what are we worth?
What are we worth?
According to this article we are the least valuable.
unironically thou I think most people on Jow Forums are going to be happily married with 4kids in 20years time.
the sad part is we just have shit 20/30s
Probably negative
Interesting prophecy. Will report back on it
>unironically thou I think most people on Jow Forums are going to be happily married with 4kids in 20years time.
damn can't wait to get married in my 50s
Seeing as how we're reddit the 2nd, you tell us.
>unironically thou I think most people on Jow Forums are going to be happily married with 4kids in 20years time.
so.. when I'm 50?
Imagine being so worthless that companies don't even want your data.
priceless because we are Anonymous
We are priceless
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.
expoct us
Don't forget to report when you're 50.
I sure will. Unless I'll be married with 4 kids.
Almost worthless because no one wants to give Hiro any advertisement shekels
>happily married
Those two words contradict each other.
Worthless and priceless. Except I think gookmoot paid 4M or something so you are probably worth a swift kick in the dick.
Jow Forums is not social media
...4channel on the other hand...
Already married in my twenties when I first started here. Sorry to burst that bubble.
Right now? Nothing.
In a few decades when people here move on to better things? A lot. Someone here goes into politics. They call up Hiro to get his shadow profile. Then they can blackmail him by hoisting his old anti-semitic/misogynist/racist/other anti-PC shitposts over his head.
>In a few decades when people here move on to better things
If Reddits only making $0.30 per user, with 330b monthly active, its being remarkably badly (or charitably) run. Twitter, on similar user numbers making 30 times that. Redditors are an untapped mine of gullible disposable income on legs. Its actually remarkable, no-ones been competent enough to squeeze them yet
>330 million monthly active rebbitors, not billion*
aren;t there paid tiers in reddit?
Twitter, FB, etc. are for people who don't even know how to use adblockers, so they see all the ads
Reddit users are tech savvy enough to install adblock
Jow Forums users are paranoid and use a gorillion extensions or even use an API. So our only value comes from datamining, and how many people want data that is mostly edgy shitposting and contrarian posturing?
probably about a penny per user
Screen shot saved
I'll make a thread if you're wrong in 2040 and again in 2050 if I'm alive
50 yrs old, 4 kids, married, spend thousands on tech yearly, there articles and assumptions are bullshit
I literally bought a Pocophone on this board meme power, i love it and it works, ads are a joke, direct sales from making a solid product and getting legit semi underground buzz is WAY more valuable, at least on 4 Chan you can tell who is a shill or troll
>at least on 4 Chan you can tell who is a shill or troll
Unironically I think this is correct (of this board at least).
Most of the Jow Forumsentoomen I have interacted with over irc (even in person a couple of times) have been genuinely intelligent with promising features. The fact that everyone here lines shitposting doesn't mean we're all retarded.
>he actually bought the Poorcophone
0.0000000001 VEF
All those other platforms aggressively data mind users and require intrusive user accounts and even verification, and they ban accounts for minor infringements. Reddit doesn't even require an email for an account, allows VPNs, etc, and the old site worked fine with ad blockers as well as with most scripts blocked. With the site redesign, as well as pushing their mobile app, they're embedding more tracking for this very reason.
And a lot of content is just aggregate for other sites - they didn't even have media hosting capabilities until recently.
Reddit was for the longest time just a neo-forum, not a social media platform. No money to be made there.
>a bunch of NEET neckbeards on a finnish cricketfarming blogpost
'bout tree fiddy
Reddit is filled with children and manchildren ... so unlike the boomers on facebook and twitter they don't have money
>I literally bought a Pocophone on this board meme power
Aren't most Reddit users bots? Isn't this the reason why they're so cheap?
Jow Forums is an antisocial network. any advertising here, or association with Jow Forums users is negative for any brand.
When you're selling an audience, their value is determined by their affluence, purchasing power, and how effectively they can be sold to.
Likely, Jow Forums is worth even less to advertisers than Reddit.
>Reddit spacing to activate tribal instincts.
>vigorously defending reddit this hard
>worth 3 billion
So whats the scam angle in here?
>implying reddit isn't better than twitter, FB and friends, and all other social media cancer
Jow Forums users are the highest quality human beings on the internet.
we were anomalous
we are a region
forgive and forget
expecto patronus
You have to pay me to buy this site
Am I supposed to be able to read this?
What, u aint Ant-Man nigga?
the whole site is a circlejerk
I'm already married though. No kids yet, baby production will begin in about 3 years
Not gonna raise a kid when I still have a car payment
based user setting his priorities right
Why would I marry 4kids
Their dubs are fucking terrible
You are too responsible to be on Jow Forums
May god hear this man. Pic related, me in 20 years time
never forget
The entire value of all of Jow Forums's users is about 3-4 clods of dirt and a broken pencil.
And here is top 10 reasons why this is a good thing
hear hear
you never know whats in 'em clods of dirt, till you thoroughly mined them user. I'd guess, 4ch is probably more resistant to advertiser BS than most, clickthru rates n shit cannot be high. Hiros problem tho, sure hes figured out a few alternative gold streams fby now
this might have meant something if you posted it here 10 years ago
everyone on Jow Forums now is worthless
nice digits
Aight user see ya in 2039 will report in then
Alright you fucker, I'm going to be saving this in a folder and assuming that folder survives until 2040 you shall get a response.
Not necessarily, you just have to marry a girl who hates feminism, likes the outdoors, isn't a social media whore, cooks reasonably healthy food, and loves children.
They're out there, most just don't meet them because they aren't on dating sites or at bars and clubs.
ive recently started lurking a dl forum and every so often i get reminded how much i hate these fags
we are worth -$14.88/user
>antisocial network
I like that. If anyone ever asks me if I use social I'll use that.
Jow Forums is the only honest social media site on the interbutt.
Its all trash
we're worth a failed orgasm at best
You have that issue too? Thought it was just me. I blame the weed.
most of the Jow Forumstards I've met are genuinely autistic and don't seem to actually understand tech
Dunno, man. Leftist think-tanks have spent millions running operations on Jow Forums. It's worth it if only for that.
We are not a social network. The article's title does not apply.
>r-right, Anons? We Legion right?
Don't you mean ultra right thought-drones?
Here's a non-faggot version for you, user.
I hope so, and it should continue like this.