Company hires a Cnile unix zealot who fits every Jow Forums stereotype minus the thinkpad

>company hires a Cnile unix zealot who fits every Jow Forums stereotype minus the thinkpad
>start seeing bizarre code constructs in our codebase like large flat dynamically allocated arrays being treated as multidimensional through manually calculated pointer offset multiplication
>he does this with 4-D arrays as well and I find myself shuddering in awe and fear that I'll be tasked with maintaining his rube goldberg monstrosities if he ever quits

Don't hire C programmers.

Attached: 1549392724365.png (656x688, 587K)

If this shit is getting checked in the problem isn't really him, it's your lack of coding standards and peer review.

Attached: emoji C++ code obfuscation travesty.jpg (1008x872, 122K)

we had this thread already

>large flat dynamically allocated arrays being treated as multidimensional through manually calculated pointer offset multiplication
You dumb weeb have 10 seconds to tell me how that's a bad thing.


whats his name

How does OP have a job as a software engineer if the nigga can't even deal with some basic pointer shit? I guess there is hope for me after all

God I wish gcc supported non-ascii characters. I don't want emoji or any of that shit, but I want to use instead of -> for pointers for ease of reading.

old pasta

Wouldn't that cause ambiguity with struct pointers?
Julia lets you define pretty much every common mathematical symbol and greek letter to be whatever you like, which is cute.
julia> l = [1, 2, 3]
3-element Array{Int64,1}:

julia> 2 ∈ l

>dynamically allocated arrays being treated as multidimensional through manually calculated pointer offset multiplication
There really is no better solution to do that in C, not for the dynamically allocated arrays. Why are you even using C for a new project.
>non-ascii characters anywhere but in the strings
Now that's real cancer.

>wouldn't that cause ambiguity.
Not necessarily. Other operators in C are overloaded (ironically like * itself, used for declaring a pointer and dereferencing as well as multiplication)

struct->element would mean literally mean (->struct).element which looks dumb.


The arrow character I pasted doesn't seem to even be rendering on Jow Forums. Basically I want this arrow.

>real cancer
Nah man.

if (object->value - object2->value > object3->value)
Would be much easier to read if I replaced -> with the right pointing arrow.

Attached: 2192-500x500[1].png (500x500, 5K)

Literally no difference AND harder to type.

{COMPOSE}-> is only one keystroke more than ->. I find it much easier to read. I'd only use it for my own personal projects.

>large flat dynamically allocated arrays being treated as multidimensional through manually calculated pointer offset multiplication

Attached: 1478549978707.jpg (1248x1080, 690K)

>everybody should have exactly the same level of programming knowledge as me so I won't have to learn anything new, ever
Read, nigga.

can't you #define it?

lol I literally did this at my last job to replace a horrid pile of 1000's of dynamic mallocs with a single slab allocation

Does he at least use a macro to perform the index computation?

julia> = "right arrow"
"right arrow"

julia> ⟶= "long right arrow"
"long right arrow"

I am pretty sure you can do exactly that in Julia (not that it would help you probably). But I don't have enough experience to write an infix function which modifies a pointer.

I hear you can in clang, but not whatever version of gcc I'm using, and I'd rather not switch away from gcc for various reasons.

It doesn't help me but it's pretty cool.