How do I escape Distro Hopping Hell? It's so tiresome.
How do I escape Distro Hopping Hell? It's so tiresome
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just do it faggot
I don't understand how so many people get into distro-hopping hell in the first place. After you've tried a few as a new Linux user, don't you pretty quickly form an idea of what you care about and which distro best fits that?
Experiencing the same problem, eventually you'll find a perfect distro, try installing and using something sane
Antergos with GNOME.
>inb4 systemdicks
there is no escape.
download and install all major distribution vm or multiboot - set it up for daily work - use it every work day each different distro - you will reach the point which distro is more comfiest for everyday use
but i'm assuming you don't have a job because all you do is distrohopping
LMAO gottem
Install Gentoo
Install gentoo
Nah, but seriously. I stopped distro hopping after Debian Stable. Though I think that's only part of the reason. I think I just, yenno, grew up.
Manjaro/Antergos with Gnome will cure distro hopping
in order to stop distrohopping you need to have requirements.
Why escape it if you could advance it?
Why are you using linux?
Development -> Just pick whatever you deploy your servers to
Ricing -> Just stop wasting your time and get a new hobby
Anything else -> Who fucking cares, linux sucks dick as a desktop OS so the most you'll do is open a browser anyway
Install Arch.
The AUR will make you never want to leave.
There is no point to this. Arch isn't hard to install. Why would you install a minimalist system with a bloat payload?
Stopped after Gentoo, I've been using for 8 months now
Actually learn Linux. Distros are mostly the same.
Checked and redpilled
by installing Arch, you will never want to use any other distro
Come home
>Recommending Gnome
Please stop trolling people new to the GNU/Linux system
Come home.
GNOME is the reason Year of the Linux will never happen
Install Debian Stable and then once you experience that Debian just works and you don't have to deal with things breaking you realise the emptiness of your life, the worthlessness of your existence and eventually you kill your self
>I'll stop projecting now
>Taimur Asad
Install Windows
I don't understand how you distro hoppers deal with this
I had to change my computer after 5 years and it's such a boring tiring process moving my data settings programs and environment over
Eventually, you will think to yourself.
"I just want my computer to turn on and do what I want to do".
You'll realize that Distro Hopping is useless, every distro is the same thing other than the package manager, nothing you do in Debian can't be done in Arch Linux.
You just want to log on, enjoy the system, do your hobbies, play games, draw, produce music, whatever and shut it down at the end of the day without having to reinstall the os, reinstall the programs and copy over your videos,music,pictures just to make the same set up on all your new installs.
In my case, I settled on Arch Linux and haven't touched it in years other than updates. I'd much rather go outside than sit on my laptop installing OS's.
>pic related has been my set up for a while.
Ignore him.
Not always the best idea because I love Arch but I hate the fact I have to compile 5 of my programs not in the repos.
>Taimur Asad
That's a nice KDE setup
I use a WM and about 99% of my config files are in my /home folder so I just don't touch /dev/sda3 at all when installing, only /dev/sda1.
Installing programs is pretty annoying though.
I had separate home and root partitions but when I switched to an SSD with limited space I didn't bother and put it all in one, I don't change distros anyway
You know why distro hopping is even a thing? It's because they are all SHIT.
At least one doesn't simply distrohop Win10, amrite?
Install Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise