Still no regrets

Still no regrets
intel btfo

Attached: amd-ryzen-5-1600-processor-360px-v1.jpg (300x360, 35K)

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Too many cores and threads, you don't even need that much


cope poorfag
Even Ryzen 2600 is much better

Are you pretending to be retarded or is this your genuine opinion?

That scripted coping mechanism. I bet you repeat those words every morning while looking into the mirror.

Probably this generation's 2600K. You can still find them in shops for cheap as fuck, 6c/12t for sub $100 at some places, that can OC to 4.0-4.1 depending on your luck.
Unless you're playing videogames or heavily single-threaded applications, this thing is versatile as fuck, the best $/performance on the market.

Cope harder, hardwarelet

Why are you so antisemitic, goy?

Attached: 1527629778452.jpg (679x758, 54K)

I'm using an intlel right now but these Ryzen chips are gorgeous, I'm definitely going that way when my 8700 stops getting good in gaymes
it's just that AMD was trash for gaming until Ryzen came along, my FX processors were so bad.

>Probably this generation's 2600K
To young to know? The 2600 was shit, due to windows having issues with hyperthread until like 2013
The 2500k was the good chip, cheaper and not required to shut down ht for half the applications
4.1ghz is bad, 4.5 is achievable by a toddler

Still no regrets.

Attached: Capture ryzen.png (730x526, 42K)

>speccy in charge of reading temps properly

Not buying threadripper, nice try poorfag

explain the 8700k then you fuckin ape

>treating people based on their actions is racist now

Attached: saddam_netanyahu_positive_reverberations.jpg (506x350, 33K)

Its hilarious really

Attached: speccy.jpg (1275x898, 161K)

based poozen not working with speccy
my intel temps read perfectly, I cross checked with hwmonitor

When speccy shows 97c HWinfo64 shows 37c

What the fuck is speccy measuring?

Another sensor, or adds percentage to it incorrectly.

That's because Ryzen use the new architecture, unlike intelel.

"> the new architecture"
> relevant to whatever sensors

Just give me good non-gayman laptops equipped with ryzen already ffs. I want to sell my desktop.

>got a 7 1700 for a very good price
>spent $400 on 32GB DDR4 when prices were shit
win some loose some

temps work on my machine

Attached: 2019-02-14 04_55_29-Speccy.png (871x687, 152K)

I See stores selling the 1600X a 3.6GHz 4.0GHz turbo, I have a 1600X and this is a lie. It gets 3.7GHz turbo.

t-that's right!

Attached: 1539160055177.png (682x792, 339K)

>he actually bought a Radeon VII

I have my reasons

Attached: nvidia.jpg.ae6fcd7c31ed0ca3e988ab8edb18761b.jpg (625x499, 36K)

>loose some

You have definately lost something, retard.

>I'll just buy the competitor's inferior product, that'll show Nvidia

Have the same processor in my PC right now and I love it.

sitting in the same boat and wish to support Jewtel no more. Yet, I'm scared shitless of microstutter during the busy calculations, which was absolute plague whenever I've been using an AMD cpu.

Even in benhcmark videos, like, 7 out of 8 games shown (none of which are big multiplayer, like Planetside 2, which tends to be worse with that) Intel has +10fps a leg up wiht 0,1%FPS

That's exactly what it will do though, don't support manipulative, anti-consumer cunts.

r u fukkin dumb? if HT hurt anything you just turned it off, and for every other threaded program it was 25% faster.


Still have an i7 4770k and not a single reason to upgrade
video games are pretty shitty

>4 cores

>Jow Forumsaming


Where's Intel's sekrit sauce though?

Haha right bro why would you ever want more than you need haha

Dual core is all you need haha

Four cores? What do you need two cores for?

Got that CPU since release day.
Been comfy ever since.

Ryzen 7 1700. I have regrets on RAM tho like this guy Ryzen was released when RAM prices are getting more expensive that year. B

>tfw 1950X

Really, really happy with the whole Ryzen platform. My workload needs dem cores, and AMD delivered.

Fuck 1080p gayman faggots.

No regrets either

Attached: 1550025980222.png (645x940, 755K)

But what do you need a single core for?

I dunno go ask the guys who made piledriver

>no AVX512
nice job being a vectorlet

>muh productivity needs avx
Ok get back to me when you're done pretending you even work

>Ok get back to me when you're done pretending you even work
>has gsync
spoken like a true gaymer

Depends on what cooling solution you're using.

cope harder lmoa