Holy shit. Bootstrap dropped jQuery in favor of ES6.
Never underestimate what a single dedicated person can do.
Holy shit. Bootstrap dropped jQuery in favor of ES6
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I did it as well.
Also ditched Bootstrap in favor of Grid.
>2010 + 9
that shit died long ago, only retards touch jQuery
How do you make shit that does different screen sizes sanely between Firefox and Chrome?
You mean responsive design?
I don't use webshit memewords, I just want my frontend to not be total ass without having to spend too much time fucking with the absolute hell that is css and JavaScript.
media queries, percents and rem
also be polite you fucking dickhead
bootstrap is for brain dead
Flexboxes, media queries and optionally css-in-js seem to do everything BS does.
css only feels like hell because you've been a bootstrap babby without improving
>dropped jQuery
>picked up ES6
unironically good news, twice
I couldn't believe how braindead easy was to make a layout with that when I first studied it.
>drop jQuery
>only to rewrite large parts of it again
you're asking one of the most basic fucking webdev questions and you think youre in the position to be an asshole? fuck off
web techs are for braindead.
even 3 iq street nignogs can write a production-ready website in a week.
epic simply epic
They probably write better than you as well.
>They probably write better than you as well.
I'm one of them.
No aggression was directed at you. I just don't enjoy frontend.
Thanks but I already use flex, grid and media queries where applicable (rarely since bootstrap provides alternatives guaranteed to work across browsers). It seems like in order to get anything like what bootstap provides, you have to use sass and make your own library, and I just don't want to get into that. I'm a 30 year old boomer (usually non-web) developer who makes infrastructure things. Sometimes services need web frontends. Sometimes these frontends have lots of data displayed on them. Right now I'm using Vue and bootstrap so I don't have to reinvent the wheel on making things look presentable on every project, and it works. If I'm not supposed to use Bootstrap, which makes my job much easier, what should I use?
I've been doing this for too long. Not sure how long you've been around, but the constant reinvention, bikeshedding and stacking bad solutions on bad solutions in web dev has made me completely numb to it. I absolutely refuse to spend time on learning anything unless it's nearly guaranteed to not be replaced next year.
kinda sad cause jquery just werks and it's pretty comfy to use
you mean use css classes for things like col-md-2 and align-left ?that's awful, cut that shit out
if you're not a web developer fair enough. i dont have to know how to do corpdev either.
just dont be that aggressive, makes you seem like a huge cunt if you're talking about something you dont know.
boomers out please
get with the fucking times
jquery is for babies
I use the bootstrap grid system for quick shit, but I'm not exactly married to it. It's just been something that's worked fine since before css grid existed. Going through some of my work, I've recently made much more use of card, button, and text formatting classes. Still nobody has given me an alternative. How do I get all the various ui elements to look nice and look/behave (which is nontrivial) the same across browsers without going out and making my own library? There are other css libs I know of (bulma, pure), but I already know bootstrap. Why should I switch when it works fine?
jQuery was necessary in 2005 but it was never comfy. Good fucking riddance and thank Christ for ES6 and Babel.
Check the url m8, you're on Jow Forums. Aggressive language is the culture. It got me (you)s, which was the goal.
wtf is es6
does it have shit like:
$('button#submit').click( function() {
$.post( 'submitaction.php', $('form#timeclockform').serialize(), function(data) {
>Check the url m8, you're on Jow Forums. Aggressive language is the culture. It got me (you)s, which was the goal.
you mean terrible, unreadable code?
What the hell.
That meme doesn't work here.
so it can't post data?
believe it or not, posting data from a form is used on nearly every page of the internet.
God why can't you just use plain HTML and css
It's just a standard for JavaScript that pretty much everything supports now, and polyfills for new stuff is available in it, allowing for cross "compile" tools like Babel to work.
Yeah those words help explain a problem concisely to another engineer, also you're a massive cunt.
oh so it doesn't actually replace jquery at all then? Because sending POST on every device that exists can't be handled in 2 lines and will break on nearly every mobile browser still?
gay.. I really wanted to get rid of jquery
You code camp retards can't expect others to take your "profession" seriously. You know what I hear when someone says "responsive design"? I hear: Phones give us the most ad revenue, so we designed the UI for that, and on a desktop you get 200px of whitespace between elements. Everything you do is a meme.
Yes but why would an engineer be talking to a webdev monkey?
what's better?
About time, jQuery is a fucking cancer.
Fucking basic JavaScript?
browser development should be burned with napalm, along with all its devs. non-browser web dev is fine though
nigger what
because people dont want to write webpages, they want to right web aplications that run on a browser with theyr billion frameworks and memery that runs like crap, is full of ads, infinite scroll and adapts to any screen size to feed the modern adiction of society with crapphones. i dont think web devs realise how harmfull js is and browser programing is a fucking joke
A lot of in-browser code sucks balls, but it's not like you implemented it all better, and there is a lot of crap that needs to work for everyone.
>webpage discusses how to dynamically size/place divs to look good on all devices
>looks like shit on mobile
really makes you think