You can't even begin to comprehend how much this image pisses me off

You can't even begin to comprehend how much this image pisses me off.

Attached: c8aaf5c21921b301f584ca4c7333705b.jpg (1280x1280, 170K)

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lmao seriously?

She doesn't belong to you, they share mutual feelings and you can do nothing about two consenting adults deciding to have a kid.

Grow up. Attitudes like this is why you sit and fume looking at pictures of happy couples, lol.

same, dude.

Attached: How does dis make u feel white bois.jpg (800x531, 115K)

This stuff doesn’t piss me off, I just don’t get why you would want to turn your entire family into a different race

why? he will be gone in a month or so and she will be available.

Because race matters much less than the feelings you have for your mate.

I don't get why people (excluding those of a pure bloodline or something) would care much about preserving rave in their kids. My kids will be, like, 1/4 white at best (marrying a mexican mestizo) but I don't care at all, really. Kinda hope they get the blonde/blue genes though because I was always brown/brown til my beard grew in.

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