
>megabytes worth of plugins
>.vim files scattered everywhere
>takes more than .1 seconds to load
>source is mess
vim is a meme, use vi or nvi
I want to streamline writing in latex and other markups. How can I do this in vim. I've never used it. Is the learning curve bad?
>megabytes worth of plugins
Entirely your choice.
>.vim files scattered everywhere
No. What the hell are you or your distro maintainers even doing?
> takes more than .1 seconds to load
Maybe with your a lot of plugins? Mine doesn't.
> How can I do this in vim.
You just learn to edit with vim.
Optionally, you use extra plugins like asyncomplete to extend auto completion / snippet insertion support or any such thing.
BTW, probably just use
You install Emacs and use org-mode
Too much shit. I don't feel like dealing with emacs. I'm not a programmer
Most oracle db servers I've encountered are GUI because most of the oracle admins are windoze gays
I'm going to guess they'll be moving on to some Oracle Enterprise Docker Orchestration For Oracle DB v4.14 sooner or later, controlling their servers from Oracle Enterprise Control Center Pro v15.2 and running some shoddy ADO.NET hack they poorly understand from vscode. They deserve the hell of their own making, I guess? Or at least they get paid for it by clueless companies.
Anyhow, I really don't care what that small niche of the market does, I don't want to be in it, and probably neither do you.
Try ZZ (save and close) and ZQ (close without saving)
use spacemacs with evil-mode
This desu. Literally just add Latex to your config and reload. It just werks!
alias vi=elvis :^)
use emacs
Use nano
Only if you do emacs with evilmode
i use emacs but never learned it
i only know the search command, linum-mode, basic org-mode, save, copy, paste and cut
4 years doing this, i think im going to just drop it and write my own text editor
it will be the gateway for a programmable text editor. Then you can:
-stay with Vim and be happy
-realize you wasted your time learning it
-looking at Visual Studio Code (or Atom) with ----another perspective
-try to learn wizardry (Elisp) and try Emacs
-realize that it wasn't worth your time again
-or settle with Gedit or Kate
>>megabytes worth of plugins
well I like to try new themes every 2 days.
vi or vim will be installed on almost all servers. You can use whatever you want on your server but sometimes you might be working in an environment you didn't set up. Learning even the basics of vim is useful for server administration. vimtutor can cover the bare essentials in 10-15 minutes.
In the same way you can use Zsh, but in most cases Vim will be your default so it doesn't hurt to learn.
Learning the basic text-editing facilities of Vim--objects, motions, operators, navigation, and their keybindings--is worth every bit of time and energy required to grow proficient. "Editing at the speed of thought" isn't a meme. I
took me three months or so of daily use to get the hang of it. after it "clicked" and calcified, my text-editing productivity noticeably improved. After a certain point, you don't even think of the keyboard; instead, you think in terms of text objects and operations on them--the typing is muscle memory, and, with practice, becomes reflexive.
Use Visual Studio, XCode, Evilmacs, or whatever, but learn the keybindings (any patrician editor offers the bindings or supports a plugin that does). It will unironically change the way you think, for the better.
t. a mediocre programmer who needs to get shit done efficiently lest I be exposed for the brainlet i am
>lest I be exposed for the brainlet i am
too late
This, minus the Emacs garbage
The vi productivity gain memes are 100% truth. The inefficiency of using a mouse while text editing is painfully obvious once you become competent with vi. It's like a fucking cheat code for dealing with text.
just use ee
This. Started giving Vim a honest shot starting a little over a week ago. I won't be switching back. I've barely grazed the documentation and haven't even looked into plugins but even vanilla I'm dumbfounded why I didn't switch sooner.
I'm no programmer and anything I do is hackish stuff in Python. Little scrapers, one-off calculators or file-format conversions. Piddly shit to automate otherwise mind-numbing tasks. Just the minimal knowledge Vimtutor provided mixed with a little web searching has made creating those scripts faster. Instantly prepending and appending to lines is awesome. Comment out an entire block in a few keystrokes. Regex find/replace is damned useful. Reading files into the working file, even command line output into the working file is remarkable if you're dealing with CSVs or directories full of files whose names need to be formatted into a document in a certain way.
I finally bothered to look at how macros work and it made generating an Ubuntu/Gnome style XML document for transitioning through wallpapers take barely over a literal minute. Copy-Pasta'd the opening from stock, :r !ls ~/Pictures/Wallpapers and all my wallpaper filenames were in the document. Started macro mode and manually typed up the first block, yanking/putting the first and second filenames to the proper spots. Stopped recording. And that was the only bit that took actual time. Ran the macro on the remaining lines of filenames and boom - document done.
teal deer - It's worth the grin-and-bear period where it isn't remotely intuitive because once it starts clicking the payoff is immediate. Then you keep learning more what else it can do and it keeps paying off.
>Entirely your choice.
du -h /usr/share/vim/vim81
992K /usr/share/vim/vim81/ftplugin
2.1M /usr/share/vim/vim81/autoload
33M /usr/share/vim/vim81
This is without any extra plugins.
Might have been the single best thing I've learned during my development career.
Is vi and vim knowledge worth putting on a resume