Func main() {

func main() {
words := []string{"Let's", "love", "Go"}
q := make(chan string)
for _, w := range words {
go func(w string) {

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I have the same concern, although the language itself is very attractive to me

I unironically prefer languages with lots of features. I probably have too much time to waste learning shit.

why the fuck would anyone seed prng with time and not OS-provided entropy?

the only reason i don't use it is because the syntax is fucking shit

I try not to, but its often unavoidable when working with brainlets

Attached: generics.jpg (841x1200, 101K)

It's fairly comfy for braindead webshit. I spent a summer building Go REST apis
Its a hell of a lot better for backend then NodeJS
>t.Engineering student

>only know go
>made an interpreter in go
>built my own lisp in go
>implemented minix in go
>still not a real programmer according to /dpt/ because go
>still not employed

learn python

I've tried. I only relate to Go

I'm sorry

Wharves that mean? All languages equally possible

I'll never make bones with go...

Use the golang GCC addon if you're concerned about Google compiler

I just cannot stand the syntax.

>easy, practical concurrency.
Why do people say this? It doesn't seem like it really gives you anything besides having ready implementations of queue data structures "chans".


Yeah I use it, it's great. I don't really care about it being developed at Google, especially considering who its fathers are.

I refuse to go back to C or C++ unless I absolutley have to.

Pike looks like some kind of alien untrustworthy fuck now

It sucks

Why did you reply to me?

It's not like I like you man