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It was all a dream
You're all going on my list.
DT 770 Pro 80 ohms
Cant wait to get my SR-007mk1
>not getting SR-009 or L700
literal oof
>chink meme
I'm sad that I had to pay 50% more the list price to get this in time, but whatever.
is Miko our mascot?
beyerdynamic custom one pro plus kills the dt 770
>is Miko our mascot?
She's our queen, peasant.
I am ready to be punished for my transgression.
Thinking 009s is the better headphone or a lambda oof jokes on you feggit
Stupid question, but is using a headphone amplifier dangerous in the specific situation of a set of Sennheiser HD 4.40BTs (powered down, on 3.5mm, 18 ohms) with a FiiO Q1 II DAC?
Or will it just distort them to hell even at moderate levels? I'm a bass nigger and mainly want a hard solution that has a "warm" switch built right in like the bass switch on the back of that one.
Or if anyone has any other suggestions for headphone amps that have similar switches while also not breaking the bank that'd be good.
>ctrl f stax
Your post is the only thing CTRL F + s t a x can find.
try previous thread or later when this one is end
>is end
learn English you fucking faggot
just set your phone eq, the 4.40s have a built in amp so u dont want 2 amps running at the same time
first post for in real dildos, no thread available
>in real dildos
(´・ω・` )
Bass gang
Containment thread is now back up.
or direct link
Are you buzzanon?
>/iemg/ shilling
Garbage OP
Buzzanon? I'm the Queensryche Boomer
There's someone with a buzzing 404 and I want to know how it turns out for him.
>Queensryche Boomer
it's such a strange nickname, I keep wondering: was it other people on /hpg/ who gave it to you first, or did you actually present yourself as such?
Garbage OP
>not posting anime
what are you doing here
Yeah idk I have the Lambda Nova Signature
Yeah some user gave it to me because I had a Queensryche cassette tape and uhh my desk explains the rest
Reminder that the same people who think they're so smart for not falling for the overpriced snake oil cables still fall for the overpriced snake oil DAC and amps
Reminder that budget objectivists have hubris which biases them and prevents them from having skepticism of their skepticism
angriest poorfag to ever poorfag
CRT and vinyl = boomer? Man, I know black metal people who still hunt vinyls...
I'm a budget intactivist.
Most of us who think there's no difference actually bought those dac and amps that keep being shilled by the other lolbjectivists and A/B'd them with our built in audio.
Idk I just buy stuff I like
That’s an interesting way of admitting to being poor.
t. buyers remorse in denial
Dont worry, if you spent that much on indistinguishable sound improvements someone else would've scammed that money away from your gullible ass in other ways
Have you heard the news? Stax SR-009 was rated lower than AKG K701 in blind listening tests.
LOL, even the best Stax headphones sound worse than some mid-fi cans.
Yikes, imagine poorfagging this hard.
Imagine buying the vinyl of one of the harshest recordings of the genre.
Yes, it's absolute state level. I don't get it, but some people do it.
I stopped caring about amps after trying multiple times a/bing tube amps with solid states. I thought I heard a difference at first but the longer I did it the less I could tell to the point where they were indistinguishable. I gave up caring.
The difference? I don't go around saying that amps are de facto not audibly different. I simply don't know. I would need to double blind test myself. It's safe to say that I personally can't hear the difference and that most probably cannot. You have to be a narcissistic low IQ moron to go around saying that you know for a fact that your limited unscientific impressions or irreplicable studies with low sample sizes can be extrapolated to every human on the planet.
lol the autist is back
>attempting to rationalize with poorfags
A valiant but futile effort.
Doesnt apply because I owned a mid range dac and amp. Not worth the money.
Here's another one for you: cables can make things sound different. Cables have properties that allow you to do this such as impedance, capacitance, resistance. You would have to go out of your way to make an irreparably broken cable but it's still possible and it's still false to say that all cables sound the same.
I’m sure you do sweetie, keep rationalizing your poorfaggotry for me.
Is there any benefit to an additional AMP behind the E10K/K3 when used with K702's or K712's?
Heard something about a USB powered AMP to not have enough oompf on its own...
And that’s the thing: lots of “audiophiles” LIKE the sound of distorted shitty cables and are willing to pay huge premiums for it, the same way they like the sound of Yggys or Audio-gds. Some people like colored shit and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Another thing that’s important to note is that sensitive drivers like IEMs can also be affected by cables thanks to impedance and resistance, some drivers are just that sensitive to incredibly minute changes. But we’re talking Andro level sensitive, your Etys are unlikely to change sound from a different cable unless it’s an aforementioned garbage cable.
>Some people like colored shit and there’s nothing you can do about it.
everything is colored, choose your words more carefully
>your Etys are unlikely to change sound from a different cable unless it’s an aforementioned garbage cable.
they are however very sensitive to insertion depth
The autist is still crying about things that are irrelevant. Nobody is making an "irreparably broken cable". The $1000 cables are still perfectly fine cables, they just don't provide anything more.
