Who actually wants this?

Who actually wants this?

Drop it and it's completely fucked.

Attached: aHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9HL00vODIzNTU4L29yaWdpbmFsLzZlMmYxMjk2Z3kxZzA2MDk4aGQ2bWoyMWMw (690x431, 31K)

just don't drop it you fucking retard

based and just don't drop it you fucking retard pilled

how fast will the bit where it bends wear out?

I'd personally give it a year or even less.

> moving parts
> good idea
oh no no no no....

I thought this was spinnan cubez but for phone

Whoa, just like any phone post 2012!! fucking retard

Attached: PicRelatedItsOP.jpg (645x729, 43K)

i wonder what will happen if I drop another phone ?
Oooh it's broken
Fucking retard

Attached: 1544022709938.jpg (682x900, 97K)

>>moving parts
Right, then I guess I won't be driving my solid state car to the store to buy one.

I want bezels again. the nexus 5x days were good

based and "based and just don't drop it you fucking retard pilled" pilled

I've had my current phone for 8 months and I've never dropped it, even once.
No wristband, I casually use it one handed walking outside, even on ice, yet I haven't' dropped it.

Not to mention it's a 5.5" brick.


>He buys cheap, shitty phones

>Protective glass?
>Protective foil?
Gonna need 2 for that

holy fuck this. I feel the same when people talk about "spilling drinks" on their laptop

He obviously meant for phones you ninny


>if you drop things, they break
Thank you for the insightful blog post.

nexus 5x was a piece of shit
you can still get an xz premium if you want a good phone with holdable bezels

Mobile phones used to have moving parts and there's nothing inherently wrong with it.

Is this out? I think I saw a some autist with this the other day, thought he had taped two phones together

Nevermind it was just some think phone with two screens that folds, even more autistic

Who actually wants this?

Drop it and it's completely fucked.

Attached: pop-clear-acrylic-24-oz.-drink-glass.jpg (625x625, 53K)

>implying the most expensive smartphones (iPhone X variants) don't break immediately on drop
Fucking brainlet

Attached: IMG-20190215-WA0004.jpg (500x489, 49K)

Based and recursion pilled

In a world where everything is made as cheap as possible in China, adding unnecessary mechanical parts is just adding points of failure.

It says who wants it. It's for 女s.

>Drop it and it's completely fucked.
Yeah just like any other phone you dumb retard.

im so short that my phones never crack when dropped