Windows 8.1: Stable, Up-to-date and Telemetry-Free

Welcome home white man! :^)

Attached: windows-8.1-apps-view-search.jpg (1920x1200, 973K)

>forced metro
Haha, that piece of shit OS can fuck right off to obscurity.

I still have nightmares


I fucking hate the start screen with a passion.
I frequently have to administrate Windows 2012 servers.
With a terrible connection RDP just fucking chokes with anything metro, because those cunts decided that everything has to be full screen

But you could also debloat Windows 10 and delete all apps you dont need and also disable telemetry

You can't do that on anything past 7.

>install classic shell
>get windows 7 but better


you can just use powershell

>move taskbar to the right
>start menu stays on the bottom-left corner

>use powershell
I'd rather hang myself desu

>People still think that they can be telemetry free past WinXP SP2

desu I liked that they removed the start button.
freed up a bit of space and since I'm normal and have the task bar on the bottom it was perfect

Ha. Ha.

>wasting horizontal space
And like all normalfags you're fucking stupid

>have thin task bar
>move it to the side
>it becomes THICC

also, it literally doesn't matter on monitors larger than 21 inches

>>it becomes THICC
Resize it. Or you're too retarded to do that?
>I can't do it
>it doesn't matter
The absolute state of wincuck8fags

I never installed the telemetry updates on my 7 and there are no strange outbound connections besides ms office which are blocked by firewall

this is the miniumum

but yeah I literally don't care either way, since bottom task bar is master race

Attached: file.png (96x326, 22K)

>horizontal taskbar wastes horizontal space
Yeah, wonder who the stupid one here really is

Bottom task bar is for niggers who take it in the ass

side task bar is for niggas who take it in the urethra

What is it?

pee pee hole you mongoloid

>bottom taskbar nigger
>calling anyone mongoloid

go put a dildo down your dick hole

The other "it".

whatever gets those degens off
dildos, razor blades, multiple toothpicks, other dicks, etc...

Or you could just install windows 10 and stop being a such a little bitch
>wahh wahh muh botnet
Who gives a flying fuck? Honestly? I could care less if all my devices report what i do. Cool, some big corporations and government agencies know I am complete fucking loser.

>dildos, razor blades, multiple toothpicks, other dicks, etc...
Only a degenerate would know what other degenerates get off to

it's like a zoo

you don't need to be a monkey to know that monkeys fling shit at eachother, you can look at them safely from the outside

that's how I view side-taskbar users, shit flinging monkies

>that's how I view side-taskbar users
Then you need glasses. But to alleviate your cognitive impairment you'd have to kill yourself

you're right, I view them not quite how they are.

in reality they're just cockroaches

Windows 8 style start menu aka "modern UI" is goddamn annoying. Because the entire screen changes, it forces a context switch in my brain. I literally freeze and have to process the entire screen to take it in. I HATE IT. I HATE IT A LOT.

have you considered that you might just be mentally challenged?

have you considered that sometimes shit is just shit?

no I have not

>shitting on 8.1
That's because you're either pretty retarded to use a computer, are such boomers that gotta realize technology is going faster than what your brains can process at this point in your lives, or both.

>reality is what I think it is
And that's why you think Windows 8 is good

I never said that
I hate Windows 8

what I said is that I liked how they got rid of the start button

you can't disable data collection completely on Windows 10.