Why dont you study Cyber security ?`
Its litterally the best in computer science
Its the hardest IT studies to study
Only the smartest can complete cyber security
We also do the most important IT jobs out there
saving the internet from criminals and foreign intelligence agencies
Infosec is BIGBRAIN only
Too many attention seeking trannies
OK how do I learn it then and get 300k/year from boomers?
Install kali and copypaste from rasheed tutorials on youtube?
go to university and take a bachelor/master in Cybersec
It's cool but I'd rather keep studying electrical engineering so I can build a cpu bigger than muh dick
I did and there is not a single local job offer for that. Plenty for code monkeys tho.
>going to a university
Only if you liked to be retarded
but thats exactly what im studying while im wagecucking as a software developer
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I study cyber security on Jow Forums
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t. 14/hr A+ ceritfied help desk IT poorfag kek
>Its the hardest IT studies to study
>Only the smartest can complete cyber security
No. Just no.
OP not a faggot, OP Tranny confirmed.
nice drawing skills whoever it is
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The domain is at risk of being replaced by AI.
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Infosec is a bandaid on top of the real problem, which is that nobody asks for proof that a program does what it should before running it.
Security bugs are just bugs. Why does fixing one type of bug require a speciality?