>yes, I do program in haskell. how could you tell?
Yes, I do program in haskell. how could you tell?
Other urls found in this thread:
by your rugged good looks and your high testosterone count
how do you have the lambda symbols on your tabs I want that
>Unicode syntax
Why hello fellow patrician
here's my .bash_profile
if you're also on OSX you can just go to Terminal's settings and set the name manually using the lambda unicode symbol
i could tell from the length of your neck, freak
those are font ligatures
i do have latex-unicode auto-completion set up in my vim though
Regardless of how you accomplish it, whether by font ligatures or the language extension, I've always liked symbols in Haskell
>retard doesn't know how to program
>is surprised when his programs don't work
>blames the language and calls it a lie
haskell-lets should be gassed at the stake
darn-tootin', friend
he's not even bashing it. the whole article is irony. contrarian shitposters get fucked.
haskell is based.
tooling is shit though and not fun at all to work with.
writing a cross platform gui program is no fun if you've ever tried it.
>muh one-liners
haskell isn't for programmers, it's for circle-jerking math teachers
chances are the circle jerking math professors are probably right. what else do you think alan turing, alonso church, alan kay etc. were doing?
what is do notation
>yes, i'm a photoshopped cocksucking faggot, how could you tell?
not OP, but I find that writing GUI applications of any kind, regardless of lang or platform compatibility, is cancer.
a shitty crutch for people who can't into monads and =>=
a car is a shitty crutch for people who can't run
>How many hours will it take to compile that?
yes, and just like a car, do notation is needlessly unsafe and encourages bad form
it's easy with Qt/C++ but Haskell Qt bindings are... less than stellar and require you to build Qt and GHC on Windows because the provided GHC versions are incompatible with the built Qt libraries.
It's a real pita.
if you're running a marathon and someone gets in a car it's perfectly valid to call them out for violating the spirit of the marathon
It's much better if you use a system more geared towards Haskell. FRP can make doing UIs much better, but unfortunately most of the current FRP libraries are for webshit or disguised webshit (threepenny)
I don't like it, but what do you do when you have a ton of shit to bind? I would write
v1 >= (\v2 -> mval3 >>= (\v3 -> mval4 >>= (\v4 -> f v1 v2 v3 v4))))
Not because of any conceptual difference, just because the latter is a godawful syntactic mess to read
Learn applicative syntax
f mval1 mval2 etc
(!!) [1,2,3] 3
>*** Exception: Prelude.!!: index too large
nothing personnel, kid
Stopped reading there
If I ever saw you write code like that at my company I would fire your ass faster than you could say Kleisli composition. You don't deserve to be employed.
Using non ASCII in code is the most degenerate thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life. NO EMPLOYED PROGRAMMER DOES THIS THIS IS EXCLUSIVELY FOR FUCKING RETARDS LIKE YOU.
What am I even saying? You write in Haskell and post about it in Jow Forums. Of course you're not employed.
What's retarded is getting this mad about something you don't even understand. Protip: those ligatures are a feature of how the font displays certain ASCII sequences, not a use of non-ASCII characters. Regular fonts often do this for certain pairs of English letters as well, just with less noticeable differences. So calm the fuck down
What's actually retarded is that I'm not referring to you or OP who is using ligatures.
is using literal unicode with his latex-unicode auto-completion degeneracy. Your ligatures don't make a, b, and c into alpha beta and gamma...
absolutely fireable
lmao rage more wagies
>because you're unemployed
Actually that guy's girlfriend is a photographer who absolutely photoshops the shit out of him. Not entirely sure why, though, I think she just has a thing for hyper chads.
That being said the dude already looks pretty chad already.
Second one has a body of a plastic doll,
the first one look quite realistic look only at his body, the face isn't.
Both of them have retarded jaws
They know anatomy, but sculpt all these disgusting veins all over the body.
It's literally impossible to have these vains on his stomach.
The veins shows up in these conditions:
- extremely low fat
- high stress on a body
- high temperature
You can have these veins on a hands and legs, but it's physically impossible to have them show up on your stomach, wtf is this.
Even on images of starving people you can see that stomach never ever looks like that.
I don't know my dude, every Haskell programmer I know looks like that.
lol Haskell cucks collectively BTFO
int[] arr = [1, 2, 3]
>Segmentation Fault: 005
nothing personnel, kid
>Using non ASCII in code is the most degenerate thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life.
since you're busy being "employed," i'll spoonfeed you. Open wide for the plane!
I'm a mathematician, though. I don't care whether code monkeys think i could or should be employed as a fellow shit-flinger.
>his compiler can't handle unicode expressions
>his inferior monkey brain can only comprehend the limited ASCII character set
>he never does any higher-level math
how absolutely mongoloid of you
go design a webpage in javascript while the big boys talk
i know. that doesn't change the fact that you're absolutely coping.
>but it's physically impossible to have them show up on your stomach,
have you really never seen someone on steroids while they're on a cut? the vascularity is exaggerated in those pics but it's not impossible to have a vascular lower abdomen. plenty of body builders have it.
here you go
Don't you get tired of typing that shit? Ever heard of using or typedef?
honestly, i'm not that well-versed in C or C++
i used typedef for part of the project but it didn't occur to me to do it for my 2D or 3D vectors
thanks for the tip though, i'll experiment with it in the future
I think you missed the point.
Haskell is a "safe" language but the prelude itself has partial functions that could have been implemented as pure functions that don't throw an exception.
who was the retard that thought of this?
[a] -> Int -> a
why not:
[a] -> Int -> Maybe a
That you can do that shit and cause a segmentation fault in C++/C is clear.
oh shit that's a good point
thanks for the clarification
OP post a pic of yourself with timestamp so we can all laugh.
types could have prevented that
I'm a big fan of Haskell, but this has always irked me. The prelude feels more designed to write small scripts rather than actually leverage the power of Haskell