What's Jow Forums opinion on the godot game engine?
What's Jow Forums opinion on the godot game engine?
I’ll *wait* until it becomes actually functional
It was established in 1948 that this'll take a long time to get somewhere.
Never tried, highly doubt it's any good.
When they're not profiting off of it, there's no incentive for the owner to update it with the latest technology, or for third parties to produce useful models/scripts/plugins for it.
I actually feel sorry for these guys, I think Godot is good enough to take on Unity and Unreal engines. But since they open sourced it from the get go there are never going to become millionaires for their work.
Here is a good interview where Juan Linietsky went from being a freelance game contractor to making his own engine
>What's Jow Forums opinion on the godot game engine?
I got tired of waiting.
Games are for children.
I am waiting for Godot to fully support C# and to become stable. I am not interested in GDSCRIPT.
making games is not the same as playing them.
children can't make games.
Making games is childish.
is just another type of job, as childish as working in 3D animation, 2D animation, children literature and so on.
Yes, you have to be childish to work for children.
In some sense is like desiring to work as a toy maker for children.
You can still be an adult working on making toys for children.
You assume I want to play games, but I don't have any interest in playing videogames, which I find quite boring.
>You can still be an adult working on making toys for children.
I said childish.
what do u mean by childish?
Is tolkien childish because he wrote The lord of the rings for kids?
As childish as the guys who made a disney film.
I mean aren't the main pros of Godot that it's usable AND open-source? It definitely wouldn't be as big as now if it wasn't open-source, there are plenty of arguably better, free, closed-source game engines out there.
Plus they're making $9k on patreon a month, if that's divided into 3 (2 founders, 1 project manager), I would guess $3k a month is probably more than what a doctor makes in a third-world country like Argentina where I think the lead developer lives.
>what do u mean by childish?
You don't own a dictionary?
>Is tolkien childish because he wrote The lord of the rings for kids?
Yes, very much so.
>As childish as the guys who made a disney film.
do u mean childish as in the normal definition or the manchildren version?
Define manchild.
guys who are into child entertainment in a serious and unironic way (bronies, weebs, etc).
I don't think Tolkien was a brony or a weeb.
there's a diference between childish and manchildren.
There's nothing wrong with liking child things, however still being aware they belong to children and you now have adult responsabilities.
It's like eating kids candy as an adult.
>Not Found
what the shit OP
define "define"
the guy deleted the file.
>there's a diference between childish and manchildren.
>There's nothing wrong with liking child(ish) things, however still being aware they belong to children and you now have adult responsabilities[sic].
So you admit Tolkien was childish?
This is a stupid argument and you should feel bad.
read pic related.
t. gamer
I disagree.
Games are for children but making games is one of the most rewarding creative pursuits out there.
Although gaming would still be a better use of time than arguing on an anonymous message board.
again, playing games is not the same as making them.
Because you make children happy? I don't find that rewarding.
Seems irrelevant now. Did you even read the quotation you posted?
I don't think a kid could make a professional game by himself.
See You're not making sense anymore.
making games requires too much discipline and effort for kids to be able to make them, is somehow saying that writing professional children books is childish because children's books is childish.
But it is childish. I don't think you could make anything for children's entertainment without at least a degree of childishness. You gamers always get upset when someone points out the inherent childish nature of your form of entertainment. Take a leaf from C.S Lewis and embrace your immaturity.
Being childish is a good thing, no one wants to be a boring old faggot with no spark or passion in his eyes.
Nice false dichotomy. How childish of you.
Of course 99.9% of games are manchildren garbage, however I want to make serious games.
I want to make a game about mid life crisis, being a divorced loser who has to pay alimony and the win condition is commiting suicide.
Just because most games are manchildren garbage doesn't mean what I want to make is childish.
Having fun is for children.
>Nice false dichotomy
None exists. Either your inner child survives the brutality of life, or it doesn't.
You can make a toy about whatever you want, but at the end of the day it is still a toy. Playing with toys is childish, and video games are just toys. There is no such thing as a mature game.
How naive.
this implies that any artistic medium has defined characteristics that make it childish.
There's nothing that implies the combination of drawing, animation, programming, writing, music and other skills have to be childish.
>mature game
depends, again it depends on the artist vision.
some of my ideas are clearly mature.
Alcohol/tobacco/friends are also toys in a general sense
this game is clearly mature.
What's naive is thinking you know better without posting a convincing argument.
So a chemical, a plant, and social interaction are toys in your estimation?
Video games are defined by the fact that they are play things. They are toys. Simply mindless distractions for one to throw around for a while and be done with. Purely childish.
I'm sure. I don't use youtube, so I won't be watching that.
It is learned through experience. You'll get it eventually.
>It is learned through experience. You'll get it eventually.
Nice argument kid.
play is how small animals and small mammals learn the skills they need to survive as adults, that's the biological role of play.
Would you define that professional sports are childish simply because they're very serious kind of the same games child plays.
Good one.
Good luck getting the last word when you're arguing with 4 different people.
>play is how small animals and small mammals learn the skills they need to survive as adults, that's the biological role of play.
We've got a naturalist over here.
>Would you define that professional sports are childish
Yes. But no one plays those games for the game itself, they do it for the money.
If you think life experience can be defined in an argument, then you don't have enough of it.
>If you think life experience can be defined in an argument, then you don't have enough of it.
Have you considered that you're not up to the task of putting it into words? Great works of literature are popular for a reason.
If games were all exclusively made for children, the M rating wouldn't exist. But they're not all exclusively made for children, just like movies, music and books.
>So a chemical, a plant, and social interaction are toys in your estimation?
Sure. You can play with them.
