Try to install wine

>try to install wine
>get pic
What do?

Attached: wine instaltion.jpg (638x427, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:

stop trying to install wine

found your issue

Try apt-get update

install gentoo

>some anime uwu name
God I hate newfags

"To install Wine you must first install Gentoo" - Carl "420 Blaze It" Sagan

fix you're sources.list file

or post it so we can see why its broken

Fix /etc/apt/sources.list

Attached: le red arrows.png (638x427, 136K)

Find a Source list generator for your Distro online, like

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

delete whatever is there, paste in stuff from source list you generated from site. save it

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wine1.8

>Gnome Ubuntu
you're doing it wrong

sudo apt-get install wine-stable

I literally installed it yesterday on Fedora and it just werks

Attached: 1549397712559.webm (464x848, 919K)

>try to install wine
>over 100 dependencies
Into the trash.

it means you rpeviously did some stupid shit that broke your sources.list
also ubuntu is gay and apt sucks so that's also a another problem

Here is your problem

>imagine reading the error

Attached: idiot.png (499x338, 38K)

Attached: xorgbrainlet.png (820x729, 185K)


>smug anons not helping op and making fun of him

op is a _ _ _ _ _ _.

Cute. What's his name?

>51 entries at least
Nice bait
Did you ever used wine to it's full extend? It is a huge program with many features and a awesome support. I mean we are taking about an emulator for windows binaries on Linux based distributions..
Sure mate?


>Sure mate?
probably look how its trying to demphasize its shoulders and that also moving its hips back and forth can kind of make you percieve them as bigger

Install Gentoo.

Get a better distro that doesn't have apt and systemd (hint: void).

>not a he

The classic

You'll need to manually read the list of sources and then pass all of those in as an argument in your apt -get install command

If you can't find line 51 of /etc/apt/sources.list, you should probably just instaltate Windows.

install windows

apt-get is deprecated.
Just use sudo apt install. That should do it :^)

You intentionally fucked up your /etc/apt/sources.list file just like it says.

Does anybody here think OP has ever driven a single person away from Linux? I mean these threads get made every single day, and yet I doubt one person has ever changed their perception from neutral or positive to negative. Not one person has ever decided not to install Linux because of OP. It just comes off as if a retarded person who should probably have a console and a phone at the most is sperging out because a real OS is too hard to use, as they have a sub-normal IQ.

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