Day 45 of sending out applications (over 150 sent out across the state so far) with no responses. Comp Sci major, 3...

Day 45 of sending out applications (over 150 sent out across the state so far) with no responses. Comp Sci major, 3.75 GPA, interned with a small start up for 4 months. Why did everyone lie and say STEM was a good field? All the humanities majors are staffing comfy $60k HR jobs right now, and I'm about to have to go work a help desk for minimum wage.

>Majoring in Comparative Sociology

>stem is only my stupid meme degree
you got the stem equivalent of a polisci degree

I dont believe you.
Post your resume

Because youre competing with everyone around the world. Coding isnt isolated to your company it can be acquired anywhere. Why pay you 80k for what Pajeet will do happily for 30?

Works on my machine

Post your job opening and I'll send you my resume.

Where the fuck do you live?
Help desk is like 60k here in Washington.

post resume and cover letter
maybe they're just shit

Come to Uruguay.
80% of the population hasn't finished high-school.
Companies are desperate for programmers.
Pay isn't mind blowing but the only expensive thing here is food.
Half the programmers in most companies are foreigners graduated in CS or SE. While most locals just have some shitty codecamp tier courses or are college dropouts and earn way less.
Also weed is legal.

Another thing: There are almost no pajeets. Seriously I don't think I have ever seen one in person. You'll see plenty of Venezolans and Cubans though.

hahahaha i have a 2.9 GPA at a no-name state school and i have offers from amazon, msft, and two major investment banks, $160k total comp for the offer i took. have you tried not being bad at compsci + not being an autist who can't interview for shit?

It probably makes you feel worse, but my tech lead joined my team 7 months ago, doesnt understand anything about what our app does, and still has his job.

He has been working here for 20 years.

You aren't being hired because idiots like this guy somehow stay employed, keeping costs higher.

This blows my. Mind

I can't even get an interview.

I'm kind of one of those idiots. I work for an engineering firm and barely do engineering anymore, I'm more of a project manager and hold things together. I'm sure the younger people think I'm worthless and overpaid, but I'm reliable and keep the smart people from doing really dumb shit (which smart engineers are really good at doing: dumb shit), and when one of the bosses needs an answer from my department they trust me and that matters more than skill I guess.

Unemployment is really low, you should be able to find something.

I assure you my tech lead is an imbecile and I do all of his work.

It's funny because CS is the most employable STEM degree.

It's other degrees like biology and undergrad physics that are the equivalent of polisci degrees.

>It's funny because CS is the most employable STEM degree.
If you count webmonkey positions sure.

Fuck that

>it doesn't count if i specifically exclude this class of jobs to make a point

It works in my favor, I just reassign the bitch work back to him and i do all the fun stuff.

codemonkey jobs are meant for bootcamp babies or at most software engineers, not for computer scientists
If your job isn't in R&D, you are working on a different field than what you studied, moron.
Its like saying ME is an employable field because some of them work as codemonkeys or flip burguers, instead of doing something related to mechanical engineering.

what the fuck do you mean by 'research and development'?

My experience has been that companies don't take you seriously when you apply to jobs in the next town, which is 30 minutes away, just because you're not a local.

>it doesn't count because i say so!!!

Are you me, OP?

Google the definition of scientist. Or google R&D for that matter. Not going to spoonfeed you.

based jannies

>indeed email notification
>it's something I can actually apply to for once
cool I can appl--
>it's on the opposite side of the country
oh ok then

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>Unemployment is low
Lol. Its the highest ever by any real metric