People have lost ABXing against.. coat hangers in speaker cable setups. FFS.
The same who were overly obsessed over the idea that they did hear differences between cables.
When reasonable testing is asked of cable companies, they all chicken out.
Something you seem to completely disregard about the scientific process is that it is the one who is making an extraordinary claim who has to prove his claims in the first place.
We don't actually have to prove anything. Just like we don't have to disprove someone saying that there is a "magical fairy circling the sun closely on the side opposite of the earth" and we are not going to send satellites there specifically to check out that claim, because human resources are not to be wasted at will on every single lunatic making wild claims about things with not a single piece of evidence or scientific basis through which they arrive at their conclusions.
>everything is colored, choose your words more carefully
Well obviously I was talking in regards to the notion of audible transparency. Some things are more colored than others.
>sound of distorted shitty cables
Eh? All the premium cables I've seen were just more expensive because of both materials and being overpriced, not because they were broken by design, so far. And an argument could be made to spend a bit more (although not $1k more) for a quality cable if you care about things that feel nice and are well built. You know, like a headphone cable that is so smoothly flexible, cloth sleeved, with low microphonics. never gets into knots and sturdy enough inside to last for a long time. It's nice owning nice things. It's not nice being ripped off outright though.
Your mom is sensitive to insertion depth.
>Something you seem to completely disregard about the scientific process is that it is the one who is making an extraordinary claim who has to prove his claims in the first place.
here are some extraordinary claims that you should prove first before speaking:
>everyone hears the same
>everyone prefers the same curve
>everyone listens at the same listening level
>everyone has the same HRTF
>diffuse field or harman or any of the available curves are true neutral and uncolored
I'm not retarded enough to make these claims but I'm pretty sure you are ready to. if you do then you are a psuedo-scientist.
>but I'm pretty sure you are ready to
Holy mother of nonsequitur. I'm not one of the harman posters, you fucking king of autism.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some socalled audiophile cables are intentionally designed to have high resistance or impedance. For fuck’s sake, you have amps advertised to audiophiles as non-feedbacking (which is an objectively horrible design) and they still gobble it up.
I do agree that it’s worth it to buy cables with good build quality though, especially for porta-fi. RCA and XLR cables though? lul.
I thought we were just taking turns implying that the other is a psuedo-scientist :) no need to get upset
Budgectivist graph worshippers < ignorant audiophools
sure, I agree with you there. there's quite a difference between saying that there are some colored headphones and some that are uncolored vs saying that everything is colored but some are more colored than others
>if you care about things that feel nice and are well built. You know, like a headphone cable that is so smoothly flexible, cloth sleeved, with low microphonics.
I bought a nice Cardas one off Massdrop for those reasons, but don't talk about it because people will attack me for "buying snake oil." I don't care whether it sounds the same or not.
The thing with colored shit is that all of it can be done through EQ with a proper, neutral hardware.
All headphones and speakers are colored, there’s no getting around it. In fact all audio is technically colored since the raw recordings have gone through shit tons of EQing and processing. With the chain from the source to the headphone though there definitely is a notion of “transparency” or a lower amount of added interference in the processed signal.
Why didn't you choose one of the blingier brands instead? I bought one of these for $160
oopsie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Really don't think so, I know some audiofools irl who spent that much on cables for speakers, I have hands on experience, although not with every single piece ever made of course.
You seem to be the guy who posted the
>the same way they like the sound of Yggys or Audio-gds.
bit, but did you know, the same guy who stirred up the hornet nest by measuring those things in the first place doesn't consider them to be bad sounding?
>I then set up an AB test between Topping DX3 Pro and Audio-gd R2R11. I then matched levels, ganged the two DACs in Roon to play in sync and started to listen. With my busy headphone test tracks performance was actually pretty similar. Importantly, there was NO coloration in response of Audio-gd.
That's right. While this absolute autist is obsessed with the best measuring gear possible, at least he's honest enough to do subjective AB tests and say whether something sounds actually colored or not.. and miracle, Audio GD resistor ladder DACs don't actually sound colored.
They just measure bad for the price. That is it. If someone here already bought one there is no reason for him to replace it. It's not the most faithful reproduction of an electrical signal but it doesn't do anything that detracts either.
Transducers have always been the most important element of the chain. They do bring their own coloration, to an extent that can be painful when I listen to some """audiophile""" speakers with no lowend but a great deal of treble assault.
Where do I go audition some stax? Also I'm a weeb trash so I dont know how I would put on my music without getting judged (˚ ˃̣̣̥˂̣̣̥ )
EQ in practice means you are relying on the ear which is flawed, unless you have a very expensive measurement rig and have an accurate FR measurement of your ear canal as well as various other factors we haven't considered like the limitations of real time DSP:
>With the chain from the source to the headphone though there definitely is a notion of “transparency” or a lower amount of added interference in the processed signal.
that's you projecting what your goals are for source gear onto the consumer. your goal is transparency, that's fair and legitimate.
