How the fuck do I get a job "coding" without college? Apparently it's a thing now to learn some basic programming stuff somewhere online for free and then get a job doing that, I've seen people mention it on reddit at least. Anybody here do this?
How the fuck do I get a job "coding" without college...
Can you show us your portfolio? How about your github page? If not, then this business is not for you.
This is my story.
I've always liked computers, learned to do some basic networking and server stuff in the Army. Got out of the Army and started working in a NOC (where I could learn ESXi, some database stuff, etc). After a few of those jobs over the course of 3 years (transition fast, learn many new things) I got a job at a automation company doing system side stuff that I was used to doing and some programming for basic scripting using Python.
I got my feet wet with and the python class *its free". I would HIGHLY reccommend the book "Python for Kids". Despite it's name, by the end of the book you are writing proper classes, creating objects, have learnt all the data structure and relationships to be pretty dangerous. I will say this, if you can do everything in that book, you are better off than 80% of the "devs" out there.
"Coding" jobs are outsourced to Pajeets anyway, so don't bother... unless you're the Pajeet.
This isn't true at all. You just have to be good, which most the Pajeets aren't.
user, don't compare yourself to someone lacking discipline.
You need some sort of experience or proof of competency. A degree is proof of competency. A profolio is proof of experience.
Yeah....thats a good point. To be honest, the first years when I got out of the Army I studied like crazy. I focused on living, reading, breathing and eating code until I was decent at it, and now I'm pretty good. It wasn't 1-2 hours a day, it was "I will live like them and become them" and it worked.
You are 4000% right that most people don't have the focus to do that.
This is also very true. It will be a miracle for someone with 0 prior experience to get into a job that can't prove that he/she is capable of performing the job. You would have to "know someone" well enough to get you into an interview. If you can get to the interview, be prepared to sling code as hard as you can to get that job. You will have to actually be good.
i dont even know how to get a "coding job" with a college degree
>being so insecure
what a load of crap.
it's enough to be interested to get junior position in corp.
I don't see why anyone would want a coding job
I'm a computer science graduate and you genuinely could not pay me enough
You apply for jobs, you talk to recruiters, you create a guthub and start making small apps for your self (they don't even have to be good honestly, just show your capability).
I've honestly not applied anywhere the past 3 jobs I've been at, they just come to me now that the recruiters know I'm decent. I don't mean that to sound "braggy" but once you develop a reputation for being a good worker, a good coder, and a good team player, everything else just works out.
So what do you do then? Did you just graduate and go back to mom's house?
This is good advice. Just get INTO the job market, get some experience and learn from it.
I work part time at local flower shop . Able to live very comfortably. Jow Forums people have no idea what salary you need to live.
Regarding the whole reputation thing, this is what your linkedin can look like when you set your status to "looking". People are DESPERATE to hire decent devs.
I make 156k a year. I'm also comfortable but have expensive tastes. It's why I work in IT and not at something 1000 times calmer like what you do. There are days I wish I was a construction worker just holding a sign, I won't lie.
Just so you know I'm not pulling numbers out of my ass.
You have my pity
Ngl, I tried to learn programming on my own before I got into University and I was always too lazy to actually put in the work when it came to the harder to grasp concepts. I feel University pushes you to learn it and act a reasonable pace so it doesn't feel overwhelming.
>so it doesn't feel overwhelming
I'll check out code academy and the book thanks user
I'll probably just make a github and pad it with a bunch of stuff
So exactly what jobs do python programmers typically get? Like what is it exactly they _do_?
Go to a technical school with a decent rep and study a specific field you want to work in
they import libraries all day
A lot of python work is back end programming. Python is a glue language, so you could be touching other pieces of the technology stack pretty often. I worked on a machine learning and data gathering program at my last employer and it was Python, Java, Scala, and Kafka for the most part.
After you go through the code academy tutorials, I would suggest trying to tackle the "reddit daily code challenges". The best part about these challenges are that they ask you do do what you DONT know how to do, forcing you to learn more. Like if you didn't know that python had a way of taking user input and assigning it to a variable to be used in a calculation, you will learn that from the first Daily Challenge.
Stack Overflow is full of 99% answers to the questions you will have. Open your eyes and read more than the top rated answers and see the conversations taking place there. You can often learn more than what you are asking to learn with a few extra seconds of reading.
You will eventially need more than just python to be a decent dev. You will need to learn git at some point, so try to start that early. Read the articles that people post about how larger companies do it. Not that their way is better or -right- but it give you the industry insight into the things that you will be asked to do.
Being somewhat familiar with the Linux CLI is another huge tool in your toolbox when it comes to getting a job. Being able to navigate the file system, see/handle processes running, use nano or vim to some level of comfort, do a git commit, etc are all things that make you look more viable to an employer.
What are bottom two languages?
Be as mad as you want at Java, C# or any incredibly wide spread language, but you will get a job with them.
OR you can learn haskell and fight for the 12 job opening that exist.