Am I in the minority for hating dynamic typing?

Am I in the minority for hating dynamic typing?

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If you're 12.

As long as you still use type hints, its very comfortable to write, but harder to read. Thats why is python is mostly used in personal projects

dynamic typing is much more flexible you fucking faggot

Only reason I hate it, is because python has no good IDE.

I don't hate it but I tend to avoid it whit static typed languages if possible.

Yes. I don't like it either and people don't realize type deduction would be better.


No, elaborate type systems are super trendy right now. If you look at Python or Ruby proposals, like half of them are ways to add more gradual typing to the language. And everyone rages when Rich Hickey points out that there is literally no evidence static typing is better in any measurable way.
This is a trend though. In the early 2000's, everyone was rebelling against Java and C++ so dynamic languages were trendy.

It seems like many of the dynamic typetards are currently being disillusioned.
Years ago, JavaScript developers told me how much better dynamic typing was (without saying why). Now that TypeScript exists, they all see the massive benefits.

No. Dynamic Langs are for lazy niggers.

I hate it too, mostly just because I'm too lazy to check types at runtime though.


Why? I'll just keep using Java like an employed man.

As long as you are familiar enough with the language specifications it really isn't hard to read or understand what a type is going to be; moreover, it shouldn't matter, the entire point of weak and dynamic typed languages are that you shouldn't ever need to worry about it, optimization and typing is handled for you, and generally handled in the way you would expect and want. The only people I know who hate dynamic and weak typing are people fresh off the boat that learned static languages in school, or people that never take the time to go over language specifications.

Imagine you have a program written in JavaScript and you want to infer the methods a custom js object uses. You have to read that class to understand how it works. When everything is type any, you can't infer anything without understanding most code in context.

Dynamic languages is for anons that likes PHP,and newfags that cant write more than 10lines of code.

Attached: typing.png (603x486, 46K)

>read that class
You mean check the prototype right? JavaScript doesn't use classes, the class syntax itself is just a way for people used to the classical structure to write in a familiar manner, but is really just working with prototypes. You can infer a lot just by looking at the prototype of an object and checking what is assigned to objects within it, which generally also tells you what those types are going to be.

dynamic typing feels good when you want to hack together something quickly

Strong typing is what's important
Dynamic/static doesn't really matter, although static does make it harder to deal with the web because json

I once had to look forever to find out how to get the page number of a pdf object. The prototype was extremely long and it took me almost two hours to find the right method... Would have taken me 2 minutes in Java.

Herein lies the problem with most people that dislike JS but still write with it, they don't actually understand the language or prototypal inheritance, instead falling back to what they have come to understand when using the classical structure. There are plenty of ways you can infer the methods of a "class" in JavaScript rather than looking at the types of objects within its scope, and they are generally going to give you far more valuable information and a better understanding in doing so.


>took me almost 2 hours to find the right method
How would looking at the types of the class have helped you figure out how to find that method? Why would it be easier in Java? To me this sounds like a failing of your own abilities rather than anything wrong with the language itself.

>The prototype was extremely long and it took me almost two hours to find the right method...
IThe vast majority of programs, scripts and applications written in JavaScript follow the de facto standards for it, descriptive and easily readable names for any variable, if you were looking at the prototype and using a search function, you should have immediately been able to find a method with both page and number in its name or at least as a variable stored within that method. If standards weren't being followed, and you had a similarly long class in Java, looking at type assignments would only help you marginally.

Looking at the documentation for whatever library or framework you're using would be faster in the first place, as they are almost guaranteed to have that kind of description included.

Eat a dick mass-replying nigger

No, if I'm going to write in Cython I might as well just write in C, moreover it belies the advantages and point of python itself.

Than I can probably just use C. Api seems like C wrapper.. Cython seems more of a hack for optimization, than for type safety. It looks safe as C in Linuxz kernel.

No, D is better

Unironically based

It is, sure, but also much more prone to errors, e.g. you assume some commonly used function takes input of type X, passes to it some other function's result which might be None and fucken whoops, you have an uncaught exceptoon.

