What is the fucking deal with this shit distro? why are you losers installing this?

what is the fucking deal with this shit distro? why are you losers installing this?

Attached: void_fg.png (177x29, 2K)

rolling release and no systemd?

Yeah wtf you fuckin nerds
Just use Xubuntu

It's a well thought out distro.

To see what I mean, compare an Arch PKGBUILD and a Void's srcpkg.

if any of you faggots actually use void, then you're too brainlet to use nixos

>if any of you faggots actually use void, then you're too brainlet to use nixos
No faggot

Void is simple, minimal and fast, uses runit and you can choose between glibc and musl

Nixos is a systemDick distro, with an insane configuration language and it's a mess.


Nevermind, forgot it's Jow Forums. No arguments from OP here.

It's for brainlets who can't into gentoo

woa buddy, you're using too big of words there. Thats not allowed on Jow Forums

Void is what people think Arch is.

distro is comped

Attached: 45067CEE00000578-4951950-image-a-5_1507219107323.jpg (634x450, 56K)

From what I read it's mainly because it's non-systemd and rolling release.

I tried it once for a couple days, everything was working fine but was just an experiment, I'm at a phase of my life where I need predictability and Debian, mainly stable, is what I've always used as my main OS.

wait what happened to the lead dev?

>mu minimalism
they convinced people into the minimalism meme

They tricked me with LibreSSL meme and I installed it. I think they have switched later to OpenSSL but god that piece on garbage fire sucked

I like rolling release distros but I don't like OpenSUSE and Arch, shit just randomly stops working and that hasn't happened so far with Void.

this is you

Attached: niggaz.webm (204x360, 1.92M)

Void is 'simple', just like taking care of every tiny bit of the system manually is 'simple' in comparison to tossing a configuration file at your system and ending up with the bit-by-bit exact same system you expect to.
If you want a distro without systemd and an easier configuration language, try GUIXSD.

You should really know this though:
Nothing in unix/linux world is simple, minimal or fast. Absolutely nothing.
Before the GNU project most of it wasn't even usable or practical.

very minimalist distro since there is no shit to install

