The air pods are dumb..
How much are apple shills paying newspapers?
more like from mockery to irrelevant
They don't need to pay shills, the people that write for outfits like this are fucking faggots that will latch on to anything that seems trendy. They desperately want to appear hip, cool, and woke to their peer group, pretty much all a company has to do for favorable coverage is to either do something that follows the current style, or do something impractical and avant-garde.
That headline has a point though. First the airpods were ridiculed for being expensive and easy to use. Nowadays people are shilling it for FREE on sites like twitter and pic related.
I don't know how applel does it.
Normies are dumb as fuck. The Jews are right. The goyim are cattle.
$159 earbuds are expensive
posted from my GAMEFUCKER 2000 with dual RTX 2080 Ti
Literal boomers can't into dank memes
i literally buy 1:1 clones of these off chink sites and resell them for $120 on local trading apps
$100 pure profit a pop, never a single complaint
itoddlers are brainlet sheep
am i crazy for thinking that apple paid some "influencers" to use and share airpods?
>spending 160 for earbuds
meanwhile I just bought these for 80
literally this
No cause that's a normal marketing tactic, getting people to advertise for you
Are those things really 160 bucks? I'm too lazy to check.
Absolute shit sound.
They literally designed these differently just to be special snowflakes, actual sound be damned. And people are gobbling it up like schoolgirls. I swear, this world sometimes...
That girl is beautiful.
Yooooo, i got those two years ago. Shame theyre discontinued already
>what rich people listen to
That's not what rich people listen to, that's what 70 year old autistic retirees listen to. Rich people buy whatever's expensive and trendy to show off their wealth, and guess what Airpods are.
No, rich people don't, have not trying to pretend do.
>$160 toys for soibois
>show off their """"""""""""""wealth"""""""
post that webm