I really don't like it, I got used to static languages and now have to use python for a uni project
You don't even realize how big a help are types until you don't have them

That wouldn't happen if you wrote using the functional paradigm.

You don't realize how nice it is to not have to worry about types until you've written a million lines.

Always use type annotations
Use jedi
Use assert isinstance(variable, type) to make sure your types are correct

Or just have a good understanding of how types are inferred?

I was just pointing out to OP that if he feels uncomfortable with dynamic types he can make python behave in a similar way to static typing
Sometimes an approach with strict typing in python is helpful (I think)

But that belies the point of a dynamically typed language and nulls the flexibility it offers you. OP should really just learn how inference is handled, or give up and use a statically typed language instead.

Yes, because computers are better at knowing their datatype, that they need to use, than humans are at guessing

Humans could do a much better job of describing their data's bounds to computers though. That's what you call typing, but what you mean by typing is a very limited subset of possible data structures, and selection. But because you type out your selection, you confuse that with defining a datastructure.

> top 0.00000001% of higher consciousness on planet called human

> top 1% of humans in intelligence and education

> alive during the most prosperous era for humanity so far - by far

> uses skills to make muney. make muney make big boss man happy. make java class today. make java class, hep sugar-water drink company's customers get logged in. yay

PyPy is faster than Cython and needs less effort to use

>python shitters think "type hints" are a replacement for compiler checked static types

Attached: 1527391814123.jpg (971x565, 87K)

And so is anal sex, you can do it with everyone. Faggot.

That's the argument my university proffessor and thesis supervisor used
>you completed your degree
>you are an exceptional scientist
>you already have done so much good work and soon we will have publications together
>why do you want to throw all this away and become a wage slave?
He doesn't know I'm a virgin and I can't talk to women
I can't say that to him so I say that I just have issues

>anal sex
pick one, anal sex is gay and dangerous

The difference is publications barely yield money. There's also another different tier of faggotry going down in academia.

You keep forgetting that only "most inteded for use" api calls are documented in javascript libraries. The moment you try to look into internals or use only part of the process of original API call, everything just stops making sense.

Of course it could without at least typehinting, that's an inherit problem in any larger project using dynamically typed language.

>The difference is publications barely yield money.
He claims we will get money
>There's also another different tier of faggotry going down in academia.
Please tell me, I am confused and my life is ruined
If I have to leave uni I have to have a good reason

>He doesn't know I'm a virgin and I can't talk to women

How's industry work going to help you with that compared to academia?

The main benefit of academic work is you pretty much end up doing whatever you want.

I have to find a minimum wage job for stupid persons because I don't have need for more money (no friends, interests, likes, hobbies, etc)
Just enough to get out of my parents basement and stop being a burden on society
But they are pressuring me and I can't say no
Send help

>minimum wage job for stupid persons
It's me again, that sounded like I called the persons doing minimum wage jobs stupid
I din't
I'm the stupidest person there is because I'm a virgin and without friends and live in my parents basement
I just tricked them all and my university and my professor that I actually am smart and I deserved the degree which I did not because I'm stupid

So you'd rather take a minimum wage job than a job in academia?

Outside of teaching (which is arguably optional) I'd expect minimum wage jobs to involve more human interaction and have less tolerance for awkwardness/quirkiness than academia.

You don't know what is it like to pretend that you are clever and normal every day in university
And having to hear your professor introduce to other clever people telling them that you are clever
And you are the only one that knows your secret that you are dumb as rocks and somehow you fooled them all and you are still a virgin

>dynamic typing feels good when you want to hack together something quickly
this is true.
all these arguments are dancing around the real problem: lots of people these days (individuals, corporations, projects of all sizes) quickly hack some shit together when they should be being much more careful and deliberate. Instead of expanding their little prototype, they should be saying "okay, the concept is viable, now lets rewrite it properly before it gets too out of hand". But they don't do that, they just keep adding quick hack on top of quick hack. Programmer productivity uber alles, move fast and break things bro!

and then we end up with shit software all over the place.

static typing would make python even slower than it is. type hints are the only real compromise we can have without performance shitting the bed. If you don't want to use an IDE to take advantage of that then you shouldn't use scripting in the first place.

plus not everyone has a dick
