Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-12 at 10.06.51 AM.png (1028x167, 51K)

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imagine spending 700 euro on this trash

Does it work does it work?
What is the problem?

How can she get away with this?

Attached: mummy.jpg (2100x1500, 1023K)

Good. Fuck UEFI

To be honest, that's a feature.
UEFI is such a garbage fire it's unbelievable.
I wish there was a reasonable modern alternative to it on x86 - alas I'll have to wait for RISC-V.

>UEFI doesn't matter!

Attached: 1516295748096.png (1228x1502, 1.07M)

Oh stop it. Everyone hates uefi anyway. It is as cancerous as systemd

they released the uefi shit firmware...