OpenSUSE + Java

Is this the comfiest setup, Jow Forums?

Attached: javadev.png (400x250, 24K)

whatever faggot


Yeah, c'mon man. Be civilised.

for a wagecuck pajeet

Imagine being that type of pajeet

Why do you have to be a dick?

I'm an American. I do sysadmin for work, I just program in my free time. I'm trying to use NetBeans more even though I prefer Vim. It seems like it might pay off in the long run to learn my way around an IDE.

What kind of sysadmin
Do you do devops stuff too?


Attached: pythonindebian.png (300x373, 23K)

Firefox and Tmux with vim and zsh for webdev

Why the fuck don't you go for IntelliJ ir even Eclipse?

Solaris + Java

>not terraform with AWS + Azure and ansible

I work in a Whirlpool plant where they make refrigerators. It's pretty cool because it's like a 3 story tall indoor city. I mostly unjank firewalls because the line leaders are always screwing with them so they can get on facebook at work. They insist on using WindowsXP with a single administrator user, lol. I made the mistake of installing the unofficial XP patch a few years ago and now they think there's more updates on the way so they won't upgrade.

I don't do any real devops but I spend a lot of time explaining to the foreman what the developers are up to because he's too lazy to walk back there and ask them himself.

I'm not getting how an OS and a programming language constitute a setup

I liked NetBeans' aesthetics. I didn't really put a lot of thought into it because I mostly use Vim. I often write in Vim and then load the project in NetBeans to resolve dependencies and build it. I'm trying to avoid leaving NetBeans because I like keeping my workflow simple.

Netbeans is a shit and you should stop using it
t. other

really no reason to be so mean

faggots, that's just like using windows

That's not good reddiquette. Please refrain from posting.

the most bloated setup

Arch + vi (NOT vim) + comfy .exrc with my macros + bash