Cars and guns are often referred to as "mens toys" in popular culture as well. Toys nevertheless.
so, sports and art, two of the most important humans endeavours are somehow childish?
so, following your logic, there's not single humans adults that doesn't spend some time enjoying art or sports, so there's not a single adult on earth.
>Have you considered that you're not up to the task of putting it into words?
Yes. Then I realised that was a poor understanding of the concept.
>Great works of literature are popular for a reason.
Not for the reason you think.
Tools, would be the adult form of toys. Firearms are tools.
>so, sports and art, two of the most important humans endeavours are somehow childish?
>so, following your logic, there's not single humans adults that doesn't spend some time enjoying art or sports, so there's not a single adult on earth.
I said childish.
>Yes. But no one plays those games for the game itself, they do it for the money.
In general, both professional gamers and professional athletes do it out of a love for their game/sport.
Again, there's not physical law that the combination of several skills can't be about serious or deep topics.
>In general, both professional gamers and professional athletes do it out of a love for their game/sport.
How do you know this?
Try English next time.
>Yes. Then I realised that was a poor understanding of the concept.
>Not for the reason you think.
Thank You user, Very Cool!
>Tools, would be the adult form of toys. Firearms are tools.
A video game is a tool to produce increased levels of endorphins and dopamine in your blood.
No, they are toys for that purpose.
So are "children version of toys", btw, making them both tools and toys at the same time, making them both childish and not childish at the same time.
So a tool that is designed for that purpose (increase your happyness level) is a toy?
Then drugs like cocaine are the most childish things there are.
>So a tool that is designed for that purpose (increase your happyness level) is a toy?
No. Why do you think that?
How would you define porn games?
Are porn games for kids?
Is rapelay, which is about stalking women and being a serial rapist, a game for kids?
Is Arma 3, which is used to train soldiers in the american army, childish?
Is a pilot simulator, a childish game?
Is super columbine massacre rpg which is a game about two school shooters and what the author though was their reasons to shoot their school, a childish game?
Is a game about the roman catolic church child abusers that was banned in italy, a childish game?
Is a white supremacist game where you commit genocide on non white minorities, a childish game?
Yes, games are childish.
is stalking women, rape, genocide, real life work training, pedophilia, school shootings, genocide, childish topics?
By that logic, all of art is childish and film, literature are also childish.
Nah, that makes no sense. Games are produced for all ages. You're just using your opinion as an excuse to be contrarian.
This nigger right here thinks there is a distinction between taking a drug and using one's behavior to achieve the same effect.
As far as neurochemistry is concerned, not really:
Ironically, this is the same reason why humans try to win arguments. So childish.
>is stalking women, rape, genocide, real life work training, pedophilia, school shootings, genocide, childish topics?
No, but games are childish.
>By that logic, all of art is childish and film, literature are also childish.
Don't compare toys to art. Your Tonka truck isn't art.
I said childish.
Nice non-free JS.
On what?
>How do you know this?
Auto racing is literally the fastest way to burn money ever invented. It's incredibly dangerous and expensive. Yet people do it because they love to race. It helps they get paid but if you ask any racing driver they'd tell you they'd do it for free if they could. There's more to competitive activities than a big rolling advertisement, something you could never know by sitting on the sidelines and passing judgement at a distance.
I just want to know if you noticed a resemblance.
99.9% of literature is romance trash and young adult fiction and fantasy and sci fi.
less than 1% of literature is serious.
99.9% of film is hollywood trash, romance movies and marvel films.
99.9% of music is popular and folk trash.
less than 1% of any medium is serious art.
Also, games are still too young compared to films, which has more than a century, literature which has thousands of years, and music, which has 800 years.
I just mentioned super columbine massacre rpg, which falls more into the kind of art a single artist will do over a topic than most games.
In a sense, there has been a few games, done by single guys I would consider art.
>I said childish.
You said adult.
I heard what you said. You are wrong.
>It helps they get paid but if you ask any racing driver they'd tell you they'd do it for free if they could.
Have you done this?
This is all irrelevant and reeks of insecurity.
Childish. Learn to read, gamers.
why do u assume I want to make games for manchildren?
I didn't say manchildren. I think you want to make games for children, because games are for children.
But you're playing a game right now.
Yes, it's very easy to go to an event and ask a professional driver how they feel about their job. Not a single one is ever like "i'm just in it for the money, man". They do it because it fulfills them.
Your posts are themselves childish and so is your desire to appear "grown up". You'll understand when you're older.
Have you done it?
>Your posts are themselves childish and so is your desire to appear "grown up". You'll understand when you're older.
I consider that games can be art and can express any topic, like other mediums.
by following this logic, what I want to express is games about serious topics and not for children.
also, toys are not just for kids.
is a dildo something for kids because is a toy?
>I consider that games can be art
They aren't. They're toys.
>is a dildo something for kids because is a toy?
Sex toy is a euphemism.
Even if we post non-arguments, as long as we get the last word before the thread is archived, you will get what you deserve for your ad hominems. Taste the pain.
I post that in response to nonsense and/or meaningless posts.
Yes, many times, it's fun to watch others enjoy existence instead of complaining about the kind of fun they're having like a child.
a product of creativity can be art.
I've seen literal trash in modern day museums, I've seen people paintings made with literal human feces on a canvas being showcased in museums, as pieces of modern art.
There's not reason why games can't be art.
What I want to express through videogames is art.
this is the most vile bait ill ever reply too, but you must play really shit games dude. like yea your average triple A game is garbage for kids and everyone else. but theyre legitimately mature works of art created through interactive simulations
thats like saying moving pictures with sound are for kids because Disney exists. In reality its just an medium for creative expression
just because something is interactive doesnt mean its for children. like how daft and close minded do you have to be?
this sounds sick. please make some shit
Take this.