Hey Jow Forums my school provided laptop just entered a secure boot mode. i already changed the admin password...

hey Jow Forums my school provided laptop just entered a secure boot mode. i already changed the admin password... what should i do now?

Attached: 20190214_110312.jpg (2560x1536, 903K)

stop living in Australia

Give it back, Tyrone

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=4

thanks i need to crack my neck

Sorry mate, forgot to flip the photo

i'll have to take a picture in vertical if this doesn't work

Attached: 1550171863364982061268.jpg (2560x1536, 1.32M)

give it back tyrone

this should be better

Attached: 1550172010687-873697608.jpg (2560x1536, 772K)

one more spin, you almost got it


>user can't operate a camera
put me in the screencap

i think this should do the trick. fucking phone cameras

Attached: 15501721317731330462978.jpg (2560x1536, 1.11M)

>1.1GHz CPU
Why even bother stealing this?


>being retarded enough to steal a 1.1Ghz machine.
>not being able to operate a camera
how far will OP take this retardation?

Who the fuck said i was stealing it?
I didn't know which angle i had to hold my phone at.

Attached: 1550172494209-1618739787.jpg (2560x1536, 1.56M)

>using auto rotate on phone and forgetting how to operate a camera


I wonder what could be done with that Lenovo serial number...

>Guys I haxx0red my way into BIOS what do
You'll do nothing most likely, and return your shitbook to school so as not to get in trouble.