Draw yourself a computer science student:

Draw yourself a computer science student:


Attached: 15730_XDzLfiJB.png (600x600, 177K)

Other urls found in this thread:


y they all look like feminist tranny's tho?
you can remove the nose so they look like michael jackson.

Attached: 7601b2e5586671b6644f26cab4dd82af.jpg (500x500, 57K)

fucking kek

Attached: 15730_oNMYA9Nh.png (600x600, 154K)

Attached: download20190201192111.png (600x600, 135K)

C...can I kiss her?

Attached: SmartSelect_20190211-122129_Chrome.jpg (664x797, 213K)


Attached: 15730_2PunZ9uJ.png (600x600, 165K)


i found my love of my life

Attached: 15730_EdFsTrus.png (600x600, 126K)

Attached: 15730_qkyZ1boP.png (600x600, 187K)

>"H-Hey user, did you still want to grab a drink Friday evening after work?"

Attached: 15730_Ctf3xTle.png (600x600, 145K)

No I dont, ur a whore

smoking isn't healthy guis

op said to draw a cs student. this is what they look like in eastern bloc.

Attached: 1548058956796.webm (500x772, 1.89M)


Attached: 1511818020709.jpg (680x680, 51K)

Attached: Waifu.png (600x600, 152K)

Who made this site?
For what purpose?

I hope something meta isn't involved here.

Attached: what.jpg (320x320, 29K)

So uh what does this have to do with technology

all "women" in tech are trannies, though.

Attached: 15730_v7PcDNYL.png (600x600, 106K)

Spot on.

Attached: 15730_OHPEwVNM.png (600x600, 111K)

>implying women aren't technology

Attached: __k_2_girls_frontline_drawn_by_karmiel__65e980e797e9cd7f1b9e1a24a9ebe9c5.png (2480x3508, 3.02M)

I'd smash

I don’t speak gook

That's what I was thinking.
This is /b/ tier but for some reason OP wants to post this metadata collector here.

Rate pls

Attached: 15730_Wf1jRj7L.png (600x600, 175K)

>implying we aren't God's technology

Attached: 1516771955405.jpg (1440x1046, 141K)

Who is Gods Gods Gods Gods God-

If only we knew how bad things really are.

Attached: ac2ef857f22ede5a7a9bc4632c35919c.jpg (241x243, 23K)

Attached: 234357578634653453.jpg (350x350, 21K)

not a cs student. that thing on her neck is kind of retarded. other than that top qt.

i tried to make Susan Wojcicki and probably failed horribly.

Attached: sushit wololo.png (600x600, 171K)

Attached: download20190201130811.png (600x600, 160K)

What is this shitty weeb website?

Attached: 15730_Fqy33cYb.png (600x600, 122K)

she's really cute desu


Attached: 15730_UfsKbgxw.png (600x600, 186K)

Attached: 15730_1emrJrSU.png (600x600, 223K)

Where is boob slider

Attached: 15730_H3Jp9Yh3.png (600x600, 127K)

Attached: 15730_2j1zHkfZ.png (600x600, 135K)


CS girls don't look like this, stop pretending

Not in your country pajeet

I left it up to the fate of a few hundred thousand dice rolls.

Attached: 15730_VFBKZiZk.png (600x600, 145K)

Attached: 15730_VqI5I1Hk.png (600x600, 151K)

Not in everywhere, faggot

Guessing you're from the UK, huh?

Face it, none of your girls look like this.

>all of these black hair glasses qts

Attached: 1533899317810.jpg (918x749, 43K)

I can draw a a CS student if there's no way to see a panty bulge.

This, but it's a heart boner.

And you don't seem to understand.

Attached: 15730_7ECkPm6a (1).png (600x600, 82K)

I drew a food science student instead

Attached: dreamgrill.png (400x402, 55K)

Attached: 10300269_306328116233228_6929891633765431344_n.jpg (400x469, 26K)

A shame you seemed an honest man

Attached: 15730_NLOzNWrf.png (600x600, 85K)

looks like a scandinavian girl

Imma tomboyish C dev who likes spacemacs uguu~

Attached: tomboy.png (600x600, 112K)

Literally me

Attached: 15730_AOmIQNLw.png (600x600, 109K)

rate my waifu

Attached: 15730_KZoaDyym.png (600x600, 159K)


Attached: 1549907497041.png (600x600, 87K)


am I cute uguu?

Attached: uguu.png (600x600, 130K)

Why yes, i use arch linux

Attached: 15730_7k9badrx.png (600x600, 155K)


You'll be surprised. If you mean the hags then of couse they're mistaken for men anyway.

Attached: coolwineaunt.png (600x600, 139K)

My friend I had a crush on back in H.S

Attached: S1.png (600x600, 167K)

>hey guys cute CS girl here uwu. w-will you go out with me, user-kun? we can code and play vidya and we can cuddle >_

Attached: artworks-000057951638-w56bxi-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 82K)

My asian gf who sadly does not have any interest in programming

Attached: download20190201134040.png (600x600, 208K)

Attached: image.png (600x600, 230K)



Who said anything about girls?

Best I could make of a gross loser with a receding hairline

Attached: 15730_asaL9Zm2.png (600x600, 105K)

Because that particular one is a shit image maker.

my waifu

Attached: 15730_MV5iOSVq.png (600x600, 123K)

best one yet

Be still, my beating heart'

Attached: 15730_DSYLk3A2.png (600x600, 173K)

she's really pretty, user

Why are they all girls? No such thing as a female cs student.

Attached: pepeforest.jpg (736x815, 38K)

Theres 3 in my year

Here's mine

Attached: 15730_BxcbESQr.png (600x600, 148K)

Sure, did you check is they had dicks lmao

Attached: 1547862805188.jpg (435x690, 80K)

Yes, since I don't live in cuckmerica.



Attached: 15730_9nLnn1MF.png (600x600, 269K)

Ready to code bois?

Attached: 15730_Kvb3oYLm.png (600x600, 258K)

Hello user, oh what my interests are?
I love computers and cs especially graphics and today i learned about subdivison surfaces. Besides that i love to rock climb and draw, what about you? :)

Attached: 15730_cyXvVpks.png (600x600, 149K)

waifu tier

She's a cute!

Attached: 15730_FpwQkWc4.png (600x600, 243K)

Attached: 15730_LTvYf9qV.png (600x600, 108K)

Trannys gtfo

Attached: cute.png (1080x1054, 298K)

Attached: 234534645.jpg (480x360, 7K)

>His girlfriend doesn't have a dick

Attached: 1549304988011.png (415x416, 6K)

>no brown skin option


this world

Attached: 1535277295982.jpg (534x401, 51K)

I like my plain Janes.

Attached: download20190201170518.png (600x600, 92K)

based retard

best grils

y-you too
