What makes fedora the best dristro?

what makes fedora the best dristro?

Attached: fedora-logo-640x360.png (640x360, 5K)

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It just werks

Because the maintainers are actually developers who make bugfixes. Unlike Debian, Arch and derivatives "package maintainers" who just hack shit together from upstream

you have a typo there user
switched to fedora for half a year and it was the worst experience with consumer distro, wanted to switch back to debian (and i still consider debian shit too)
it's enough that i have to deal with redhat in work which is driving me mad, fedora is just another level of pure cancer


>Latest technologies
>Implemebted correctly
>Userland is 100% free software. Has strict rules of what software gets in the main repo so only free software is there
>Packages are compiled with security options like PIE
>Uses stable and time-tested RPM which is popular both in freesoftware world and industrial world
>Developers and the community is made of profesional developers that are puting time and effort in what they do and not autists or tranny SJWs that remove packages because they have muh offensive words
>Is targeted to developers and system administrators so you get less "newbie friendly/ease of use" type of shit, but a distro perfect for programming, servers or just usage that isn't just web browsing .
>base installation is neither too bloat or too minimalist. Comes with the right tools
>Packages are not ancient

>more unstable than a rolling release distro

no thanks, If I want a shit mess that keeps cracking after every update I will stay with Arch

t. trannylover CoCksuckers

Anything that isn't Rawhide is very stable.

Is Fedora decent with KDE?

Attached: swazidab.gif (534x534, 193K)

OpenSUSE is the Aryan distro

i prefer ubuntu

>Is Fedora decent with KDE?
Yup. Discover still sux, but that's regular KDE shit.
The KDE spin uses xorg by default instead if wayland, for stability, but you can use either one.

>certainly is not her

Attached: 1485350702669.png (892x582, 886K)

Yes, been happily using it for years and think it’s rock solid, always. I’ve run into some problems recently with dual monitor support, since I recently bought a second monitor. I don’t feel like dealing with it so I’m taking it as an opportunity to break free of the systemd bloat and I’m working on installing Gentoo.

actually she is a good developer, check out her stuff

So where can I get MPV now that rpmfusion has dropped it?

No, I don't want to get into the weeds trying to compile it

wtf rpmfusion dropped it?

>not compiling everything not in the repos by source
>using a distro with such small repos in the first place
>not using Debian

Red Hat has a location in Washington D.C. and they work very closely with the intelligence community and the NSA.

Since the NSA can't compromise the kernel they figured the next best thing is create a huge buggy mess that touches as many components as possible and runs at PID 1.

The NSA then used Red Hat to pressure the rest of Linux community into accepting it, resulting in every Linux distro being owned by the NSA / systemdick.

Enjoy your NSA botnet.

Attached: 30a8ad49feb02aa2ff15c469c1367ee58ee72a39483f5744e4916e4795829c4a.png (300x296, 33K)


>Userland is 100% free software
Nope, Fedora will recommend google chrome and proprietary drivers in gnome software. It also contains firmware, which can be argued doesn’t count. But simply recommending a browser that 100% spies on you shows how far fedora has fallen. Also, you cannot use strong cryptography with Fedora, since they abide by US law. That means if legislation ever passed that requires companies to have weak, breakable encryption, fedora would have to follow suit.


personally I fucking hate Poetteringware but I have been using Fedora for about a year now. It's only of the only distros which just works but doesn't fall behind on updates or security.
I've still ripped out as much of the garbage software as I can though. I'm still battling systemd-journald which keeps reenabling itself like fucking malware.

GNONE, Flatpak, Pipewire, etc. All the modern stuff and backed by Red Hat.

Just switched to this on my secondary laptop. It's very nice. Might move my main over to Fedora as well.

glow harder faggot, he's right and you know it

Betatesting systemd & gnome

kek fucking journald is a bitch

thats probably the worst fucking component of systemd

> says fedora is beta software
> guaranteed to use a distro using the same releases of the same packages
> thinks she isn't a retard

>No KDE support by 2024
Meh. OpenSUSE and SUSE masterrace, RHEL makes only bad software, like Gnome and systemd (too bad suse uses one).

>has packages I dont like
so don't add them.
> cannot use strong cryptography with Fedora,
so add them.

only thing fed needs after systemd is computerd

i wish she had been able to keep working on fortress. fortran2008 is really cool but i feel like having the whole java ecosystem readily available is better than janky c bindings. i'm not sure if the jvm could match modern fortrans concurrency, though, but jvm threading is really good anyway. thanks for posting her here, now i'm sad about fortress all over again.

>it recommends things I don't like

Compile it from source with mpv-build

>implying our hardwares aren't already contain tracking device