Upgrade it, freezing is coming

Upgrade it, freezing is coming

Attached: futureprototype_login.png (1920x1080, 80K)

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Buster when

probably like may or june, if the stretch and jessie freezes are any indication.

too early

This is my sources.list.. how do I update to Buster safely?

deb deb.debian.org/debian/ stable non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ stable-updates non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian-security/ stable/updates non-free contrib main
deb dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/ stretch main
deb download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/ stretch contrib
# Backports repository
#available after stable release
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ stretch-backports non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free

bump with same problem

if all you had were the stock repos and backports this would be the work of sixty seconds and one apt full-ugrade. Unfortunately you have a frankendebian with two third-party repos and unstable. Those are highly likely to break if you try to upgrade. What I'd do is to remove those repos and all packages you have installed from them before trying to upgrade. Remove any apt pins you have, also. If that sounds too daunting then you'll want to reinstall from scratch.

also note that deb.debian.org supports https, you apparently have apt-transport-https from the wine repo, might as well use it. Consider switching away from virtualbox to KVM/QEMU and virt-manager.

deb deb.debian.org/debian/ buster non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ buster-updates non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian-security/ buster/updates non-free contrib main
deb dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/debian/ buster main
deb download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/ buster contrib
# Backports repository
#available after buster release
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ buster-backports non-free contrib main
deb deb.debian.org/debian/ buster main contrib non-free


ty. will try to fix it with great care

>Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file, changing 'stable' (or the current codename for stable) to 'testing' (or the current code name for the next stable release).
>Remove or comment out your stable security updates line(s) (anything with security.debian.org in it).
>Remove or comment out any other stable-specific lines, like *-backports or *-updates.
>Verify that your installation is not fixed to a specific release in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00default-release
More info from wiki.debian.org/DebianTesting

Also, don't enter any graphic environment(DE/WM/etc) while you do this.
Have fun

user, that doesn't exist

I literally just searched/replaced every word containing either "stable" or "stretch" and replaced them with "buster"

Attached: 1524713248176.jpg (650x366, 29K)

Did that guy's design win the competition?

Nothing's over till
>Deadline for submission: 2018-09-05

Fuck me, he won. I don't believe it.


Crap I can't read
>Artwork for Buster has been selected, it's futurePrototype by Alex Makas.

So happy for the guy, I remember when he was working on it.

ok so I guess this thread is going to be filled with debiantards.
I'm a fedora user, is Debian testing nice for a daily driver? I remember unstable fucking breaking everytime so I moved to fedora and I've had no problems. Is testing better?
A problem on testing is security fixes don't even reach testing for weeks, that is still the same now?

you are retarded learn bash regex.

>so I guess this thread is going to be filled with debiantards.

Nope, I'm a Slacker. But I get nostalgic about Debian occasionally.

>I remember unstable fucking breaking everytime
wow, that's unbelievable, maybe you should let debian know that the name is too apropriate and it needs to be changed to something more

>Is testing better?
A problem on testing is security fixes don't even reach testing for weeks, that is still the same now?
Testing works exactly the same as always. If you are happy with fedora and have no need for debian, then don't use it.

ok then, fuck Debian lmao

rude, homosexual, faggy and gay

if im currently on buster, will i have to change it to stable once buster becomes stable?

Go on the debian website and they literally tell you not to use debian testing/unstable except for testing purposes. Debian is meant for long term stable deployment on a server, not as a "daily driver". People who use debian testing/unstable in this way are fucking retarded idiots

I see shills saying shit like
>yeah bro I've been running testing for years I just had a bug or two that killed my wife and son
most people on desktop threads use stable, and literally everything I find on the internet is not to use anything but stable.
Debian Stable is the obvious choice for a Linux distro, if it wasn't so outdated for no purpose on the desktop. Like why the fuck will a server have gimp, kde or gnome? And if they crash because of some upstream release bug (DOUBT), it's just a problem over xorg that gets fixed by relaunching the application, like that shit doesn't need much testing because is not so critical.
So what does someone use if not Debian? Ubuntu has a shit installer that installs a gay purple theme with no other option but default, has used literally botnet DEs like Unity, and still has a default Amazon shortcut.
The only logical option to me sounds like Fedora, since Arch is absolutely a fucking joke because of its instability, like they just compile and push shit even though it isn't compatible between the versions on the mirror.
And Suse is a fucking frog trying to be like windows

Just use arch, pacman never breaks anything. Thats just a meme

>Debian is meant for long term stable deployment on a server, not as a "daily driver"
This is incorrect. It's meant as a general-purpose OS. Which includes but is by no means limited to servers. Stable makes a perfectly fine desktop.

>if it wasn't so outdated for no purpose on the desktop.
that purpose is avoiding churn. Not everyone wants to bother having to deal with whatever some upstream did this particular week.

>Let's just backport security for straight 4 years while we burn through multiple versions in testing
>for fucking 4 straight years
meanwhile in fedora I can just run with the security option in updates and not having to reboot often for a year with packages of this year.
I like Debian a lot but it is just fucking stupid to have old gimp, old media players and old fucking everything in the desktop. Even CentOS you can update the desktop

buster will always track buster so you'll eventually stop getting support once buster is no longer support
stable will always track stable regardless of the codename of the release
testing will always track testing, regardless of the codename of the release

Hopefully that makes sense.

>Stable makes a perfectly fine desktop
If you dont mind being years behind on package updates. Whatever floats your boat

Debian is awful

>but it is just fucking stupid to have old gimp, old media players and old fucking everything in the desktop
Why? Most DEs and the standard desktop programs are feature-complete and in pretty good shape as-is these days. Other than security - which as you mention they backport for you - what are you missing by not running on the upgrade treadmill?

>Debian Stable is the obvious choice for a Linux distro, if it wasn't so outdated

>I like Debian a lot but it is just fucking stupid to have old gimp, old media players and old fucking everything in the desktop.
Use Flatpak for applications where you don't care about stability.

Buster is fucking bullshit, you can’t just install sysvinit and purge systemD anymore.

its like 50 deg dumfuck

>If you don't mind everything working like it always has
What the fuck is wrong with you zoomers?