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>Requesting purchase advice

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>ctrl+f stax

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Just a friendly reminder that Stax headphones are audiophool garbage.

$4000 SR-009 was rated lower in blind tests than a $200 K701

Even best Stax headphones sound objectively worse than mid-fi, kek

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I haven't heard anything about either of those models.

how much better are dac's with worse signal/noise ratios with balanced out vs better s/n without balanced outs? if they aren't any better then shouldn't best s/n determine everything? (assuming it has the inputs you need)

basically smsl su-8-v2 dac $212 vs schitt modi3 $100, modi3 is nearly as good for much lower price. if balance really doesn't make a difference then why would anyone ever consider the smsl su-8-v2?

schiit amp/dac are the best, dont let anyone else tell you otherwise.

outclassed by tiny usb interfaces not even aimed at headphone quality lmao

balanced cables does nothing for headphones

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>t. poorfag who can't afford a balanced setup

i used balanced cables for my monitors
it's snake oil for headphones
but if placebo makes your hearing better whatever floats your boat

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they are garbage

i've posted this before but i'd like to know your opinion. can you hear a difference here? (play at 2x speed so that you lose less memory)

i'm not even gonna listen and if there is any difference you can hear (in a fucking youtube vid) whatever setup the guy has is flawed
however there is zero reason to pick optical over usb

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oh ok. well i thought the difference was really balanced connection vs unbalanced not usb vs spdif although i don't think that was the authors belief

You keep posting this and every single time you’re told that there’s no difference. It’s almost like you want to believe there’s a difference and are patiently awaiting for someone to tell you.

this is the second time i've posted this and nobody ever actually addressed the video

Because a fucking youtube video is not going to tell you anything.

sounds like a difference to me and the fact that you refuse to listen speaks to me

Then go ahead and drink that snake oil. Have fun.

dude. if there is a difference, the setup is flawed. there should be no audible difference, even though optical would technically be worse than usb.
balanced output and cables are nothing special, are super cheap and used for speakers/monitors to remove background interference and noise.

what about crosstalk tho

doesn't it increase total harmonic distortion which changes the signal-to-noise and distortion ratio which lowers quality?

You’re great at using buzzwords in scenarios where they’re completely irrelevant

i'm asking because i don't know, i'm asking you to correct me

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You’re absolutely going to get harmonic distortion from a cable. Is this what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now?

i'm not referring to outside interference, what i'm afraid of is the signals bluring together like an rc coaxial connection for nintendo vs scart

Great, thanks for confirming you have no idea how audio cables work!

or vga vs rca video connection

yeah thats what i've explicitly been saying

>i'm asking because i don't know, i'm asking you to correct me

Maybe you should google “unbalanced vs balanced connection audio” instead of spamming /hpg/ for 3 days straight with stupid questions.

Doesnt the smsl also have things like Bluetooth and a remote? Its actually really handy for a budget home theater. Set it by your tv and plug a pair of powered speakers via xlr and control volume with the remote control. I guess if you just plop it on to your desk and connect it to headphone amp then yeah its a waste.

>instead of spamming /hpg/ for 3 days straight with stupid questions.
I believe he's the guy who's also spammed comparisons graphs from rtings going
>hey how am I supposed to interpret this
>this doesn't look like what people say
The most irritating type of newfag to a hobby
I'll take 10 sapphire trolls over 1 newfag of that sort

imagine being poor

It’s impressive that people this dense exist, like how hard is it to use a fucking search engine?

you can reply like this to every single post here big brain

Not really, some questions are warranted while others like “hurr how do RCA cables work” are fucking stupid.

yes there are totally some questions that only and only hpg can answer that's why i visit here

>that's why i visit here
you visit to spread autism, your posting is so recognizable you lower lifeform

And the difference between balanced and unbalanced connections is not one of them.

uh, not me, i'm the guy that told him no

i'm not spamming. you are silly. i've been asking about equipment and related questions. (there are some that actually are spamming and i couldn't even if i wanted to. these captchas are killing me)

thats not me

just remote. if xlr connections aren't needed then is there any reason to buy a dac better than the modi3? the graphs i read showing "signal-to-noise and distortion ratio" between different dacs show that there isn't much of a jump at all to the $250 smsl dac vs $100 modi3 dac besides the balanced connections.