The thing with audiofools is they can't accept the fact that all of the shit they hear from hardware are defects that can be reproduced through $0 costing software. I'm glad the literal boomers are about to die off.
I personally don't like flashy looking stuff like that. I bought one of these with the 1/4 inch jack for about that price and I've been very happy with it. It has a lifetime warranty and they'll re-terminate it for me for a decent price if I ever need to.
most people here agree with you, but if you're willing to criticize subjectivists you should also be willing to criticize psuedo-scientists
>EQ in practice means you are relying on the ear which is flawed
Do you understand how retarded this is in the whole concept of wanting colored sounding DACs, amps or wires? You could put a metal box in front of some mongoloid and adjust it to be a bit warmer and these people will think it's amazing. Trying to bullshit with having to be EXACT same as some other meme DAC or amp is retarded.
>EQ in practice means you are relying on the ear which is flawed
Yeah, if you're going for what the guy you're talking to argues for ("anti coloration") it's going to be near impossible to do that by ear, or ever do that with headphones PERIOD :
(you MUST watch this video if you haven't before)
But if you're just going for "what is going to sound optimal for myself" learning the basics of EQing and doing a couple pure tone sine sweeps and using EQ to fine tune the parts that sound dramatically louder or softer will be the biggest improvement for your enjoyment you could ever do and it will in fact work better for that purpose than your supposed measuring rigs that don't understand your personal HRTF (you NEED to watch the video I linked before you reply anything about this topic).
well I'm a human being with the ability to put myself in another persons shoes so I can understand why people want "colored shit" even though I disagree with it
what music player do you guys use?
The distortions caused by EQ are much less audible than frequency response peaks or dips. I would say that the amount of EQ necessary to reach a certain target isn't a large part of how a headphone sounds after being equalized to that target. Yet all /hpg/ does is nitpick frequency response issues that are easily corrected by EQ.
people would be better off getting a minidsp ears rather than a dac even though it's not very accurate
That has nothing to do with what I posted. The point is that you're trying to replicate exact specification of some existing hardware. It doesn't have to be that. You can buy a well engineered piece of hardware and adjust it to your liking.
The problem is that people overpay for stupid shit. The whole audio industry is incredibly retarded because people look other way when someone brings a dissenting opinion. Look at ASR reviews of Schiit products for one.
EQ isn't the hard part, the targets are flawed and that's the difficult part.
>The problem is that people overpay for stupid shit.
that's a separate issue and dictated by market value not your personal opinion on how much it should cost
any suggestions for speakers in the $100 area?
The market is dictated by literal shills for these companies and average consumer is none the wiser. They think you should pay several hundreds or thousands for a DAC/amp for your high end headphones because "that's how things have been". Even if I absolutely loathe chinks and their culture at least they seem to be bringing some quality products recently.
I wouldn't disagree with the idea, but fine tuning the result of the measurement to your HRTF is still necessary. Measurements make dealing with the final bit easier (by having a more consistent response across frequencies) but the last bit is still very important.
When I look at the compensations used by guys like Sonarworks I laugh. My headphone should have tuned down 3khz region, but in practice, if I do a tone sweep, it's louder than 200hz to 1khz for me. I still use EQ to tune down slightly further that region on my headphones since I discovered how much more my enjoyment of music has grown with that.
The targets are pretty shit. And what's worse is there are trends to how music is mastered and best sounding target for a metal library will be wildly different to a classical library. Maybe once we can get personalized HRTF measurements, and music library analyzers, machine EQ will finally sound good.
I'm a rothschild who thinks everything is far below what I would be willing to pay. your opinions are biased by your income, accept that
Fuck off you disgusting kike.
You okay dude? Heard the bogs have been giving you a hard time.
kek. it was an example, you don't need to respond with the first thing that your lizard brain tells you to. humans evolved a neo-cortex for a reason I suggest you learn to use it.
>machine EQ will finally sound good.
Machine EQ is "ok" for making a basic more cohesive response, but like I said here
Nothing actually beats eq'ing by ear the final result. It can be time consuming to do right, but it is the right way to eq and getting decent, audibly better/more enjoyable music out of that isn't hard.
Products like TrueFi which don't provide any way to fine tune their own final result make me laugh. You can slightly adjust the -whole- curve of bass and treble but you can't do something like just getting rid of something like the horrendous 3khz bump that many headphones have at least for my personal HRTF.
is gay
musicbee is better
P-please respond
I have a both a pair of SR325i and HD25 (the newer ones).
Is there a good openback headphone (probably will need an amp) similar to both around $500-700? I like the bass on the Senns.
Was looking at the ESP950