Mozilla pilots Cliqz engine in Firefox to slurp user browsing data

>Mozilla pilots Cliqz engine in Firefox to slurp user browsing data

>"Users who receive a version of Firefox with Cliqz will have their browsing activity sent to Cliqz servers, including the URLs of pages they visit," Mozilla says. "Cliqz uses several techniques to attempt to remove sensitive information from this browsing data before it is sent from Firefox."

>The Cliqz engine is based on "Human Web" methodology, which aims to prevent "Record Linkage" that can be used to connect a de-anonymized user to browser activities.

Attached: download (3).png (894x894, 206K)

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>1.5y old article

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>leaves test pilot on
>surprised he got test piloted
r u a retard?

So you’re saying this Cliqz shit has been deployed in Firefox for a year and a half? Fuck that shit.

>So you’re saying this Cliqz shit has been deployed in Firefox for a year and a half?
It's difficult to say how long this project was shipped. Probably until the end of the test pilot program at the end of January, but Cliqz complains about API changes on their addon page ( so perhaps they pulled out sooner to focus on their own FF based browser.

Still better than Chrome.

chrome has never done anything as bad as this.

Unironically hot pic
T. furfag

chromium installed microphone binaries behind your back

Every privacy violating default settings that you can easily opt out of is as bad is this.

Cry more, or just install IceCat.

> Giving a non-blink based browser marketshare
Use Ungoogled-Chromium or Brave dumbfuck

I used to agree with this recommendation, but after
I don't think it's trustworthy. That being said, Icecat isn't available for Win/Mac, so Brave might be a smart choice as long as you make some hosts configurations

Attached: blacklist.png (333x235, 14K)

>wanting a Blink monopoly outside of Apple products

Attached: 1521350203024.png (616x572, 90K)

Apple uses webkit, sweaty

That's why I used that phrasing. I know Blink will never have an absolute monopoly as long as Apple products are popular.

Old news. Could this perhaps be some Brave shill trying to cover up the recent news?

Oh sorry, frien. Misinterpreted it as not wanting a Blink monopoly in any context other than specifically Apple products.

>Brave dumbfuck
LMAO haven't you heard?

Just because it's "old" (Not that old, but internet people have goldfish brains), doesn't mean it didn't happen/isn't happening. There's also far more examples of pozilla fuckery as well. Let's not forget Looking Glass and Riseup.
Brave is apparently fucked too now. The only good answer is a fork like Icecat by the freedom/privacy autists at GNU

It did happen, but the timing with the Brave shit is too convenient for someone to casually bring this up.
>Looking glass
Yeah that was bad
Not an issue with privacy. And they gave them money for a very specific purpose (which is actually pro privacy IIRC, some encrypted messaging thing) and at the same time they gave money to several others. Definitely not an issue the same way Cliqz and Looking Glass were or how the recent Brave thing is.

>the timing is too convenient
how? It's a natural response.
>firefox fucks up majorly
>people move to brave
>brave fucks up majorly
>people tell brave users to jump back to furryfox
>brave users rightly tell them that that would be no better.
We left FF because of its fuckups and its detestable politics.
What makes you think they had a change of heart?

>just some encrypted messaging thing
oh, you sweet summer child.
>Our purpose is to aid in the creation of a free society, a world with freedom from want and freedom of expression, a world without oppression or hierarchy, where power is shared equally. We do this by providing communication and computer resources to allies engaged in struggles against capitalism and other forms of oppression.
>capitalism and other forms of oppression.

>how? It's a natural response.
So you're saying that you or someone else intentionally bringing this up now? Well at least that's honest whataboutism I guess. And yeah, I don't agree with RiseUp's politics but it's hardly a privacy concern like the Brave thing and Cliqz and Looking Glass.

>test pilot is literally (sadly) over
>chrome (un)paid shills still complaint about it

IceCat has some old Windows binaries *somewhere* apparently. There are many ungoogled-chromium builds for Windows. Brave is a botnet.

clearly it did:

are you high? chrome is by far the WORST offender.

I think the last Win/Mac binaries are for like version 32 or something.