You have been spamming. Repeatedly asking the same questions over and over again after having had them answered is spam. So fuck off.

besides the balanced connections being on the former*



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>drivers *pops*

only 1 user here has them and he just shitposts about any opinion you ask of him of any headphone he owns

The first headphone I’ve ever heard of that has fucking soldering issues of all things

glorious chinese manufacturing, soldered 1000 times

Sometimes, when the placebo isn't expensive enough, the sheep experience true enlightenment and realize it was nothing but a placebo all along. Only to make the mistake to try again with stronger placebo dosage.

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recommendations for a dac to pair with the jds labs atom that costs $200 or less.
buying from Australia

khadas toneboard

>tfw using my old xonar essence stx still
>sounds great and drives my shit well

i am so fucking thankful for not having strong placebo and being able to easily hear differences

topping d30 or ol dac

Shit op pic

is this a good metric to be judging price/performance?

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ol dac vs modi3

Both are garbage considering chinkshit beats them both

>SINAD is the only important thing with DACs
based retard

what are you suggesting? i'm not married to american made

i wasn't suggesting anything, that was my explicit question. really guy, you seem to be the retard here

>really guy, you seem to be the retard here
Cringe, just stick to your schiit products buddy

why do you do this? you know i don't have any schitt products nor am i condoning literally anything at all which you also know. i don't get you at all

Just buy your jotunheim and stop whining kid.

So I buy Dac+Amp and a Combo Dac/Amp. I plug my favourite pair of headphones in the two.
What would be the actual difference in sound, /hpg/?

what? why would you buy both?

ol dac

same price but modi3 "SINAD" is higher, but i read it has more crosstalk. why do you chose ol dac?


Why people keep saying there is no measurable difference between balanced and unbalanced?

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there is no audible difference for headphones from a good quality source

Nice, you cherrypicked a DAC designed around balanced inputs.

Pick ANY measurement, there is always difference. At least in crosstalk.
You still get better results with balanced if both are implemented properly

>there is always difference
Assuming your DAC even has balanced inputs, which it hardly needs to.

there is barely any AUDIBLE difference for monitors, how on earth would headphones have any at all?

Who cares about audible difference.
Better measurements = better device.

Even though I am of the strong opinion that all traps and transvestites should be immediately eradicated I must say I found this very cute, well done faggot.

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muh cables
muh measurements
get an usb interface and stop chasing snake oil

UMC204HD headphone out measures very well and is a nice little swiss army knife. I would use it with a jds atom or magni 3 no problem.
Literally better than anything audio gd makes and better than all but one schiit dac.

Holy shit spritzer on suicide watch

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I got Topping DX7s because of features offered and measurements, but pretending that DX7s is "as good as" ADI 2 DAC is retarded, same with other devices.

Give cocks a try. You know you want it.

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Stax audiofools are not the sharpest tool in the block

Where is 353X measured?

I think it's reasonable for a layman to have suspected there may be some roll-off with the 252s. By contrast, there cannot be an excuse for buying a dynamic headphone amp.

>tfw no beyertranny gf

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8 days,
dt1990 - better sound, bass is amazing (you almost feel it in your neck or teeth sometimes), almost like having speakers on loud with these with volume up
hd660s - comfier for wearing longer, probably staying as casual for when just browsing or gaming with voice chat etc. sound is also great (bigger/beefier than hd600/hd650, but NOT brighter). on loud volumes they kinda go into sounding almost mushy

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>this kills the sapphire

wow my thread only lasted a night ;o;
conelrad shall return

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Your thread didn't even reach bump limit. That's how you know people didn't want to post there.

Headphone stands are just for aesthetics right? Nothing bad if I just lay my headphones on my desk like pic related, right?

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OP is a faggot

Earcups will get more microscratches.
Some shitty headphones might get flakes of paint falling off.