Is Windows 10 still bad? What about Windows 8?
Windows 10
Windows 10 is horrible and so is 8. It's genuinely funny seeing winfags who aren't entirely mindless struggle like this.
Is Windows 7 okay to use?
10 is fine
I just got a message that Windows 10 wants to install an update soon.
I said to do it later. But now I know that I won't be able to stop it.
I fucking hate Windows 10. I don't want to update.
Then why not downgrade?
For now, I guess it is
It's fine. It even runs well on low-spec/old machines.
Win 7 here
Tried 10 its horrific
8 / 8.1 with classic shell and it's almost bearable but
win 7 is the last wangblows io'm gonna use
going full linux as soon as i cant use win7 anymore (probably 2020? i assume when flash/browsers/gaymes/everything stops working
Nah the support is gonna end soon and then it'll be a pain in the ass to try to get the updates meant for enterprise versions.
Well, 8.1 is still better than 10 and gets updates for a couple more years.
>going full linux as soon as i cant use win7 anymore (probably 2020? i assume when flash/browsers/gaymes/everything stops working
Nah, if you don't care about security updates then considering how long it took 3rd party software to drop support for XP, it's gonna be longer than 2020.
>using windows
for what purpose?
>inb4 muh games
I have yet to find a game that doesnt run through proton or wine with some tweaks.
>inb4 my exclusive windows apps
run a virtual machine in seamless mode, there is no reason at all to use windows in 2019
I use 7 offline just to run software that doesn't run on linux.
Do i even need to update if im offline?
Once it's done you'll get a message that Win 10 is installing in your car. Just a heads up.
no matter what you choose if you dont give up ms office and vidya you're fucked
>ms office
virtual machine
steam with proton or wine
if it truly never connects to the internet you are fine, but if it is possible to connect to the internet with it allways keep updated.
but why even bother with a vm though, just dual boot. Get the best of both worlds
I mean thats better than nothing but you have to boot into windows just to use office? thats annoying, more annoying than just running office in a vm and not worrying about rebooting
Win8 is shit. Win10LTSC is unironically the best operating system that exists rn.
proton/wine doesnt work all the time but most non shit games and everything with unity get linux ports nowadays
8 works fine on my laptop, 10 works fine at work. Prefer 8 but probably bias because I control it unlike my 10 workstation. tfw print memes on randomly chosen network printer.
she a ten ;)
i want to fuck the shit out of her
Win10 LTSC the best except for one bug that is fucking cancer.
These users know what I'm talking about.
LTSB just works TM
No Linux autism or fucking around, just simple and easy OS - everything just fucking works
I was even fine with Win10 base, but the ads / UWP bloat began to annoy me a bit so I nuked the partition and then installed LTSB in its place - it's been a solid content creation / gaming / programming platform for over a year now and the updates are non intrusive.
yeah you are correct, but personally i have yet to find something I cant run with it, (some things have required hours of tweaking to be fair but still)
Why LTSB instead of LTSC?
All versions of Windows are bad. Only pajeets use that crap.
Aside from having to run third-party scripts to strip it from pointless resource stealers it's pretty solid. I only hate it out of principal now.
What scripts are you talking about? Are any needed for Windows 8?
Give a good reason for using an alternative.
Freedom, privacy, security, usability.
I switched to 10 only a couple months ago. Because some soft I had to use demanded it. My experience is that 10 has the same functionality, looks horrible out of the box(why it's so pitch black?), has 2 parallel gui for the system settings for some reason and plus it's spying on you and you have less control of what it does. So it's ideal system for elderly and retarded.
Don't forget to run [google:]Debloat scripts and block the spyware. It will give you back like +15% of the cpu.
Welp my Windows 10 just did an update and restarted now literally none of my USB ports are properly working. Never been in this predicament before since I literally cant do anything, mouse and keyboard wont work in bios either, though they are still receiving power
If you're not going to put any effort into it, which is totally understandable and expected, it might be better not to reply at all.
>using windows.
I'm not here to spoon feed retards.
>does everything windows can do
>open source
>you will learn how to use a command line instead of being babied by a gui all the time
i dunno though, you might have to rub two brain cells together, I know thats hard for windows users.
Never seen that one and used ltsc for a year or so now.
>>open source
If it's free it is open source. Open source is just a corporate friendly splinter of the FSM. It misses the point. Just say free.
anyone upgrade to LTSC from LTSB? Is it worth it?
>Someone said that Windows does this thing where if it detects that anything other than the Settings app was used to set default programs, it reverts it, because malicious apps have a tendency to change your defaults without your permission. If you're using the Open With dialog and the Always Open With checkbox, this shouldn't happen though.
Might be this. I'll keep an eye out. Just seems weird it would seem to occasionally happen randomly with one file type at a time.
Another thread peppered with cult members.
>I have yet ...
Weasel words.
>os update, lol lol lol, bios doesn't work, lol lol lol, windows lol lol lol
Fuck you're retarded.
more an 8
looks like my wife
Lmao just rip out the components you don't want to suffer from
Using 8.1 right now.
Windows 10 is ok, just not that good with some hardware and the normal versions can get annoying
Windows 8.1 is quite stable but people will ignore it because there is a menu that looks unpleasant
8.1 is based, too bad faggots still cry about the new start menu
sad thing about Windows 8 is that last version of some softwares doesn't support it anymore (Cubase 9, Adobe Suite...)
Installed before LTSC came out
>tfw no qt freckled ginger gf
Meming aside, I like the stability of LTSC.
I feel like I use a completed OS once again, instead of beta software.
Get Windows 7. Buy a shit laptop online and take the key. Have it forever. Laugh at me now, laugh with me later.
If you have to choose between them go with 10, if not, 7 until support ends