>data structures class in Java
>instead of implementing algorithms, we're writing the building blocks from scratch
What's the point of this? The ground work has already been laid, why are we implementing mundane things at such a low level?
>data structures class in Java
>instead of implementing algorithms, we're writing the building blocks from scratch
What's the point of this? The ground work has already been laid, why are we implementing mundane things at such a low level?
Maybe so you can learn how the data structures work, nignog.
>low level
>data structures class
>"I thought we were going to learn about algorithms!"
does a carpenter need to know how a brick is made?
depends. are you in cs or "it" or "se"?
there's a separate class for algorithms you idiot.
OP, please explain, as I am very curious what the hell your mind cooked up here.
What did you think was going to be in your data structures class, if not the workings of common data structures, and exercises regarding that topic?
How are data structures low level?
posting in low IQ thread
that's a dumb analogy
It's piss-easy to do and it's useful for low-level systems building.
Guess you'll never write a compiler, huh nigger?
Be happy you didn't have to do it in C/C++
Why would I write a compiler?
why wouldn't you write a compiler
you should see how hilarious some of my java code from my data structures class is
>why would I want to do anything?
>I just want to get paid, lol
Just drop out. You won't pass and it'll cut into your precious "chill" time you drug addict.
Don't listen to . Instead of dropping out, just kill yourself.
when I think of data structures, I think of its applications. Sure, its neat to see the inner workings of ArrayLists and LinkedLists, but that same time could be better used learning their applications, since that's what I'll be doing in the field. I don't mind coming back to the basics when we've learned enough, but starting with the egg is very boring.
>data structure in java
>in java
nigger what do you even build from scratch without pointers
data structure classes are taken in c/c++
The whole point of not having them in java is that you use built in methods in java
It's so you know how to handle it. If something breaks you can know the reason why it breaks.
I am literally reading a book right now on "Data structures in java". Really enjoying it, its real interesting stuff and worth knowing if your in to programming.
When does an ArrayList, something so fundamental that it's used by every developer ever and is included in the core library, ever break?
>without pointers
>references to classes aren't pointers
Yes, he does. How can he know which type of brick to use otherwise? Retard.
my data structures course was in java, user.
i'm not new but i've never seen this meme
>when I think of data structures, I think of its applications.
How are you going to decide which structure is appropriate for an application if you have no idea how any of them work? What are you even going to uni for?
I know a spade is good for picking dirt. Do I need to learn how to craft a wooden handle and forge steel? I know how to use it, but it's production doesn't concern me. I'm taking a data structures class and we are litterally reinventing Arraylists using arrays and iterators. We don't need to do this.
No, but if he didn't no one with half a brain would take him seriously. Learn your damn heaps or you're not worth your salt.
Terry just rolled in his grave...
Same reason you need to know your times tables before factoring equations in algebra. It builds. Your understanding is going to be shaky otherwise.
You don't need to use explicit pointers unless you're using C...which no data structures class does anymore. It's rare to even see C++ ones any more.
>I know a spade is good for picking dirt
A pointed spade, yes. There's flat spades for gravel, wide ones for snow. If you don't learn why they're made that way then how will you learn which spade is the right one to use?
Oh, I know why they're made. I even know how to use them. Why do I have to manufacture a spade in my agriculture class?
Perhaps then you'll know a good spade from a bad one
you're retarded
write in C faggot
You're lying to yourself if you think that this isn't enough for someone to graduate and just get paid.
The real world is cruel, but doesn't require the skill that you think it does. Much more of it is random chance.
because an idiot handles it wrong because they were posting on Jow Forums instead of studying.
Shit breaks every day.
If you don't understand the low level you will never be a real programmer.
Come back when you get to actual data structures, not lists. By the way, if your course spent more than two hours on lists in a data structures class, it's probably a shitty college.
Shit bait faggot.
r u braindead faggot whats low level bout java its most high level shit u will see in proper cs curcillium faggot. If you dont enjoy just fucking quit fagg
because in 90% of software jobs you won't have to write a compiler
the point of college is job training
you are everything that is wrong with the software world
when an idiot who doesn't knos how it works uses it wrong.
Because you migth need to pick a completely different material for which you can't buy a spade, so you will need yo make your own.
So this is what it is like to be a data entry tier codemonkey.
All the fucking time you retard.
Some faggot returns a list and it gets mutated. Some fucker uses an array list instead of a map. Some idiot fucks up the generic declaration. Someone demands a list and won't accept a set because they don't know why collection exist. Some other mouth breather doesn't allow you to set the ip addresse you want to listen to. You have to get the collection cast it to a list and then change that. People fuck up the simplest fucking things user.
these are the engineers that get hired as contractors.
>Someone demands a list and won't accept a set
fucking got me triggered 10/10 bait
A proper learning institution would have curriculum that includes two (2) Data Structures courses.
Such as
>Data Structures I
>Data Structures II / intro to algorithms
to artificially increase difficulty, same reason they make you take advanced math that you will literally never use professionally
We have all been there user.
they're teaching you how they're made so you can make other ones
it's an (obviously failed) attempt to get you to be creative
i'm surprised you didn't misunderstand the point of it and assume you were supposed to memorize it like most cs students seem to do
>Complaining about learning while paying money to learn.
What's the point of this? If you didn't want to learn any theory, couldn't you just have gone to a 5 week bootcamp?
It actually is useful once you are experienced enough to recognize the properties in code. Linear Algebra and Discrete Math get the short end of the stick by being taught at the start of CS degrees rather than at the end. I only appreciated their applications after I learned functional programming.
Having grown up on a farm I can tell you that it can be useful to know how a spade is made. They aren't too hard to repair if the handle breaks. If you go to any agricultural store they sell the handles and heads on their own as well as the whole shovel.
>data structures class in Java
what a shitty CS course, you're supossed to learn data structures with C like everyone else
If you think the difference between C and Java would matter to a data structures course then you don't understand programming.
If you aren't implementing DSLs, you're a code monkey.
>data structures class
>class in data structures
>instead of algorithms
>implement data structures
How low is OP's IQ?
> be op
> ff 20 years
> still can't get a job
> doesn't know why all the employers laugh when he sorts his data before loading it into a binary tree
> unironically thinks bubble sort is all you need
Retarded bait, but I'll bite. A carpenter needs to know the properties and composition of different woods and wood forms. He needs to know how roughly much weight a design can bear. He needs to know how big of a lag bolt a thickness of wood can support. He needs to know what fasteners to use, and where. He needs to know the weather hardiness of different materials so he builds a structure that lasts. He needs to know how to build in a way that's conducive to other workers, like electricians and plumbers.
A carpenter who knows nothing about what he's really doing can get by, but he won't be any good. If you don't learn your fundamentals you'll be no different than a pajeet. Eat your fucking Wheaties, son.
Why? What benefit can C possibly have over Java for teaching data structures?