Reddit has become an official chinese government botnet.
>Reddit confirms $300M Series D led by China’s Tencent at $3B value
Reddit has become an official chinese government botnet.
>Reddit confirms $300M Series D led by China’s Tencent at $3B value
Other urls found in this thread:
Based Reddit
Glad I own Tencent stock
I hope they won't migrate to 4channel. Or is it too late already?
>one of America’s most lawless free-speech forums
4channel is excepting of reddit refugees
yeah dude enjoy your $0.30 ARPU you retarded chink fag
Tencent literally rips off American games (LoL, TF2) ripping straight down to the textures
There were some F2P korean MMOs that had straight model+animation+texture ports from Warcraft.
Yes. So angry. Let's bitch about this for a couple of weeks and then head right back there like nothing happened.
Like everyone always does.
>inb4 trump says china spies via reddit
>inb4 reddit dies
the only time i will like trump
who hasnt ripped off from tf2 to be honest...
and still 13 years after its release while every single other rip is dying (overwatch) are are dead in general tf2 is still one of the most played games
Jow Forums is an fbi botnet
baste and redpilled
>making fun of reddit for selling 5% of their stock to the chinese
>Jow Forums literally sold 100% to the japanese years ago
Nice one
Who cares? Better than being American gov botnet
Nippon produces cute anime girls so it's alright. China produces communists.
>I hope they won't migrate to 4channel
about 7 years too late at least
This. Where is the anti chink defense force pasta?