What does Jow Forums use to tag their music?

What does Jow Forums use to tag their music?

Attached: logo.png (202x202, 7K)

Not that windows only proprietary garbage.

wangblows: mp3tag
gahnoo slash loonix: puddletag

I just use Apple music because it's only $9 a month and has everything in perfect quality

don't steal cheapass

The Properties tab in foobar does just fine for the three times a year I actually change tags.



i download my FLACs from reputable trackers with strict quality guidelines (also in relation to metadata) so i pretty much never have to edit any tags
but if i had to, then i'd probably just use ffmpeg to do that

musicbrainz picard. There is no better feeling than using first party open source software from the maintainers of the biggest music tag database in the world. Analyze that shit and let it do its thing. Supports the most ridiculous ways to store and save your files as you wish. It can even throw out all the old hacker leetz shit from the original files.

Does beets let you manually edit tags, though? I thought it was just "fill with what's on musicbrainz" or "keep as is"

Oh if you need to manually edit them then yeah, it doesn't do that AFAIK. Great for automatically mass tagging stuff though

Mp3tag, great piece of software

Attached: mp3tag.png (1666x980, 193K)



i thought foobar was a music player

MP3tag on Windows for sure.

Any music player worth its salt has a tag editor. If your doesn't, it's trash.

Musicbrainz Picard for automatic tagging and EasyTag for manual.

the only correct answer. manual cucks seethe over this.

It also has a decent tag editor built in.

>What does Jow Forums use to tag their music?

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Windows: mp3tag (I don't know, it's been ages since I used Windows for tagging)
Linux: ExFalso, it just werks

I used to use MusicBrainz Picard in the past but I can't be bothered anymore

Agree, only right answers.

$ flatpak install flathub org.musicbrainz.Picard

I gave up and now organize music via folders like it was done back in the day.

>Apple music
>perfect quality

Combination of; Foobar with discogs tagger and mp3tag

AIMP, the patrician's choice when it comes to audio players.

beets with edit plugin enabled

Kid3-qt is flawless.
eyeD3 for extreme cases like removing unique digital mark from google play downloads.


Music tagging is for gays only.
Why would you need that?



What if i only listen to underground artists downloaded from youtube?

t. neckbeard

Rhythmbox just for the radio stations

it has been years since i last downloaded any music. I just tune in a comfy non-nigger radio station and that's it.

TagScanner > mp3tag

Attached: ts6main.png (1300x825, 187K)

imagine paying for something you can get for free

Yeah but you can edit tags manually.

Youtube download

abcde does it for me, metaflac if I need to change something.